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First time Miniatures player and painter inside.


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I've been slightly reticent in displaying my work in such a public place, since this is quite literally the first time I have done anything of the sort.

I picked up a Resurrectionist crew starter box and assembled them, which went sort of poorly, but mistakes were made, lesson were learned etc etc...

So then I decided a couple weeks later that I really ought to start painting.

Here is my first attempt:

Nurse 1:


She got a little beat up, so there is lots of missing paint. Mostly due to chipping from being crammed in a small box with a bunch of other minis, and also in part due to it being my first attempt. This work was yesterday, on Saturday Oct 13.

Next up... McMourning:


I feel really good about the way he turned out.

And finally, the last work of today Sunday Oct 14.



Not happy about his gloves (Which I will be fixing tomorrow), but overall I think this is my best work yet.

Oh and I apologize for the quality of the photos, apparently I own 0 AA's for my decent camera. Thank you for taking a look! I should be back tomorrow with a painted Rogue Necromancy.




Edited by Rhonlore
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I have to echo Omenbringer & Bruglyother. These models for a first timer are very good. It seems that you've already learned that thin paints are you friends. Some washes and a quick highlight will make it excellent table top quality.

My first attempt was a big gloppy mess with a super thick coating of paint.

Keep it up!


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Hey guys it's me Rhonlore. First off I would like to say thank you for the kind words. I am glad to hear that my work is not as horrible as I am seeing in my own mind, and that a couple little tweaks can make it better. And to follow that up, I'm back as promised with everyones favorite Chimaera:

Rogue Necromancy:


I'm a little disappointed with the body... the colors just went wrong and I don't want to do anything more to it in case I make it worse.

I am super proud of the wolf head. I know it is a change from the red... whatever head it was before, but I think it looks fantastic. I also think the transition on the tail is pretty solid. Not perfect by any means, but definitely passable.

Tomorrow... probably my two The Hanged. See you guys then. (Maybe.)



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Great job, told you its was decent tabletop quality for someone new.

If you want i can walk you through basing your models as we talked about and we can even strip the minis if you want to revisit them at a later date.

Really like the way Mc Mourning turned out.

As for the "wolf" head for the Rogue I went the same way with my Cerebus for Raspi's crew, tiger didnt go well with my theme.

Never be afraid to experiment, great things happen (and mistakes can be fixed or stripped*wink*)

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I'm a little disappointed with the body... the colors just went wrong and I don't want to do anything more to it in case I make it worse.

What exactly dont you like about the body?

On that particular model the paint on the body seems to be fairly well done. It looks like you may have applied a wash to define the musculature (which works well) and the shading replicates mangy fur fairly well also. About the only criticism I could make on the body is the "meat" parts which would benefit from a red wash (with some perhaps allowed to run a bit onto the fur) and a quick dry brush of the base color.

By the way congratulations on the pictures by the way. Miniature photography can often times be a huge pain but you seem to have a good handle on it.

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Looking nice for a first time paint job! Next step would be to try using a wash on the model, and then repainting the large surfaces with the base colour, leaving the darker wash in the recesses. This strengthens the shadows on the model, so the details pop out more.

Again, they look great!

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What exactly dont you like about the body?

On that particular model the paint on the body seems to be fairly well done. It looks like you may have applied a wash to define the musculature (which works well) and the shading replicates mangy fur fairly well also. About the only criticism I could make on the body is the "meat" parts which would benefit from a red wash (with some perhaps allowed to run a bit onto the fur) and a quick dry brush of the base color.

By the way congratulations on the pictures by the way. Miniature photography can often times be a huge pain but you seem to have a good handle on it.

What I did with the body is I started with a straight bright yellow, and slowly moved to darker colors, adding to the original base yellow. I think what I don't like is that I didn't really have a plan on how I was going to paint the skin, so it just turned into a patchwork of colors. I'll probably add some more red for the exposed skin as you suggested, because those areas got washed out with some sloppy brushwork.

Anyway, I attempted this technique again tonight and I feel I did a lot better. You guys decide :)

I was going to do my The Hanged models tonight, but I primed them extremely extremely poorly, so I did my Canine Remains instead. The Hanged will be done tomorrow.

Canine Remains 1:


Canine Remains 2:


The first pup is the one I tried the same technique as the Rogue Necromancy. Starting with an Orange/Brown mix I painted the entire model, then added brown, and progressively more black, adding layers to the model as I went, and intentionally leaving areas unpainted with each successive layer.

The second pup... frankly I'm a little disappointed. I think he just needs a bit more TLC and I can get him into a place I will be happy with.

Comments and criticisms are of course welcome!



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The Brushthralls used to have a really good painting tutorial for "Warm" Whites using the Old GW line and now the P3. GW via its Citadel wing has a rather good one for their new line that features both "Warm" and "Cold" whites in their new How to paint Citadel Minatures book. I do believe the recipe is also on the Games Workshop Site though for some reason I cant access it right now.

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