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Wolfe vs The Hungry Darkness

Pagan Wolfe

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So, this is not 100%...I still have to do some work on the teeth, but that's about all I have planned. Otherwise, here is my take on the hungry darkness...





The base is an old 40k base with an added lip to hopefully make it look like a poker chip. I had planned to do writing all over it but decided it would be too busy.

The Darkness himself has a slight metallic sheen, don't know how much it is showing up in the photos.

Tried hard to work with the giant seem down his middle and thought I had fixed it...but obviously green putty is the only way to make it go away completely.

Over all I really like this model. He had to be the first I worked on out of the new stuff as he had received so little love from people. Yup...he is like a big spirit Asian salamander thingy...with magic drugs...

Thoughts? Questions?

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Minor bad first: Not to be a downer, but I wouldn't be able to live with that seam. It would bug me every time I looked at it.

On the up side: I love the paint job. The color transitions are great. The fade from the head to the body looks really cool. Really can't see the metallic sheen in the pics but I can imagine such a thing and that that must look pretty cool too. The lighter head transitioning all the way to the dark tail really accentuates his big honkin' head without losing the body....a real plus in my book. I like the poker chip base and I think you made the right call not doing the writing, sometimes less really is more.

Constructive criticism: I think he could probably use one more highlight....not too overboard. But it might help push the ephemeral look. I would also consider going with a warmer color for his eyes to give some contrast to his cool-colored body....I personally really hate blue with green....if you like the blue family there, a warm purple might work.

You mentioned that you were going to do some more work on his teeth. I'm not sure how much of his gums you can really see, but I suggest giving them the red treatment...something dark like a blood red, too bright would probably clash. As I said, his big honkin' head already stands out, but something contrasting to the cool green would further accentuate his big honkin' maw.

A little theory to go with my warmer color suggestions: His entire body is cool and his base is red and yellow....very hot. When a person looks at this model, they will look at the model because they want to, but unconsciously their eye will immediately drop to the base..... taking the attention away from where it should be and making the base the 'focal point' of the model. Something warmer placed higher will help to balance that and get the focal point up higher.

Edit: by the way, I love how you titled the thread.

Edited by dgraz
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Photos never do justice.

Agreed. And the sheen makes it even harder to see. I painted a red NE LCB and I spent hours blending him and I thought he was awesome....only to have the photos show a big red blob. You're in the best position to determine what is needed, I can only suggest based on what I see in the pics.

As an aside, you inspired me to make some terrain so I just started and created a blog about it called 'Building Latigo'. I'd appreciate it if you checked it out and gave me any suggestions you may have.

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Love the magenta coloring on the dead man and really love Jakob's poker chip. His being a nice calm blue is an excellent contrast to Huggy's aggressive red....not sure if that was intentional or not, but it's perfect. That big swathe of yellow (I like that color too) also ties them together nicely.

How do you like the red eyes? Still feels like something is missing to me. They need another coat since you can still see the darker color underneath - but that's a technicality. Maybe it's because they're soooo big...seems like they want something like a pupil or something. I would probably color mine like a gemstone....I don't know. I wish Mako were checking out this thread, he'd probably have a good suggestion.

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Oh, he's looking. And thinking. I'm liking what you've done so far, the HD idea is really effective. With the eyes, maybe blending them to yellow in the centre would give them a bit more interest, so they're red at the edges but slowly turn yellow where the pupils would be? Otherwise I'd suggest something like a slit pupil but I'm not sure that would look right, that fade would match the base more.

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