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Freikorps Strongarm stats?


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Sure why not? Might as well start my presence on this forum by being helpful, since no one else seems to be posting any new book stuff.


8 stone

Mercenary (Elite Mercenary, +2 stone), Special Forces Freikorps, Unique

Full stats posting of models is NOT allowed.

All in all, a wonderful bruiser unit with an amusing projectile weapon.

Edited by goblyn13
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I hope it does have the immune to blasts etc as normal form 'corps armour....but we'll see most blasts are low dmg anyway so wondering if the enhance armour is an instead of kinda thing

But a mod blast can still put out 3 easily....which is only 1 wound i know...so ok maybe it'll be fine

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Armor doesn't stop wounds though, so he'd still take 1Wd from Pandora 's emotional trauma.

Now you've got me thinking of the MKI Iron Man suit with weepy sobs echoing from the inside. ;)

Looks like an amazing bruiser for a Freikorps crew (well, any crew, really). That super-armor makes him disgustingly resilient. Are his fists paired, perchance?

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Looks like an amazing bruiser for a Freikorps crew (well, any crew, really). That super-armor makes him disgustingly resilient. Are his fists paired, perchance?

No to pair thank goodness. Paired with the ability to get Cb8 and a higher damage track for just discarding two cards would be kind of rough in addition to leap *so he can use both general AP for attacks*.

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Right, thanks to the heavy handed mod for convincing me to put off ordering any of the new stuff. Is it really that hard to get people with a tiny sliver of customer orientation?

Hint- like every other miniatures game company in existence, Wyrd does not make money off the books. They make money off of selling models. Discouraging your customers from buying models is a really dumb way to stay in business. And yes after the incredibly clumsy way the role out at gencon was handled this is a very good example of $$$$$$$$ing off your customers.

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Hint- like every other miniatures game company in existence, Wyrd does not make money off the books. They make money off of selling models...

I could be wrong, but I think that's exactly the reason why the stats being posted is bad for business. If you have all the stats and you can just proxy something in, why buy the model?

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See I can't blame them for that, in fact I am surprised it had not happened sooner. It is just a very common thing on gaming forums, you are not suppose to put up full stats. That is not to say you can't give a pretty clear idea of the model's ability and everything with it being described with out having every state clearly spelled out and ability worded.

With how easy searchs can be at time it would not be hard to just find a post that has all the stats, save it, and print it and proxy it. All with out picking up the book or the model ever. I would not say heavy handed as much as common practice.

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A lot of forums immediately, and often permanently, ban users for posting full stats.

So saying "heavy handed mod" in this case just sounds childish to me.

Also: The model DOES have the Freikorps characteristic.

Once again didn't it didn't have the Freikorps characteristic, I said it didn't have the "Freikorps Mercenary" ability.

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All other Freikorp models before this have had a talent called "Freikorp Mercenary". This talent says that if a Freikorps model is hired as a mercenary then no other models can be hired as a mercenary unless they also have the Freikorps characteristic. Meaning that normally if you pick up even just a normal Freikorpsmann in your non-outcast crew you are not hiring any other Mercenary save another Freikorp model. Even Von Shill has this Talent.

So as it does not have this talent, it can be taken in a non-outcast crew as a mercenary as well as a different mercenary that is not a Freikorp model. So you can take the Strongarm Suit and a Desperate Merc, or the Strongarm Suit and Sue and such.

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I could be wrong, but I think that's exactly the reason why the stats being posted is bad for business. If you have all the stats and you can just proxy something in, why buy the model?

Tournament scene, and besides you can just go to the LGS and read the books there if you wanna proxy. I have seen the information of models in this forum so many times and this is the first time I see the Mods act this way.

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I think it was the explicit ness of it

Yeh I've pieced together other mods - and have a fairly good idea how they work....

BUT this was the first time I had everything laid out on a plate for me...

And yes I am now eagerly awaiting book 4 at our local club and have already selected an appriopriate rep....and that's one mod I'll have on pre-order

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