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McCabe and "hiring" relics



Okay, so, I have a few questions concerning McCabe and his relics (I don't have his cards or Book 4 on hand):

1. Can McCabe add relics by spending stones used for hiring models?

2. Is there a limit to how many relics McCabe can carry? If so, what is it?

Thank you.

~Lil Kalki

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So in such a case, if I choose to take the Bridle (cost 1) and the Badge (cost 2), my maximum starting cache (excluding hiring models) is going to be no greater than 3. If this were in a 35ss game, could i hire only 30ss of models and have a full cache of 8 (3 starting + 5 unused), or would it be maxed at 5 (6 starting - permanent 3 for relics + 5 unused)?

I think this might be the last question I have, but I'll figure out if I have more.


~Lil Kalki

EDIT: I am not sure if i answered my own question or not. i should rephrase it.

it's a 30 stone game. i hire 25 of models and the two aforementioned relics costing 3ss from cache. is mccabe's pool maxed at 5 or 8 prior to the very start of the encounter?

Edited by Kalkris
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Uhm........McCabe's Cache is 6. You could have an 8ss POOL in a scrap, but his CACHE is only a 6.

You can only buy 6ss worth of Relics ever.

Thanks Dgraz for the correction, should have verified it was based on his cache and not the Pool like Yan Lo's Inhale Soul.

Also should have said Pool vice Cache for the SS limitiations on Scraps and Brawls.

When you declare McCabe as your master that is when you pay for your relics. You cannot use the soulstones you would have at the start of the game as he hires before that

Not that it matters for this discussion but you hire the crew and purchase options at the same time as you choose your Master (so could have all the Soulstones available for purchasing his toys if it wasn't limited to only his cache). It isn't until the completion of hiring that any remaining soulstones that weren't used for hiring and any of the McCabes remaining Soul Stone Cache (that weren't used for purchasing Relics) automatically go toward the crews starting Soul Stone Pool (up to the maximum allowed).

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