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Swampy Neverborn ideas


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I've been having a lot of fun with a swamp themed 25ss Zoraida list and would like a few suggestions of where to take it next. I would like to stay in theme but have some competitive options too.

So far I have used

Zoraida - 5ss pool

Spawn mother (+ free gupps) - 8ss

Silurid - 5ss

Silurid - 5ss

Silurid - 5ss

Desperate mercenary 2ss

I also have Pere Ravage and an insidious madness but not 100% they fit the theme...

Was thinking maybe malifaux raptors, waldgeists, McTavish, Z's avatar and perhaps some more of the La Croix gremlins.

Any thoughts? :Confused_Puppet1:

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The birds for her are not worth it.

Even with the spawn mother where they give you gupps when they die? 40mm = 2 corpse counters.

I have found juju to be a little low on damage output and expensive although a late game placement next to an objective to interact with can save your bacon at times.

Any other outcasts have a swampish theme which she can take?

---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:48 PM ----------

The birds for her are not worth it.

Even with the spawn mother where they give you gupps when they die? 40mm = 2 corpse counters.

I have found juju to be a little low on damage output and expensive although a late game placement next to an objective to interact with can save your bacon at times.

Any other outcasts have a swampish theme which she can take?

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Even with the spawn mother where they give you gupps when they die? 40mm = 2 corpse counters.

I know this may sound strange but I do not like playing with the concept that I am taking a model so that I can kill it to make more models as the reason for that model. I see ressers do it with dogs and Lilith do it with desperate mercs and I just feel it is a bad way of choosing models.

Birds have their use, mainly for Marcus, but with how you are making your army they do not have any outside of their death for the spawning mother, unless you have a lot of bird to make them significant.

That being said I do sometimes do something that will kill one of my models, like shoot into combat with a model that has one wound left fighting a powerful enemy, but it is never my reason for taking the model.

---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Birds for her are what 3 points, you might as well by a guppy to start with. Use it till he dies like you would any other guppy, and helps with the evolution ishue because he is a Silurid.

I do not think there are any other swamp models.

---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ----------

Certainly corpse/scrap counting is important for any grave robber and scavenger but it is no great reason to take the model, might be a tie breaker but not the main reason.

A guppy also leave 2 corpse.

Edited by D_acolyte
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I know what you mean about taking models just to die, but for me it depends on whether it fits the fluff. Ressers manipulating desperate mercs and then killing them to have as useful corpses. That I can totally see. Mercs working with lilith? That I have a lot more trouble justifying.

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If you think of the LaCroix I would tend to Rami La Croix. It gives a 16" ranged weapon to Neverborn that may attack with Combat 7 if the enemy is further than 8" away. Also a good target for an obey via Zoraida for an additional shot.

I don't know if you consider Jack Daw "swampy". But the idea of Voodoo Doll obey Jack Daw because he is immune to poison damage and then shooting 4 Cb 7 ranged strikes at the enemy Master who can't cheat and use Soulstones but you can cheat sounds pretty evil.

Of course this is only worth it if the playground gives you nice long LoS options.

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Thanks for all the responses guys. My idea with the raptors wasnt to necessarily kill them myself... just for them to zoom forward and run interference as they are way faster than gupps then when they die grab the counters and benefit from the free move back towards the pool if needed.

Rami sounds interesting as does jackdaw although I admit I hadnt considered him and dont really know his rules. Isnt he fairly expensive?

I am a big fan of the Mctavish mini, does anyone have any play time with him (with or without Z) to give some ideas of what he might bring to the crew?

Cheers :)

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Sounds promising some long range obeyable attacks are something my crew is missing.

How many SS is he? I confess to not owning Twisting Fates... :Hiding_Puppet:

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

Just noticed your from leicestershire Joel. Is there anywhere decent to play near there as I have family in Leic city

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I think you could get away with the Waldgeists, McTavish, Insidious Madness, and the Widow Weaver, given the right paint jobs on the Weaver and Madness. The Waldgeists and McTavish would certainly fit, the other two just need a bit of planning to make them look the part.

Give the Weaver an old, rotten gown, something that looks like it's been dragged through the muck. The I.M. can just be done up in Earthy colors and maybe add some bits of flock, small stone, even some grass to give it that "nightmare from the swamp" feel. Basically go all 50's drive-in horror movie on them, and it should work quite well.

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