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(Very) new to malifaux


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Hi all, I didn't mean to get involved in malifeau (Warmachine and 40k takes most of my wargaming budget)....and I do liek the feel of dice, cards just don't feel the same as I learned when i tried a card based Marvel RPG a few years back

BUt the local game shop sold me a box of "Viktorias" for 20 bucks, which sounded liek a good deal...but I geuss i now need a rule book...is 1.5 the most up to date? any other advice for someone who hasn't even taken the shrink off his first malifaux purchase?

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The 1.5 book is the most current book as far as the basic rules go. It also has some of Malifaux's background story in it and the rules for the modles that were released for book 1. If you don't care about the background you could also get the Rules Manual, which is just the rules, but there is some errata to download with it. You can also download the Rules Manual for free, but the artwork is largely blocked out. http://www.malifaux.com/Rules.php

As far as the Viktorias go, they're a solid starting master in my opinion. If you'd like to expand the set, I recommend a pack of Ronin and Vanessa when she come out. Von Schill and the Friekorps are also solid additions. Don't forget a fate deck.

If you'd like to do some reading you can also check the wiki for information. http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/

Your local Henchman is also a good source of information, if you have one. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Hey there!

As a fellow newbie who adores Warmachine (although 40k has fallen somewhat out of favour with me), I do think you'll find plenty to enjoy in Malifaux if you like Warmachine's intricate "plays" and wildly diverse playstyles. I have neither played with, or against, the Viktorias, but I have watched them go to town on the tabletop, and they seem like a good starting crew-straightforward, very capable, and maybe not the most subtle.

As far as card-flipping goes, it's actually very similar to dice in reality, but your "control hand" of cards lets you stack things in your favor somewhat (Think of them as army-wide focus points). Since the Viktorias are part of the Guild faction, consider purchasing Lucius at some point in the future-his crew can be led by himself, meaning you now have two leaders to choose from, and he can also be included with the Viktorias to marshall their troops, which really diversifies your options for building your crew.

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Since the Viktorias are part of the Guild faction, consider purchasing Lucius at some point in the future-his crew can be led by himself, meaning you now have two leaders to choose from, and he can also be included with the Viktorias to marshall their troops, which really diversifies your options for building your crew.

Viks are actually Outcasts. They are mercenary however, which means you could if you wanted run them with some guild (I think this is only possible in a Brawl however, ie large scale game with 2 masters).

Better go for the Outcast models to complete your Viks crew, there's lots to choose from, the common choices being adding VonSchill and his Freikorps gang, or any of those unique models which are so great (Sue, MacTavish, Hans and many more...)

Good luck!


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The Viktorias box set (here) retails at US$40, so $20 is a very good deal.

The rules for all the models in the box should be on stat cards that come in the box. They would also be found in the book Malifaux 1.5. If you have the cards however, you don't need Malifaux 1.5 to play, you can get away with the mini rulebook which has all the general game rules without any model stats or fluff.

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