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10 thunders a foerender joint ..


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I am glad to see someone else has taken the plunge and put McCabes crew on cobble stone bases.

I want to keep the bases for my factions all relatively similar so I can easily swap models in an out of different crews. My LJ crew are on cobble stone bases but I a was stuggeling with the decision to put McCabe an Co on that style of base as the horse screamed wide open spaces to me. Its a tough choice imo.

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...done there & done that.

Just a small correction, it goes: "Been there, done that" :)

But yeah, definitely, croc skin coat... never would've crossed my mind! :D

---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------

finished the vest on Lucas . I want to finish this guy buy this weekend , I forgot how much time mounted minis take lol .

Noooooo! Why oh why did you miss that mould line on the horses left leg? :(

The paintjob is beautiful! Just that mould line, stingsssss! >:o

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Thanks all for the awesome feedback

@the judge

I base most of my stuff on the same terrain for that same reason also my home board is cobble stone so I like to base them that way . I add some flair though to make them different . The guild stuff is basically normal cobble and Victorian city terrain , my ten thunders I am using all cobble stone but I added some purple flames for dark debts , ruins for the relic hunters , rail bits for the rail crew , and so on to mix it up but still keep them all on cobble stone adding extra bits adds flavor with out straying to far . Horses for that time frame where all over in city's or in the wide open terrain its like seeing a mounted police officer in NYC it works lol .


My 2013 resolution for gaming is to not own models that never see the table (I play with painted minis ) lol . I have come to the point where you have to separate models for gaming and models for painting competitions . I use to be super anal but I would take so much time models would never get table time so I came up with a way to have my stuff still look above average but take less time . wyrd plastics are new and hopefully they fix the massive gaps and mold lines , I had to fill so many gaps and such that line slipped buy but hey its a gaming mini and I am happy with it .

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  • 2 weeks later...

@angerworm - thanks man , yeah my pictures are better than when I started posting minis that's for sure lol .

@Normski - Thank BRA ! , yeah i wanted to add something to the bases that eemed like a cool idea .

I have been swamped with work . I have made progress with mcabe and croc skin suit dude Il post some pics when i get home .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I said it already but work got even more busy so painting has been tough . But iam happy in today's economy it rocks to be getting all the overtime !

I made a little progress on these though

added some household herbs for the plant growth on the arch .





also did some more work on the croc skin coat Il take pics tonight .

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  • 5 months later...

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