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Could use some advice on McMo and Sebby


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So im trying to wrap these two guys up kinda quickly... Mcmo i think im pretty happy with but a few things still sort of erk me so i was hoping to get some serious criticism on him... dont be afraid to hurt my feelings guys... not sure about the "blue" gloves but everytime i go to the doctors they have them and i couldnt figure out a better color... mostly because originally i had them white but then there was too much white in the model and it looked unfinished.... also if i make it a brown or something it then creates a blob of color up high on the model that is tough to balance back out.. cuz both his hands are up high and his face has a lot of contrast too... one of my other thoughts was making the apron leather instead of the white cloth... ? but i feel like i like the more traditional doctor approach..

i dont know... help?



also sebastion... this is really my bigger problem... i thought it would be awesome to give him some hospital PJ's since he's basically wearing them... and since they always have weird patterns i went with a freehand bonesaw pattern.... but i feel like it looks too goofy? now i know its supposed to be goofy but.... let me know whatcha think... its not finished and i will glaze down the freehand so it ties in better to the original cloth but its a wip right now but youll get the idea... i think one of the problems is that the saws are just too big for them to be a realistic cloth pattern? i like the idea im just not sure i can pull it off and do the model justice... my other option is just the green color with no pattern?

heres the saws i was working from:


heres what he looks like for now:


and heres a front shot to get an idea of the just green wiothout pattern:


sorry... bad lighting and stuff here.... any and all advice will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks guys!

also heres my seamus and kirai crews... let me know if you think these guys will fit in or if its too ridiculous...


again thanks


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I like what you've got with McMourning, but you're right he lacks a bit of contrast. Fom the back it becomes a very blue-white model, so I'd suggest maybe a dark, saturated brown (charred brown, scorched brown, whatever it's called these days) for the shirt, and brown leather for the shoes. That might help out a bit.

Sebastian I'll have to think on, not sure about the pattern but freehand is always tricky until it's finished.

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It looks like you are using a muted, pastel-like scheme for your models, similar to how you painted up your Seamus crew. If this is what your going for (and I describe it well), it looks good. I think McMournings gloves are a bit off for me because of the staining on the gloves themselves. Maybe paint them as a clean blue or gloss over the gore on the hands/fingers to make it look fresh and wet?

For Sebastian, I'm not really sure. I always have trouble with looking at him because he is one of my least favorite models in the Malifaux range. I think once you get the rest of the model painted he might look better and "come together" overall.

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I agree completely. I think if you go with a darker brown, even one with some dark red in it like I think charred brown is, for the shirt and shoes it'll really bring a lot more balance to it. I'm also thinking maybe drop the stripes on the pants, but that's personal preference.

For the freestyle pattern, I think it looks pretty good. I think you could go smaller (the size of your smaller designs is a good size, to me) and a bit sparser, but if you don't feel like it, I think you could just stay the course and it'll come out looking pretty good.

Edit: now that he said that about the gloves I think I agree too. It looks like McMourning is putting on a fresh set of gloves, it looks a little odd for them to have that dried/old blood look on them. It's a well done effect though.

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thanks.... hmm... still undecided on what to do... yea i dont get the gored up hands while he's putting gloves on either but the wyrd model had it and i thought it looked cool...

even considering orange hair at this point... i guess my problem is that i wanted to do something a bit different with this guy and add a little flare but maybe tried and try and simple colors is the way to go with this guy...

whatever... i guess im also ok with having a model thats not the greatest either..

as far as sebby goes i think that maybe the decision is more about whether i want to go for laughs or not?

back to thinking.

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

i guess the thing is that mcmo looks like a crazy doctor, doctor... not so much an insane morgue master.... hmmm.... dont know if this is good or bad... oh well.

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I think that turning his apron into leather from white will make him creepier and more like a morgue master than a doctor. The leather is less humane than the white.

Also, I agree that new gloves do not have blood on them but since he's in a morgue those aren't necessarily new gloves. Since I know someone who has worked with dead people I know that dead people aren't concerned with getting a disease via blood so the gloves only serve to stop the person wearing the gloves from catching something. So where a doctor switches gloves between patients a person in morgue doesn't need to. So putting on bloody gloves works in his context.

I think the models look great and I would just keep going.

"i guess im also ok with having a model thats not the greatest either.." - I doubt that you are ok with it :)

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I think you just need some good ole fashioned contrast.

Stripes, like what you did with Seamus, where the stripes touch the base material, put a dark stripe there on either side. I would do that on his shirt and pants.

Next, wash this b. Where the apron touches the other clothes, you need to add some delvan mud or black or a bluish black on there to make it pop out from his pantaloons and shirt.

If you concerned about his hair, try add in some yellow/brown scuz to his hair to give him that yellow-grey old smoker hair guy that you see at donut world. Also, a couple washes on his hair and mixxing in a little fleshtone into the hair color to give it depth.

I think McMO looks awesome. I think you just gotta finish the model instead of doing the mid-model doubting boogie. Color choices are pretty awesome and I'm glad your breaking out from the family quilt scheme :P

Sebby...well, I think I agree with you on taking on something that's going to be a boner to pull off. The green color looks awesome though. Put some paint on his hair and gloves and report back to us. I don't think he looks bad, I just think you gotta get him further along. Plus once you finish the patter on the gown it will look more appro-ppro.

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

Oh one other thing before I see you later....

Exxagerate the crap out of the teeth on those sawblades on the pajamas. Make it so any brotha from anotha motha that sees them will be like "oh ****e yo! Sawblade pajamas! Mahfah gonna cut some body!"

Side note: I'll probably have to retract all my critiques when I see them in the flesh.

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Love the paints, think they're great.

I too went with blue gloves, it seemed to fit with what I always see in doctor's offices. What I ended up doing was using a darker base, GW Hawk Turquoise (think they now call it Sotek Green), and then drybrushing a light blue over that. Actually the light blue I used looks almost exactly like the one your gloves have as a base.

I found the drybrushing gave the gloves the lighter effect of the overall glove like you'd expect and the turquoise helped pop the shadows so it looked a little more "hefty". I'll try to find a pic to show you if I can.

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