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Hanging tree gripe


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I will have to give them a try but I see using them more as terrain than active models.

I have a feeling that's what I'll be using them for. The alternate Hanged will make for fine 50mm Ht 6 Hanging Tree with the blocking trait and Terrifying ->12 at a range of 2". The main tree can be based out to 90mm, or maybe 3"x3" for terrain rules, as a Ht 6+ (I'm thinking 7 or 8) version, with the same, if not greater, Terrifying value and range.

Since I don't already have Jack Daw or the Hanged, I might get them just to add them to these trees (might as well paint them all together).

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Remember, you're aiming at the Ht 2 Nathan or Eric, not at the tree itself, and they are spirits, so their height doesn't factor into blocking LoS. :D

[i still think they should upgrade the originals to 50mm to match, but whatever.]

I agree. I don't like the idea of one model having two base sizes. It's inconsistent for game play.

Thematically, I fraking love these models!

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  • 5 months later...

I do not understand why it is that figures such as the hanging trees or the nightmare teddy are not available for sale? I thought that the point of designing and making these figures was to sell them. Is it just so that one person can say to another that I have that figure and you do not. simply because they can get to the Gen Con whatever that is. Or that they can afford the heavy price on eBay. Can someone explane this to me please.

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When wyrd is at GenCon the models they release are also available for order from their web store. It's a unique perk that the company offers to all its players once a year and it's (to this point) always been an alternate sculpt of an existing model. Even Santana Ortega is just a female version of Fransisco.

So yes if you're just now getting into the game and you want a limited run model from a few years ago (exg NE Lord Chompy Bits) you'll have to suck it up and hit up eBay and Bartertown. NE LCB was the first model I ever got to play with and he was sold out by then. A year later it turns out one of the guys in my local group has one he wants to part with. I just got it last week at a more than fair price (re: more than original retail but less than eBay). To me the nostalgia and the awesomeness of the model made it worth it. I could have just as easily gotten the regular dreamer crew, but it wouldn't have been the same to me.


GenCon is a huge four day gaming convention here in the US in Indianapolis. Game companies of all types (board games, CCG, RPG, miniature games) set up a huge show with tons of events and a massive vendor hall.


I'll be going for the first time this year :)

Edited by bfrench
Added gencon blurb
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I do not understand why it is that figures such as the hanging trees or the nightmare teddy are not available for sale? I thought that the point of designing and making these figures was to sell them. Is it just so that one person can say to another that I have that figure and you do not. simply because they can get to the Gen Con whatever that is. Or that they can afford the heavy price on eBay. Can someone explane this to me please.

Limited editions are nothing new in the gaming industry really. Even certain shows in the UK have a show only model (Salute in London for example) and in the past GW have done lots of limited run models.

You could argue that games such as Magic actually thrive on special editions and rarity, which lots of people enjoy.

But unlike Magic (and in some of the GW cases) the Wyrd limited editions are just alternative sculpts for models that anyone can still obtain and play with, so nobody can argue that somebody playing with a limited edition model has an unfair advantage (which happens all the time in magic).

Take a look at Kickstarter and the trend is for limited editions could be perceived to be on the rise within the miniature game industry.

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To me, making the models available for sale online during that time frame is amazing, as, price wise, I can either afford to buy said models, or attend GenCon. Not both.

I know this isn't the barter / sales thread, but I do have a few of the past ones that I've been trying to part with on ebay, if anyone's interested. [NE Teddy, Dead Justice, Miss Terious, Miss Demeanor, 2x Hanging Trees. All New In Box / Blister.]

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