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Viktoria crew questions


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I recently ran Viks, Vanessa, Strongarm, 2x Ronin and an Oiran to pretty good results. The movement tricks possible thanks to Vanessa (not mentioning the other buffs like auto-whirlwind to both Viks) was quite nice to have and I personally would rather take that over the Master of Conflict (mine got a promotion) that just tend to get left behind doing nothing in the latter half of the game.

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Why does everyone leave their student behind?

Turn one, student walks twice behind cover.

Turn 2-6. Student gives fast to something that is fast or shooty, aka your entire crew. Ergo student exerts influence on the entire board. He is a very efficient little three stone bugger.

Also, Turn 7, student becomes significant and grabs the Treasure! Huzzah!

And yes, you could attach the student to Von Schill - and I usually do that, good point.

The mask from Vanessa works way better in Vassal where people aren't as aware of how close their models are to each other.

I'll probably pick her up soon regardless, I just gotta stand up for my student! :)

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how did the strongarm work for you?

It did both pretty well and not much at all. It mainly did a bit of shuffling around a Hoff-blob before being charged by a reactivated peacekeeper, killing said peacekeeper and then dying quite horribly to an enraged Hoffman. I really do see some potential for it though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why does everyone leave their student behind?

Turn one, student walks twice behind cover.

Turn 2-6. Student gives fast to something that is fast or shooty, aka your entire crew. Ergo student exerts influence on the entire board. He is a very efficient little three stone bugger.

Also, Turn 7, student becomes significant and grabs the Treasure! Huzzah!

And yes, you could attach the student to Von Schill - and I usually do that, good point.

The mask from Vanessa works way better in Vassal where people aren't as aware of how close their models are to each other.

I'll probably pick her up soon regardless, I just gotta stand up for my student! :)

Mainly because Vanessa exists.

Also, on another note, I got Sue in an ebay lot today and was looking for a reason to read him and realized that he can let you draw 3 cards as an action, without you having to even cast a spell! This is GOLDEN on Viks. Vanessa lets you review the top cards, if they serve better in hand, draw them. Or if they are horrid and you MUST HAVE DIFFERENT TOP DECKING, he lets you take them. Not to mention a nice auto crit strike on paired guns, and his other abilities...seems like a solid option. For example:

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

7 Pool

+ Viktorias, Avatars of Slaughter

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Ronin

  • Ronin

  • Sue

  • Vanessa, Treasure Hunter

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Mainly because Vanessa exists.

Also, on another note, I got Sue in an ebay lot today and was looking for a reason to read him and realized that he can let you draw 3 cards as an action, without you having to even cast a spell! This is GOLDEN on Viks. Vanessa lets you review the top cards, if they serve better in hand, draw them. Or if they are horrid and you MUST HAVE DIFFERENT TOP DECKING, he lets you take them. Not to mention a nice auto crit strike on paired guns, and his other abilities...seems like a solid option. For example:

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

7 Pool

+ Viktorias, Avatars of Slaughter

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Ronin

  • Ronin

  • Sue

  • Vanessa, Treasure Hunter

Right idea, but you missed a step. :)

Viktorias, 7ss





Desperate mercenary

The librarian can heal sue to keep the cards coming, and can heal the viks too, and gives you arcane reservoir for more cards.


Sue draws cards from his hurt action

Vanessa can from her (0) and also when she cheats and hits with her staff

The viks draw cards from body count

The librarian keeps all the above topped up, the ronin does a job and then tops up the stones, and the desperate merc makes a nuisance of itself and then provides a healing flip or any of the above.

I've run this crew about 15-20 times now - loving it!

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i tend to use him to draw cards for the first few turns - really stocking the hand for the viks to use. between him doing that and the rest of the card draw - as well as activated artifact for masks - the viks can rip the face of anything with impunity - and if bad things happen, the librarian can keep everyone topped up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not getting hit. Healing is alright, damage prevention is also okay, but if you never get smacked you don't have to worry about it.

This... I tend to use my resources (high cards that aren't masks and SS) to protect my Viks because they can usually deal the pain without help. I would much rather miss once with an attack then get hit once...


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Last time I have played Vickis (25 SS battle) I picked:

Outcasts Crew - 25 - Scrap

Viktoria -- 4 Pool

Student of Conflict [3ss]

Convict Gunslinger [5ss]

Freikorps Librarian [7ss]

Freikorps Trapper [6ss]

Librarian utility is well known, Trapper is for Long Range harassment and the fact that he can grant scout for the rest of crew. In this battle I have tried my brand new Gunslinger and he was very successful - he was supported by Student (fast), so he can move and use Rapid Fire.

I have taken Student to support Vickis but during the fight Vickis run to grab the objective and the rest of crew was left behind protecting Vickis with "covering fire". And in this moment accidentally I had noticed that a Stident and Gunslinger would work together very effectively.

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