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Toy Soldier 2013 - 20th and 21st July 2013-NWGC


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Hey all!

Toy Soldier is back again this year and it'll be refreshing to be there for a change! I hear so many stories of drunk Welshies and I'm never there to witness it....I digress!

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July 2013 - To be held at North West Gaming Centre

Tickets are £20 for the weekend and although it doesn't include food, you do get table service ;) I'm looking at you Aidan

It's a multi-system tournament and it's a big venue. Be sociable! It can't hurt

Prize support to be confirmed at a later date

First Draft rules - awaiting timetable and NWGC

This will also be a ranked event

You can get tickets via paypal at marauder.games@googlemail.com or via the Marauder games Web Store (I don't know for sure the date that these will be available. Whatever you do, don't send it to me!

Any questions, message me in the usual ways - DM on twitter@neverata, neverata@hotmail.com, jo@wyrd-games.net or Skype handily located on my profile to the left....

Edited by Neverata
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