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Henchman requirements are listed in the application page. Essentially you need to be able to run one event a month, and have two fully painted crews in order to demo with. You then also need to complete an application and submit it to the good folks at Wyrd.

Yea.... we are pretty hung up on the two painted crews. Work has been kinda awful for most of us aswel.

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The special internship is for the advanced henchmen, most don't survive it or go insane

*twitch* what do you *twitch* mean *twitch* insane? Did you hear that? O.o

Yeah, you only need 2 painted starter boxes, a public place to play, and your application :) Once accepted we've got plenty of things to help you out with demos and what not :D

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  • 1 year later...

If y'all will entertain a couple follow-up question on the details: how about if the two painted boxed set crews were of the same faction?  I tend to be heavy into Arcanists, but do have access to Ressers as well, but haven't finished painting them.  I know, I know, just paint the Ressers, but I keep getting more Arcanists and it's hard to pull away from these for me.  If it would be completely uncool to field Mei Feng vs. Ramos, I'll wait until I have the Ressers ready.

   Also, I still look to the rule book a lot, like several times per game, or ask someone at the next table.  Do I need to be an Encyclopedia of Malifaux before considering applying for Henchmanshipness ?

   Thanks all,  p_b


Sorry all, noticed later how old this post was.  Found some answers in newer posts.  Game on!

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