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Rail Crew Opinions


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just a couple comments since mine arrived last night...

1. Love the quality of the plastic.

2. Love that there's actually "peg" mounts on the feet of the model (tho, I didn't notice until i had 2 mounted on bases by pinning already...)

3. love that parts were labeled on the sprue...

now for negatives...

1. ??? No assembly instructions? (not that assembly was hard, but there are bits I have no idea what they're for on the sprue...)

2. Is it just me, or do the figures seem smaller than the old metals?

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I found them pretty easy to put together. instructions shouldnt be needed, but maybe something to explain the extra options, as there are some.

the different options are labeled with a -1 or -2 i think. once you pile all the pieces from the same label (ie, all the "a"s with the "a"s) you should be able to assemble the model. its not like the clamshells had instructions.

also, i found that the crew looks pretty on par after you base them and under coat them (thats as far as ive gotten). the digital sculpting style does leave them to be be a little "thin". Overall, i was pretty satisfied with the rail crew.

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I wouldn't say the models are necessarily smaller, but I do find that the faces on the new plastics seem a bit...soft. None of the deep lines that you see on the metal models. But maybe that's intentional? I don't know; I haven't done much work with plastic kits in general (Warmachine was my first game, and they just started a slow switchover to plastics).

I did like some of the customization options on the Rail Workers, although I think the leg guy is pretty ridiculous (they attack with the mechano-limbs. What's he going to do, kick extra hard with that knife peg-leg?). I'll see if they look better primed, though. I've got the Metal Gamin and Rail Golem primed, and they look pretty decent.

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It was the darn wide hat that really threw me for a loop. To be honest, I didn't even put together the fact that the letters on the back helped you match everything I up. I finally figured out that the one pony-tail looking thing was for the big hat, and then by trial and error decided that the hat best fit Kang. I actually liked the look of it on him too, so I used it. :P

Overall though, was easier assembling these than the 10T Archers were...ugh.

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I really like the new plastics. I like the customization options as well.

As for them being smaller than the metal, it depends what crew you are comparing it to. The metals don't really have a consistent scale. For example the rail crew is bigger than the death marshals, but smaller than the showgirls. I hope the plastics will lead to a consistent scale across the whole range.

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Here are a few pics for scale comparisons.



I definitely think kang could have been on a 30mm base

Scale doesn't really look off. But I agree, Kang seems a tad on the shrimpy side to go on a 40mm. Great bases, BTW! I ordered some S-scale railroad track, but it was too big to use effectively on bases. Maybe I'll save it for terrain.

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I think the Kang model is really bad looking. The stance is a half squating and that right shoulder/arm is really bad. The shape isn't normal the bicep looks wierd, its bigger than the left side. I understand overly muscular and all but that one looks kinda dumb and stands right out to me.

On the flip side though, some of the other plastics (the ones I've dealt with were the archers, Spear guy and the beconers) have been pretty nice. I think we'll see a learning curve as they begin to see what they can and can't do and what looks good and what doesn't.

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