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Making Seamus Work [Beginner Help Thread]


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Oof, I wouldn't be rushing into melee with Nino if I were you. The Executioner will tear your speedy models apart before the rest of your crew can support them.

The other important thing you'll have to deal with is the Executioner - he can be completely shut down by Seamus' Undead Psychosis, and he doesn't even get the benefits from Fear Not Death to resist it. Unfortunately Perdita can also remove it, so be wary of that. He's a marginally easier target to Lure than the Ortegas, but if you can't land Undead Psychosis on him (and make it stick) then it's generally a bad idea to bring him near your crew. (Sybelle can also shut him down with Rough Trade, but it's less reliable due to needing the extra Crow.) Basically, time it right and he's a pushover, screw it up and he'll put you in a world of hurt. He's also immune to Terrifying, which is always nice for Seamus.

Totally agree.

As a Perdita player I have crushed many a Seamus list....mainly because Seamus really shuts down Melee, but most Perdita crews are strong at range....and Spellbreaker can just take away so many of his tricks. I also usually take a Witchling Stalker for Dispel Magic. Dispel Magic and Spellbreaker combined with high WP and ranged damage makes it a real uphill battle for Seamus.

One more thing about the Executioner - don't attack him with models that are already hurt. You're just wasting your time....if you have a model with 4 wds or less and you kill him, he will just use Slow to Die to kill you back and then heal completely.

This is one of Seamus' hardest match-ups....do as suggested by Kadeton above. Use this as a learning experience, figure out what the Ortegas do so you'll be better prepared next time. Focus on your Strats and schemes...don't try to go toe to toe with the Ortegas.

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Last time I fought a guild member who brought along the Executioner and a Witchling Stalker to support his Lady J and Death Marshalls I lured them out of position and cleaned them up with a seamus .50 shot to the face. Executioner took two bullets because of his health, but it's worth it.

Lure after they have activated to within range of Seamus so he can move, shoot and move back. For a band of undead hookers, Seamus and his crew can move pretty well.

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Last time I fought a guild member who brought along the Executioner and a Witchling Stalker to support his Lady J and Death Marshalls I lured them out of position and cleaned them up with a seamus .50 shot to the face. Executioner took two bullets because of his health, but it's worth it.

Lure after they have activated to within range of Seamus so he can move, shoot and move back. For a band of undead hookers, Seamus and his crew can move pretty well.

A sound strategy. When you 'Lure' the Executioner close to your crew....make sure you do it after both he and Perdita (and her totem if she has one) have already activated. Or you might face an extra charge thanks to 'Obey'.

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Sad to say we didn't get to play due to work and some other factors. Hopefully we can reschedule for this coming week.

As I've thought about it Ranged seems to be the bane of Resser's existence due to lack of Range and generally slow movement. Is this compensated for through volume of models? What about when we start looking at crews that have fewer models (Yan Lo, Seamus and McMorning)? Against mostly dedicated shooters what kinds of tactics do people use to close in?

Also, I'm a bit confused with Seamus. He (and his crew) seem to be really good at the mid-range fights. However, there is no way to force your opponent to stay in that mid-range. Am I incorrect about wanting to keep my opponent in the 4"-8" range?

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I played last Saturday with Seamus, so I have a bit of insight.

I was up against Colette du Bois and her damned mechanical doves.

I begun by luring Cassandra close by so I could shoot her a little bit with Seamus which worked out pretty well. Was unaware she had Use Soulstone until it was too late, but yaknow it happens.

Mostly the game involved out-activating, luring and shooting at targets with Seamus.

One fun trick I used to wrap the game up was to surround Colette with a Canine Remains, a Rotten Belle and Seamus and cast Undead Psychosis. It was easy to get off because she had used all of her soulstones and made it so she was unable to move at all. I found that to be an interesting trick, and one I may have to use in the future.

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As I've thought about it Ranged seems to be the bane of Resser's existence due to lack of Range and generally slow movement. Is this compensated for through volume of models? What about when we start looking at crews that have fewer models (Yan Lo, Seamus and McMorning)? Against mostly dedicated shooters what kinds of tactics do people use to close in?

Yan Lo and McMourning are both capable of moving frighteningly fast when they need to. Seamus has less of a movement issue than Nicodem, at least - his main asset is Belles, who become quite speedy when he's around and can lure him and others around the board, speeding up the crew's movement. They can also outrange almost all shooters and lure them in to be killed, and they're very tough for their points (good for soaking up fire). Taking lots of Belles is rarely a bad plan. :)

Also, I'm a bit confused with Seamus. He (and his crew) seem to be really good at the mid-range fights. However, there is no way to force your opponent to stay in that mid-range. Am I incorrect about wanting to keep my opponent in the 4"-8" range?

I tend to think of his crew as having primarily a tarpit/denial mechanic - drag the enemy off their objectives, lock them up in melee with resilient minions, and then shut them down with Undead Psychosis, Trail of Fear and Terrifying checks. This has the added benefit of giving some extra protection against ranged crews. Unfortunately, it's very limited in its application - any crew that has a lot of non-Living models (or worst-case, lots of Immune to Influence like a Hoffman crew) will be somewhat resistant to it. It also doesn't do a lot of damage to the enemy. Of course, Seamus' avatar helps an enormous amount with both of these shortcomings.

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As I've thought about it Ranged seems to be the bane of Resser's existence due to lack of Range and generally slow movement. Is this compensated for through volume of models? What about when we start looking at crews that have fewer models (Yan Lo, Seamus and McMorning)? Against mostly dedicated shooters what kinds of tactics do people use to close in?

Also, I'm a bit confused with Seamus. He (and his crew) seem to be really good at the mid-range fights. However, there is no way to force your opponent to stay in that mid-range. Am I incorrect about wanting to keep my opponent in the 4"-8" range?

Ressers can shore up there ranged deficincies via Mercenary models like the Convict Gunslinger. That particular mercenary ends up in a lot of my Seamus lists. I know a lot of people hate Hans but with Seamus his biggest weakness is easily compensated with Rotten Belles Luring him into position (his cost though is difficult to get over).

I dont think of Seamus as a Mid range crew, more as Ambush predators. The Belles Lure the prey in while Seamus and the rest tear it apart.

Mostly the game involved out-activating, luring and shooting at targets with Seamus.

One fun trick I used to wrap the game up was to surround Colette with a Canine Remains, a Rotten Belle and Seamus and cast Undead Psychosis. It was easy to get off because she had used all of her soulstones and made it so she was unable to move at all. I found that to be an interesting trick, and one I may have to use in the future.

Seamus (and the fluffy crew) is definately one of the kings of Cat and Mouse play. The Undead Psychosis trick is really nice especially at making models waste AP by having to go around the bubble to get at him.

Seamus has less of a movement issue than Nicodem, at least - his main asset is Belles, who become quite speedy when he's around and can lure him and others around the board, speeding up the crew's movement. They can also outrange almost all shooters and lure them in to be killed, and they're very tough for their points (good for soaking up fire). Taking lots of Belles is rarely a bad plan. :)

Agree completely with this.

I tend to think of his crew as having primarily a tarpit/denial mechanic - drag the enemy off their objectives, lock them up in melee with resilient minions, and then shut them down with Undead Psychosis, Trail of Fear and Terrifying checks. This has the added benefit of giving some extra protection against ranged crews. Unfortunately, it's very limited in its application - any crew that has a lot of non-Living models (or worst-case, lots of Immune to Influence like a Hoffman crew) will be somewhat resistant to it. It also doesn't do a lot of damage to the enemy. Of course, Seamus' avatar helps an enormous amount with both of these shortcomings.

Non-living isn't the real problem for a Seamus crew (as Lure still works against them), Immune to Influence however is a very different story. Also keep in mind that Immune to Influence doesn't protect against Terrifying, Non-living does (Terrifying is a simple duel without a defender).

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Non-living isn't the real problem for a Seamus crew (as Lure still works against them), Immune to Influence however is a very different story. Also keep in mind that Immune to Influence doesn't protect against Terrifying, Non-living does (Terrifying is a simple duel without a defender).

Yeah, sorry - what I wrote was a bit muddled together, in hindsight. What I was trying to say was that Seamus really has two denial mechanics: Terrifying (which doesn't work on non-living) and Undead Psychosis (which doesn't work on Immune to Influence). If your opponent's crew has lots of models with either of those, they will be partially resistant to Seamus' core mechanics. If they have both (like a typical Hoffman crew) then you're in for one hell of a tough game.

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I won my first Seamus game! Admittedly it wasn't against a tuned list and had much more to do with some bad flips on my opponent's part but I'm still pretty happy. Now my goal is to do it without Von Shill.

I was playing:



Rotten Belle

Rotten Belle

Von Shill


Specialist (flamethrower dude)

He was playing:




Metal Gamin

Fire Gamin


Rail Golem

Strategies were Escape and Survive (me) and Treasure Hunt (him). I picked Breakthrough and Stake a Claim and he had Hold Out and Assassinate.

He spent the first couple turns getting his machine rolling which let me get out to the center of the map and set up to take his charge.

I held off on aSeamus as long as I could and it ended up working out well as I was able to swap into range of aRamos and get the first couple hits in. Then Von Shill went and jumped into it too.

The game was conceded on turn 6 after I won activation with a barely alive Rail Golem and a slightly injured Leveticus vs aSeamus, Von Shill and the Trapper.

I took some crappy pictures so I'll try to get a proper write up soon.

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Leveticus? you're sure he haad the fella with him becuaase if it wasn't a brwal that would not have been possible?

Gratz on the win though!

Either that or you played with a massive handicap since VonSchill can not act as the second master in a Brawl (so you would have had another 10 Soulstones to use for hiring).

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If you were playing a 30SS Brawl, the Ramos player was actually at a slight points disadvantage with the lists given. It seems more likely that you were playing something like a 35SS Scrap, and you meant Lazarus instead of Leveticus?

Arcanists Crew - 30 - Brawl

9 Pool

+ Ramos, Avatar of Invention

Mobile Toolkit [3ss]

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer

  • Fire Gamin

  • Metal Gamin

  • Rail Golem

Ressurectionists Crew - 30 - Brawl

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
9 Pool

+ Seamus, Avatar of Dread

Von Schill

  • Freikorps Specialist

  • Freikorps Trapper

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

So pretty even actually

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Well in that case the crews would have been

Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

5 Pool

+ Ramos, Avatar of Invention

Mobile Toolkit [3ss]

  • Fire Gamin

  • Lazarus

  • Metal Gamin

  • Rail Golem

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
4 Pool

+ Seamus, Avatar of Dread

Von Schill

  • Freikorps Specialist

  • Freikorps Trapper

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

Still pretty close though.

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