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Expanding on the lady justice box set


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I am new to malifaux and I have recently bought the lady justice box set. In a month or so, at my game store, there will be a tournament. its going to be a fixed master.

I played a couple of games and I am still debating which minion to add to my crew to attain 30 SS. I am currently at 23 SS.

Am I looking for additional speed, more combo spells? Is there anyway other than using terrain to get me into melee range so my combos are more effective?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, and welcome to the world of Malifaux!

I am a relatively new player, and Justice was my first box set. I think one of two purchases would be ideal for bringing you up to 30ss.

I would first recommend the Guardian, whose rules can be found in the "Rising Powers" book (although the stat card also comes with his blister pack). The guardian is a great addition because it costs exactly 7ss, which would bring you up from 23ss to 30ss, and which can keep Justice safe from enemy fire/unwanted distractions via its protective buffs. If you can get Justice into combat unhurt via the Guardian's shielding abilities, she can put out some serious damage that would easily kill even a master after a few rounds of combat... Justice gets +++ flips to damage on the charge if you charge, and use vengeance, and her great sword. Nasty.

I would also recommend the Executioner, who also comes at 7ss, and can seriously rip things up. He's less defensive than the Guardian though. It depends on your play style.

As for spells and combos, you probably don't need much more than what you get in the Justice boxed set because Death Marshals can be seriously buffed with her inspiring sword play ability. Combat prowess is also a nifty little spell.

Hope this helps!

Edited by StormLordXIII
Correction: Inspiring Sword Play is an ability, not trigger.
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I am new to malifaux and I have recently bought the lady justice box set. In a month or so, at my game store, there will be a tournament. its going to be a fixed master.

I played a couple of games and I am still debating which minion to add to my crew to attain 30 SS. I am currently at 23 SS.

Am I looking for additional speed, more combo spells? Is there anyway other than using terrain to get me into melee range so my combos are more effective?

Thanks in advance!

I'm starting a Lady Justice crew up as well.

My plans for expansion off the starter box are pretty much the following:

1. The Scales of Justice

(Lady J's personal Totem, good for magical extension and control hand building.)

2. A Guild Austringer

(Great range and versatility)

Those two additions right there will get you up to a solid 30ss crew, with the max 8 soulstone cache.

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There are several ways to expand the Justice box set, and a lot depends on how you play, and what you need.

A good option is to buy one of the other starter boxes, all of the guild starter boxes come with useful minions for all the crews, and this allows you to have quite a bit of customisability to your list. The box sets are normally about 1 free figure, so if you are likely to want them at some point its cheaper to get the box rather than everything in singles.

For buying a single blister I would normally suggest

Melee - Executioner,

Ranged - Austringer

Movement - Guild hounds (2 in a blister).

Other possible models, that can be gained in starter boxes

Nino - shooting

Guardian - defense

Witchling stalkers -melee/anti magic

Lucius -Movement

Watcher - objectives

But basically I don't think there is a wrong answer, the guild all play together very well

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All good suggestions. you have to also look at who you might be playing against. I like the exorcist for the magical weapon buff.

Don't overlook her totem as so many do. especially when you use it to buff all your death marshals. you have the ability (forgot name) to give up to 3 death marshals all melee expert +1, you can give opponents - flips or give one of your guys a + flip.

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i think he means hes at 23 if you max her cache to 8.

Which I always try to do.

Another question. Do you want a list that is designed solely around competitiveness or more theme/fluff? That will have an effect.

I just ended up collecting all the Guild models so I can change it each game ;)

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Thanks everyone, I do like the idea of the Guardian, I will check him out. I had thought of getting the executioner, but one of you mentioned he's pretty slow, that is already a concern for me now since lady Justice isn't the quickest..

An other option that was pointed to me was to get Brutal Effigy, any thoughts on him?

I would like to have a "side board" of guys, depending on what strategy I get,

as a sideboard to get me to 30 SS, I have in mind the base Lady Justice box (19 SS plus 4 cache) then:

Combat: executioner

Defence: Guardian

Speed: Hounds

Are the hounds significant? and if they are or aren't, I believe they are 2 ss? for the pair?

If they are, is it worth adding em in for speed at the sacrifice of SS's in my cache?

Thanks again!

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Hounds are 3ss each and insignificant. But:

-They lose insignificant while 2 or more of them are near each other

-You get an additional SS added to your pool for every two hounds you have in your crew

They are pretty decent for the cost for Justice, as she can give them melee expert, and they can give each other an extra walk, so they can move extreme distances and make several attacks - vs a model carrying a corpse or similar, they also get a (1) charge, so could theoretically charge a model with a corpse from 22" away, and make an additional attack... alternatively, they could make additional attacks if they were closer than that...

In an ideal world, I would probably swap 2 of the Death Marshals for Witchlings, and consider swapping the Judge for a Handler - the Witchlings are great melee attack troops with scout and magical attacks, the handler makes them decently fast and Justice can make them melee experts (and they hit stupidly hard for their points cost!)

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I think I should clarify something. Forgive me if you already know this...

A masters Soulstone cache is in addition to the points you have for models. You can take 30ss worth of guys and then get 4 extra ss in her pool. So if you take 26ss worth of guys, you will have 8ss in her pool. (4ss for coming in shy on points + 4ss from her cache = an 8ss pool)

So with the Executioner and the Guardian you will have a maxed out Soulstone pool. The box set plus one of those models puts you at 26ss. Her cache of 4 plus the 4 you get for coming in shy of 30 gives the you maximum pool.

With 2 hounds you will come in at 25ss. Then you get 1ss back (from the Hounds special ability) So you max out your Soulstone pool and you will still come in 2ss shy. See what I mean? You still have 2ss to spend.

Again, I might just be saying stuff you already know... but if not, it's the difference between 4ss!

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Thanks for that, indeed I did already know but it was nice of you to remind me. As for the addition to my box, I got a Guardian (on order) and if I'm not mistaken, he can give healing flips to my guys, which is perfect because my guys are hard to kill 1, so if the ability has kicked in (hard to kill 1), then I heal at least one point on him then I get to use the ability again, which really kicks @#$... Or so I think that's what I can do with him, plus the hitting with the shield guarantees hitting the opponent which could really make the difference in a tight game..

Thanks again!

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  • 1 month later...

The guardian is a good model. I just hate the look of him and fluff wise he dosnt fit the theme of my crew. I would definately second the opinion that witchlings and the handler would be a great purchase. Maybe even consider the sonnia box set?

As for the judge he is an excelent choice against a spirit heavy opponent ie Kirai. Judged is an extremly powerfull spell in said situations.

But looks like you have a great crew starting out and the right idea where you want to go with it. Do you have any shots of a painted crew?

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