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New painter need paint suggestions


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Newto war gaming and the world of painting minitures. I am going to purchase some Vallejo paints this friday at a game store near my area. I have Rasputina, silent one, ice gamin 3, blessedof december, Ice Golem and essence of power(not painting green like most do) thinking of a purple and ice look for this model. I want to paint rasputina's cloak purple and some purple on silent one. I just need help with what paint i should get for this crew to help me to start painting these models.

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Well, my basic list of paints to cover everything you may want to do would be:

Dark Brown, blue, red ,green, darkish purple. And black - All good for shading and darker areas

Middle brightness blue, red, green, yellow - these are your main colours, so pick whichever you like the look of. Probsbly nothing too bright though, you can always make them paler.

Flesh colour - a warm fleshtone, something bronzed ish. You can make that into any skin you like using the other colours.

Cream/ivory, white - both for highlighting, cream is less stark on things like flesh.

Silver - one metallic paint that you can add your other colours to to get anything you like. Of course, if you prefer brass, gold, or whatever, you can get that instead/as well.

Thats quite a few though, if you don't want that many to start with, then as a shorter list I'd suggest: white, black, a nice rich deep purple, a pale ish blue, silver, cream and flesh. Then add in any colours you think you might need for other areas and contrasting areas.

Hope that helps!

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First of all take a look at a colour circle (Just search with google)

Mid range Blue, Yellow and Red plus white and black. Are the 5 necessities and comes with most paint boxes. Green and Purple are hard to mix to if you're new to this so buy those as well. A bright Silver and copper paint is also useful as you later can wash (really watered down black on the metallic surface) them darker and highlight them. Skin Colour, brown and a cream colour is also advisable.Use thin layers and good luck!

Add white matt colour spray to the shopping list and use blue tack to fasten them to a surface so that they stand up.You need this because paints does not really stick to models. Spray them outside because most propellants are not nice for your lungs and smell a bit. Superglue to assemble the models are also good on that shopping list.


Oh right. Quick purple rasputina.

Spray White

Use Really Watered down Purple on the entire model at ones. Drybrush with white when dried.

Skin colour Rasputinas face and highlight with Skin/white

So White Spray, Purple, White and Skin Colour. These are the fewest colurs I can think of to make a a purple ice Rasputina group.

Edited by Nightshard
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Right I'll be first to say don't worry about trying to cover every color, you don't need to especially with this crew, consider a limited palette. In this case you will want a black and white (normally I say pale bone but with this crew go with white), I would then go with a deep Blue, a lighter purple and a pale ice blue, this should allow you to do ice and also Rasputina's clothes. I world also suggest a skin tone, I use dark sand from Vallejo, now here is the trick mix the purple into the shadows and the white into the highlights, this will give Rasputina an otherworldly look which will a) suit her B) look good with the rest of the palette c) mean you don't need as many paints. For the cloaks you can mix the black with the white to give you grey fur, you can also add a tiny bit of the skin tone to the mix make it look more natural. 6 colors and you can do your entire crew.

Edited by Ratty
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Thanks to everyone who replied and gave well thought out suggestions. I have primed all my crew prior and need to work on my bases. I will take all suggestions to heart and let you all know what i end up buying tommorrow and once agian thanks everyone here is amazing and thanks for the welcome into a new world of gaming.

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Well just got back from the game store where i purchesed paint, procreteand some needed brushes. Here is a list of what i got : all vallejo paints.

Royal blue, blue green, Turquoise, Intermediate blue , Foundation white, glossy black, oxford blue, blue violet,violet red, violet, golden yellow( for rasputina and maybe silent one hair) medium fleshtone, pale sand, light flesh , green ochre, beige brown and Burnt umber(silent one colors. Now all ineed to know is any sites or tips onstarting to paint the miniture and i got cork for my bases. thanks agian for the tips on buying paint i went with basic look of the pictured figures . May alter them slightly.

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