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So i know most people use glass beads for stones, or special dice or whatever comes to hand, but since seeing crews like 96p's Leveticus crew with some awesome looking clear rough cut look gemstones i've been on the lookout

Now i found some with a crew on ebay (about 15 of them) but nowhere else... until today

I have now finally landed various colours of awesome looking soulstones and figured i'd share


The only downside to them is unlike the ones i got before these do have blemishes, 1 corner on each stone it seems is like this:


presumably where's they're cut from sprues or possibly from a chip where there's more than 1 mark like this

Now, provided i'm not breaking any board rules i'll happily sell these on to anyone else who's after them and doesn't mind the minor blemishes

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I snagged some of these on Ebay as well. It looks like the seller I bought from is out of stock for now, but I picked up around 20 each of the red, orange and yellow 'gems' for a couple of bucks per colour. A mix of all three glued to 50mm bases make up my flame pillar counters for Sonnia and Kaeris, and I've been thinking of incorporating some into basing my figures, whenever I get around to experimenting with some of that.

Edit: found them!


Edit: full disclosure: while I have purchased from this seller in the past, I have no other affiliation with them whatsoever. I merely post this link to give people a better idea of what might be available and what to search for in their area.

Edited by Forar
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Price wise I was thinking about £0.75-1.00 for a dozen plus shipping of whatever it actually cost me so wouldn't likely come to more than about £2.00 within the UK

@Viruk: Royal mail costs for a small packet to Europe by airmail seems to be about £3.00, but it'd be whatever the actual cost of shipping is, no more

@Forar: if only you were about to provide that link a while back, i'd have snagged a whole bunch... in fact red/orange are still half tempting

@xKoBiEx: no worries man, i only found them for the first time in the UK by chance in a local store and recalled several questions about where to get them not really coming up with any clear answers at the time, figured i'd get them out there

As a minor aside in addition to the Green/Blue/Purple i can also get hold of bright pink, clear or a dark purply/pink colour

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Allways happy to help :D

you can order those from Fantasyladen.de in germany in 6 different colors. I use a different colour for every crew, alongside dice in the same colour for wd purposes (yes I'm a freak)

I even fitted some of these on sticks to go as mission markers for my pandora Crew


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Yeah, those are awesome. I've got around a hundred from my Magic days when I used them as counters (before the numbers used got high enough that we just started using dice instead).


I currently use white ones for time counters to track the turn, and red translucent ones for my soul stones. Have green, amber, yellow and maybe others tucked away, but obviously that many is overkill and a pain to carry.

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