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Misaki's you are mine



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"This Action may only be performed after this model performs a Strike Action targeting an Enemy Model."

That is the only sentence that actually tells you when you can use this action. As performed is past tense and it does not give you the ability to interrupt the attack I would assume that you must complete the initial strike action before you can use this. This strike me less as an assassin picking a target as much as Misaki being somewhat vendictive against someone that did not go and die for her on her first swing. Picking out a worthy foe or a foe that did not have the decency to die to their superior.

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I'm not sure it specifically mentions it but I think it's fair to say that you can't do(or perform) an action until the previous action has completed (slow to die excepted). It's certainly an unwritten rule that I would imagine 99% - 100% of all players follow.

Also, perform is used throughout the rules manual in regards to carrying out actions.

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May only be performed after performing a strike. Now when is a performed. It does not say after hitting or damaging. So now we have new term to contend with. Perform. Also does not say completes a strike action.

There are a ton of things in the game that resolve after something else does. And no, it doesn't say after hitting or damaging...that means all you do is make the strike...it doesn't matter if you hit or not.

Honestly, I don't understand the confusion over this action. Think of it thematically....Misaki takes a swing at someone.....narrowly missing or perhaps drawing first blood. She challenges them to a duel....

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if an action may be interrupted to do something else the ability will specifically state so. for example the Torakage's ability which lets them interrupt a walk action to make a ranged attack. Since Your Mine does not say that it may interrupt a strike action it must be done after the action is completed.

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Not to be that guy or anything, but Misaki is already a very solid master.

You're Mine can't be used until after she has performed a Strike action. Think of it as either a way to fish for suits for triggers on a target that she's going to kill, or as defensive utility against something she can't kill in a turn. As mentioned above, there is no specific mention that she can "interrupt" a Strike, unlike in Torakage or Ronin.

It's like trying to make her fast twice. She's very good as is.

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