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I am going to be able to buy Malifaux starter kits with a job I hope to get and was wondering which of these crews that interest me should I get? Heres my play style in these sorta games.

1: I focus on ranged attacks

2: I like casting as much spells as possible

3: I'm a bit sadistic and is willing to use my chars as a shield to protect a stronger unit.

4: I tend to scatter my troops about.

The crews I like are as followed.

1: Rasputina: I like her because she is an artic mage and I love ice.

2: Collette: I like her for her story and her infinite SS ability as well as her puppets.

3: Pandora: I like her cuz she is a sadistic killer and I like my villains to be really bad I also like she has psychic powers.

4: Nicodem: I like him cuz he is the master of all necromancers and I love undead.

5: Kirai: I like her cuz she's somewhat of a tragic villain and she uses the damned souls to wreck her revenge.

6: Dreamer: I really only like him cuz he can use Daydreams.

Edit: The stratagy I use is not all I do I don't mind if only Leader of party is ranged but I do only focus on spellcasting leaders and or ranged.

Edited by WolfDayDream
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Raspy: Fits points 1 and 2 nicely

Collette: Fits points 2 and 4

Pandy: 2 and 3, and a little 4

Nico: Fits point 1 a little, points 2 and 3 very well, and point 4 kind of, largely because anything summoned you don't feel attached to, so it can wander off to do other things (in my experience).

Kirai: ... I'd say point 4, but that's about it.

Dreamer: heavy on the 3, but not much else. low-moderate 2, I'd say.

Mind you, of these, I only play Nico, but have played against all of these, and this is what I've seen of the opponents' playerstyle and reading the forums. I'm sure there are several different ways to play an army.

EDIT: Though I will say that Nico's tough to start with, since he has so many summoning options. He is viable to play out of the box, and will last you a bit, but the temptation to branch out will be constant for a long time.

Edited by brdparker
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Rasputina is a pretty good choice - plenty of ranged attacks, tons of spells, quite often sacrificing your own models to hurt the enemy. Don't buy the starter box though, just get Rasputina (the alternate model is awesome) and a blister of Ice Gamin, and then start looking at some Silent Ones and an Essence of Power.

Nicodem himself is great for throwing around lots of spells, but his crew is fairly focused (not spread out) and concentrates on melee. He is all about sacrificing his own models to protect himself, though. Again, the starter box is not great - you really need some Mindless Zombies, and you'll want a variety of Undead (Punk Zombies, Rotten Belles, and Crooked Men are a good start) and a Grave Spirit.

Pandora is definitely sadistic and can throw around a lot of spell-like abilities, though I'm not sure she fits the rest of your criteria all that well.

You might want to have a look at Sonnia Criid - she's primarily ranged, throws around a lot of spells, happily sacrifices her own models for personal gain, and has the added benefit of being a total bitch to other spellcasters (and she can explode!). She's the fire-themed mirror to Rasputina, basically.

Best of luck! I also found that it's very hard to stop at just one Master or Faction...

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Among those, Rasputina is the one most often regarded as a good "starter" Master. She's got fairly straightforward mechanics, is solid, and it's clear what she does.

Nicodem and Kirai are probably the next two least difficult.

Colette, Pandora, and the Dreamer are all really fun, very complex, and quite powerful, but if you're just getting started it may be hard to understand their wacky movement shenanigans.

From what you're saying, I suspect you may have the most fun with Nicodem or Pandora, since they come across as the most villainous.

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Personally, when you're just starting out, unless you have a good chunk of income to devote to it, I would generally recommend picking a faction to start with, and then a master or two within it. This allows you to get some different play styles in, but it also affords the opportunity to expand and play around with said crews. Then, when you've accumulated enough money/one faction, you can expand into another.

Of the options that you've listed, they're all pretty tough starter crews, as they have a lot of text, a lot of options, and the strategy learning curves are pretty steep. The exception is Rapsy, who's pretty simple, but takes a bit of expanding to be viable (the ice golem is kind of useless).

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Sure I just listed the guys I liked best as they appeal to me and their Factions are a Anti Guild and for Neverborn Anti Humanity.

Edit: I do like the Gunslinger from The Guild(only Guild member I like as I prefer Anti corrupt goverment crews lol) Also Collodi sounds fun but I think he's kinda an assistant Master?

Edited by WolfDayDream
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Sure I just listed the guys I liked best as they appeal to me and their Factions are a Anti Guild and for Neverborn Anti Humanity.

Edit: I do like the Gunslinger from The Guild(only Guild member I like as I prefer Anti corrupt goverment crews lol) Also Collodi sounds fun but I think he's kinda an assistant Master?

I might take a look at the Gremlins, they can do a lot of what you are looking for.

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