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Not a big update today. I finished constructing the Lady Justice box and the Executioner, well all but the bases. Still need to do the Perdita box and the bases for all of the guild. I think I am going to do dirt bases with bones scattered around that bases of Justice's crew and different desert features on bases of Perdita's crew but let the dirt base tie them both together. One that is done I will prime and start painting. I will start with the Neverborn stuff first.

I also got magnets for the spiders but they were to big so I will have to get some smaller ones :(. Anyone know of good magnets that work well for the spiders, especially if you have used them yourself?

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I also got magnets for the spiders but they were to big so I will have to get some smaller ones :(. Anyone know of good magnets that work well for the spiders, especially if you have used them yourself?

I suggest putting the Spiders on some workshoppy thingys (crates, tables, piles of rubbish and such) and then magnetizing those. Much less fiddly.

Also, I really urge you to fill the gaps on the Neverborn crew. Those will haunt you if you leave them.

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I suggest putting the Spiders on some workshoppy thingys (crates, tables, piles of rubbish and such) and then magnetizing those. Much less fiddly.

Also, I really urge you to fill the gaps on the Neverborn crew. Those will haunt you if you leave them.

Yeah definitely agree. Glueing them to something and then Magnitizing that makes life SO much easier.

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Ratty, can you get the pipes and hatches as bits or did you scavenge them off a larger model? I really like that idea for the spiders (which I'm about to have to put together) and would love to give this a try. Thanks

Edit: Nevermind, found them

Edited by nublet
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I suggest putting the Spiders on some workshoppy thingys (crates, tables, piles of rubbish and such) and then magnetizing those. Much less fiddly.

Also, I really urge you to fill the gaps on the Neverborn crew. Those will haunt you if you leave them.

I don't know why I didn't think of that for the spiders. Yes I will definitely do that. And I did fill the gaps in the Neverborn I just forgot to say that I did lol. I picked up some Tamiya liquid Putty at Hobby Lobby and it worked well enough.

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

The bases of those spiders look awesome Ratty, going to scrounge through my 40k bits now.

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So the magnets are a good idea in theory... They are becoming a nightmare to actually use. I am now having the problem where because there are 3 magnets so close together on that base they have a habit of wanting to snap together instead of to the metal on the bottom of the base and when they snap together the spiders usually end up in between the two magnets and explode everywhere. I have already lost 2 spider legs because of this. I would almost rather just spend the money on some more spiders to represent the individuals and swarms instead of dealing with this hassle. I am going to try glueing the magnets to the bottom of the base and gluing the metal to the bottom of the thing the spiders are standing on and see if that works instead. If not then i'm just getting more spiders.

Everything else except for the spiders is now assembled and everything but the Guild stuff is primed.

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So the magnets are a good idea in theory... They are becoming a nightmare to actually use. I am now having the problem where because there are 3 magnets so close together on that base they have a habit of wanting to snap together instead of to the metal on the bottom of the base and when they snap together the spiders usually end up in between the two magnets and explode everywhere. I have already lost 2 spider legs because of this. I would almost rather just spend the money on some more spiders to represent the individuals and swarms instead of dealing with this hassle. I am going to try glueing the magnets to the bottom of the base and gluing the metal to the bottom of the thing the spiders are standing on and see if that works instead. If not then i'm just getting more spiders.

Everything else except for the spiders is now assembled and everything but the Guild stuff is primed.

Video or it didn't happen. Ouch.... How big are your magnets?.. mine are about 2mm across?

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Well putting the magnets under the base and metal on the spiders worked well enough. They are a little fiddly but they hold.


Not as pretty as Ratty's Spiders but, for me, these are more of a test with magnets and I was concerned with them working as game pieces rather than for display.


Magnets under the base.


Metal under the spider bits.


But it holds so that is good enough.

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Yes I realized that that was the problem with how I was doing it. However the base insert I made is already firmly attached and I would destroy the base trying to get it off to make a new one, and I simply don't think my bitz box is deep enough without some very thorough and serious scrounging to find stuff I could use to really make it look good. For now I am content with my slightly clunky version though. When I get more spiders (notice that I did say when lol) I will definitely do it differently. You live and learn, and this was my first time ever really messing with magnets so I didn't have much to go on besides the basic idea.

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Played my first full game of Malifaux today. I played as Ramos, my brother Lady J. He crushed me pretty handedly actually. But I forgot things like the Terrifying on the SB and realized that I should have been spreading my spiders out more and pumping more out to get the activations at the end. Oh well, live and learn.

Everything is now primed though, started painting a bit but will really hit it hard tomorrow so keep a look out for the finished minis :)

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Well unfortunately I am not going to hit my goal of everything painted by today as I have only been able to get some paint on Ramos's Crew. This was primarily because of a very large real life conflict that came up of all of a sudden needing to find a place to live so that sort of took up a lot of my extra time lol. I will still be working on these as quickly as I can as well as juggle some commission work I have too so don't think I have abandoned this, just a little behind schedule.

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