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Iron Quill: Post-Gencon Blues Winner!


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Thanks everyone who participated, you all did amazing work, give yourself a round of applause! This was a tough round for a lot of people because of time, but the stories we had were very well done. Don't have any big announcements to add here, although criticism and critique of how the contest is coming along is always welcome.

Now onto the reason you're all here. As before, I have the votes saved, if you would like to know your specific score. Here's the top three:

Second Runner-Up is a tie! Jonasty, The Box, and Mister Monkey, Guildhouse

First Runner-up: Mako, A New Benefactor.

And our winner of the Beta Round...

El Indio, A Long Way from Richmond!

Most Improved: Rancor709!

Congrats to all of you, and to everyone else. :) Looking forward to more stories as time goes on!

I want to especially all of you who took the time to give feedback to all of your fellow authors, it's a wonderful thing watching as the organizer of this.

Alright, and now for the second burning question you guys are waiting for...when does the next round start? The next round of submissions is going to begin on Monday, October 8, 2012. The Mystery Ingredients and rules are going to be announced on Friday, October 5th, 2012. Shorter gap this time around, so we can try to hold to a contest a month. Looking forward to seeing you all again, along with anyone new!

:facepalm: Forgot to put up the Most Improved Award! I feel stupid.

Edited by edonil
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