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Have the perfect excuse to start malifaux


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Hello everyone,

My local gaming club is organizing a malifaux tournament one month from today. I have never played malifaux and after reading a bit about it seems quite a good skirmish game. At the moment I only play 40k and KoW but due to their scale I never have time to finish a full painted army.

For that reason I am looking to get into a game where I only have to paint an handful of minis and it is cheap to start playing.

Malifaux sounds perfect for this and this tournament might be the perfect excuse to pull the trigger. I prefer much more the painting side of it and prefer to paint diversified units rather than the same one in a large squad.

The rules for the tournament are the following http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36556-25ss-Malifaux-Tournament-based-in-Cambridge-Uk-on-Sunday-25th-November-2012

I download the free rulebook and I am giving it a read. I am also reading the pullmyfinger in how to get started.

But just for reference how many models would I need on average and how much would I have to spend?

Which rulebook is the one I need? Can I buy one with rules and fluff on the same book?

Are bases included with the models?

I will end up picking a force based on aesthetics and I am leaning towards the lady of justice boxed set. Would this work for the tournament? Or is it better to pick individual models to create a crew?

The other boxed sets I am inclined to are:

Lucius box set

Colette box set

Kaeris box set

Viktorias box set

And in general I prefer the looks of the guild and the arcanists so any good crew from this range would probably fit as well. Also does anyone as recommendations of an online store the could dispatch this models quick, in time for me to paint them for the tournament?

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Hello everyone,


But just for reference how many models would I need on average and how much would I have to spend?

Depends on the game size, I find myself using on average 5-6 models a game at the 35 SS level. But then again I play Outcasts (Yellow Border Cards/Boxes)

Which rulebook is the one I need? Can I buy one with rules and fluff on the same book?

Malifaux 1.5 or the Rules Manual will do. I would go for the M1.5 due to having models and fluff (freaking awesome)

Are bases included with the models?


I will end up picking a force based on aesthetics and I am leaning towards the lady of justice boxed set. Would this work for the tournament? Or is it better to pick individual models to create a crew?

There are certain boxes that do better than others, but in general you want to pick up another model (usually the totem) aside from the box. Lady J box is good, but I dunno about it being tourney worthy, then again I play outcast not guild :P

The other boxed sets I am inclined to are:

Lucius box set

Colette box set

Kaeris box set

Viktorias box set

Viktorias FTW! I know that their box is pretty strong (except for Bishop) and yes you could take it to the tourney as well (even with Bishop). The models in it hit really hard and can take a beating as well. I would say tho, get the Student of Conflict and swap it for Bishop, this will give you 8 SS cache and the ability to give SOMETHING fast (usually the Viks)

And in general I prefer the looks of the guild and the arcanists so any good crew from this range would probably fit as well. Also does anyone as recommendations of an online store the could dispatch this models quick, in time for me to paint them for the tournament?

The Wyrd Online store delivers very quickly and I assume there are a few stores near you that may already have the models mentioned. If you want to learn more about these models please go to the URL below. They have some good info, and it's pretty much the information that we have rolling around the forums in one concentrated space


Other than that happy gaming and good luck at the tournament!

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Lady Justice is a good starting crew. On the whole, she is fairly straight forward, so you can focus more on getting comfortable with the rules than on the small details. The other nice thing about the guild is that pretty much all of the models can work well with all of the masters.

For a fixed list tournament, and it being your first, Lady J's box set with possibly a totem added in, should work nicely. After that, you can look into what other models you want to add based on what you feel you need to improve. That will often come down to playstyle.

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Thank you for the help so far. Like I said I am just using this as an excuse to get into the game. So I don't mind to pick something that is not the most competitive thing in the world. Just something I will have some fun playing with.

I can also buy the lady of justice separately if there are better models to pair her with. Again really open to all suggestions.

The viktorians sound quite good as well is just the aesthetics of the rest of the faction that it's worrying me.

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Thank you for the help so far. Like I said I am just using this as an excuse to get into the game. So I don't mind to pick something that is not the most competitive thing in the world. Just something I will have some fun playing with.

I can also buy the lady of justice separately if there are better models to pair her with. Again really open to all suggestions.

The viktorians sound quite good as well is just the aesthetics of the rest of the faction that it's worrying me.

Well from what I have seen I could make some suggestions, but I would probably go a bit over the top for a new guy. Lady J is great with the Executioner as well as Austringers and those are straight forward models as well.

Remember that I am an Outcast player so I may be biased! The Outcast Faction as a whole is very independent of each other. Models usually work specifically for one or two of the masters in the faction, and you sometimes hire from out of the faction. That said, the Outcast Faction is also one of the stronger factions in the tournament scene due to how well they perform. They are usually very specialized into a role, and often excel at it.

EDITED for clarification

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Based on the replies it seems that is going to be either Lady justice or Viktorians since they seem to get good consensus. Pretty hard to pass on the aesthetics of the Colette though...

Might just pick one of the masters from the local store and then decide on the rest of the crew. This assuming my LFGS carries this models. Fingers crossed

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Hello and Welcome.

All of the box sets you have suggested will make a good crew, and contain models you will use.

As you say, appearance matters.

I would suggest the 1.5 book (even though I don't have it) as it has the stories and rules for most of the figures as well as the rules for the game.

Unless you particually wanted to by the alternate scupt of a master, i would buy their box as it is cheaper that buying them all individually, and the masters you have suggested will often use the models from their box.

Lady Justice is a good box, although it is at least 2 soulstone short of a 25 crew. You would need to buy another blister to get there. The guild all work well together, so pretty much any guild blister works here. 25ss crew is probably 6 models

Lucius can play a 25 soulstone game right out of his box. He has restricted crew, so is a little harder to expand on without knowing all the models he can pick. His box contains the Lawyer who can be a little tricky to get the best out of, so sometimes it feels like you are carrying dead weight. But since the cost of buying the boix is typically a model cheaper, its a free model anyway. his box is 5 models.

Colette will want a pack of Doves if you choose to buy her. Mainly because she has so many actions that are based about doves. It is a nice crew, although you need to remember is not a fighty crew. Working out how to use her crew mobility is a little harder, but as long as you are aware of that, its nto a problem. You will probably start her list at 6 models, but she will probably summon doves throughout the game (can never have more than 3, so the blister of doves will be enough)

The Viktorias are good as well. Her box set comes with the advantage that they are all mercenaries, so if you decide you would want to play a different crew, they will probably be able to hire some of these models. She will probably be at 5 models

For each of the boxes listed, you woun't have duplicate models to paint as there is a different sculpt for the duplicates in the box, so wehilst you will have 3 death marshalls in the Justice box set, they all look quite different, much more than 3 space marines would for example.

Bases are included with each model, as is a card with the models special rules on.

Good luck

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Wow that reply is amazing. Really appreciate the help here you have definitely give me food for thought. Based on the replies here and over at dakkadakka I have my mind pretty much set for the lady of justice boxset. Over at dakka dakka people also suggested to pick


Scales of justice

Guild Austringers (1 or 2 of them)

Convict Gunslinger

I have called my local store and they seem to have the box in stock so think I will pop down after lunch and have a check at the models. Unless I suddenly realize that I don't like the models or that I will prefer the Viktorias I will just buy the box and order the extra models from wayland which seem to be in stock.

I am thinking in something like this for the crew at the moment:

Guild Crew - 25 - Scrap

Lady Justice -- 7 Pool

Scales of Justice [2ss]

Death Marshal [4ss]

Death Marshal [4ss]

Executioner [7ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

There is the problem of the marshals loosing buffing power but I have no idea what it means at the moment. Maybe I will need to replace her totem with another Death marshal but that might leave me short with the SS pool

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Death Marshals have an aura spell that buffs the melee output of other Death Marshals in the area of effect. If you have more Death Marshals in the area then you can have more models gaining the bonus. I assume that's what you mean by losing out on buffing power. I wouldn't worry about that too much. It's nice to gain the buff with more models, but it's also good to have the versatility of having different types of models available. If you get the box and totem you can always switch it up and see which way works best for you.

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I noticed in my 25 ss games, that more often than not I preferred the 3rd death marshal over the scales of justice and a slightly larger pool. Remember that with a lady justice crew, you've got massive damage at range and close combat, but you are not that fast and not that survivable. Even with hard to wound death marshals do fold fairly quickly, so you want more of them! Sure your ss pool will only be 5, but I haven't personally had a problem with that, especially since only Justice can use them, and her spells are pretty easy to cast.

The Scales are cool for trying to stack your hand a little better, but at 25ss, just having another marshal who can blast away with his bullets will bring more. I wouldn't recommend the Scales until you have more models to benefit from casting Blind Justice or Combat Prowess. A third marshal on the other hand gives you an additional significant model that can dish out a surprising amount of damage for 4 ss. Remember since their peacebringer has an attached ram, flipping or cheating a ram means their damage spread is 4/5/7 with critical strike!

I haven't had a chance to use my Executioner yet, but I like the versatility of the Judge a lot. If you have the masks, he can do quite a bit with bullets and blades giving him as many as 4 attacks up to 8 inches. Hes also a bit faster than the Executioner, which helps him to keep up with Lady Justice and support her. his Judged spell is also invaluable in a LJ crew to help against Spirits.

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Well I end up picking the lady of justice box and will order the remaining items online probably. Unfortunately one of the marshals came with a blob of metal where it should have a gun. Not sure if I should just go back to the store and swap or try to fix it with green stuff. I am not that good at green stuff so might have to swap them.

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Unfortunately one of the marshals came with a blob of metal where it should have a gun.

Take picture, email Wyrd customer support, wait for replacement part in mail.

Seriously though, Wyrd's customer support will probably be faster than the store you bought it from, unless they happen to have an extra Lady J box they're willing to swap.

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As some people have already said, contact Wyrd...not the store. Most mini manufacturers are extremely good with customer service AND extremely fast at reacting to it. Even across the sea, you'll be surprised how fast replacements come. And, most of the time, they don't even want the deformed model back so you can use it for conversions. I'm not speaking for this or any other instance on behalf of them, however, so your results may vary.

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