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Ramos: To Avatar or not to Avatar


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I've seen a couple threads this week on Ramos, and a lot of them are non-avatar lists. To me I find the Avatar an auto include, you just get so much more out of his avatar. The best non-avatar benefit is the brass arachnids reactivate ability, but I believe the general consensus is the mobile toolkit really helps stabilize him, even with the avatar I still include it.

My usual list core for him is (aim to manifest T2)

Ramos + Avatar

mobile toolkit


2 SPA (will merge with summoned on turn 1, which is made from Mobile toolkits scrap)

+4 SS min

(& electrical creation)

That is a 25 SS list, for larger games its usually varies from More Swarms, Gunsmiths, Mech rider & Kaeris.

Can someone give me a reason I should not build a list to Not manifest. The extra mobility is there, Extra combat actions each turn.

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For the list you provided, for the sorts of games it sounds like you play, avatar ASAP and stomp face.

I prefer a more Kaeris / Gunsmith / Gunslinger -type list, which doesn't want to close fast. In that list, the avatar is more of a contingency plan. I tend to manifest turn 3-5 depending on circumstances.

I'm not sure there's a list where I wouldn't attach the avatar to Ramos. It just adds so much versatility.

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I would advise people starting Ramos to play non avatar lists, to get an idea of what he can do if he doesn't manifest.

The Avatar is a great piece, and well worth taking. I might not always take the list for the turn 2 manifest, but he has one of the easiest manifests out there, and his avatar does answer most of his problems.

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I would advise people starting Ramos to play non avatar lists, to get an idea of what he can do if he doesn't manifest.

The Avatar is a great piece, and well worth taking. I might not always take the list for the turn 2 manifest, but he has one of the easiest manifests out there, and his avatar does answer most of his problems.

I agree with this. He gets a huge boost when in avatar form, but I think it is a good idea to try get the most out of him before developing an avatar "crutch". He still has some value in normal form and has casting expert which may add value in some games.

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I agree with this. He gets a huge boost when in avatar form, but I think it is a good idea to try get the most out of him before developing an avatar "crutch". He still has some value in normal form and has casting expert which may add value in some games.

In my store, people play the fast game and turning Ramos into his Avatar lets him keep up with the Misaki's and the Kirai's.

If you flip a board objective based strategy, Ramos Avatar, Colette, or Marcus will get the job done quick (especially crucial during tournaments where hardly anyone finishes a game before round is called unless it was an utter wipe for one side).

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Whilst I accept that the current tournement format means you need to be able to get your stuff done by turn 3, thats not the average malifaux game. When you're playing 6 turns you can normally get the slower masters to do what they need.

You just need more finesse with a slower figure as it can't cover your mistakes as quicky.

Avatar is still good in the 6 turn game, and it answers most of my problems when I run Ramos, but I would never put it in a list for people just starting.

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Whilst I accept that the current tournement format means you need to be able to get your stuff done by turn 3, thats not the average malifaux game. When you're playing 6 turns you can normally get the slower masters to do what they need.

You just need more finesse with a slower figure as it can't cover your mistakes as quicky.

Avatar is still good in the 6 turn game, and it answers most of my problems when I run Ramos, but I would never put it in a list for people just starting.

I would like to test him with Rail Golem and Kang in Avatar form since both do get stronger in the late game.

Nayte, need to borrow some models :)

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