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Shots of the Oiran... kinda

Jonas Albrecht

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Got mine assembled, just need to paint them now. Since I got a Collette crew and the missus have a Viks crew that wants these I think the plan will be to paint up one for each crew and the do the third one for whoever is most likely to use a second once we have tried them. Its some nice miniatures, but way to fiddly to assemble for their own good. Seperate faces and hands is not a good idea.

Edited by Gorbad
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I couldn't for the life of me get the Fan Oiran's face to work... it looked like the braids nestled into the back of the neck/ head area, and then the face attached to it- but by the time all the pieces were put together, her head was so elongated she looked like a monster.

I ended up putting the face on without the braids, just to get her head back down to normal size, but that didn't even work. Good thing I love the staff and fists Oirans. I don't see me running three. :P

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That is how her face is supposed to work. It worked fairly easily with mine, but only after spending a frantic 10 minutes looking for the front of her face as I had manage to drop it.

I had more trouble with the delicate pins/sticks through the hair of the fist one, I'm afraid I've manage to damage them a bit.

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