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Fun time with Izamu


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Although I will try the big guy with Kirai, lets not forget a mighty high crow is needed to spiritfy him and well, there are matches and there are matches... So I wouldn't count on him being able to be swirled, I still like him because he is a damn reliable core of facebeating and it's nice to have min dam 3 with Kirai that doesn't rely on her avatar or gaki being near her.

The big winners with him though are Nicodem and Seamus, only guy I don't see him interesting with is McMourning though I do use the dead rider with him so I suppose some games I can switch it up.

Given that Lost Love does nothing but hide most games anyway to keep Kirai's safety net in place, I can afford to have him probably double cast turn one trying to get it to go off if I don't have a crow in hand and probably one more cast turn two relatively safely. Obviously, first turn is best because of the chance to heal him and all, but I'll still take it turn two.

I just love the idea of a spirit with Obj2 that you think twice about hitting...

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It is exciting for sure. He brings the kick to the ressurs that we need! Yes the dead rider is great but object is sweet and he seems great at wrecking face. What I like about him is the new mechanic of benefiting another model after death. It's an interesting mechanic I hope to see more of in the ressur aresenal. It just adds into the resiliency of the faction. What of you could do multiple "after death" buffs on the same model.

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Given that Lost Love does nothing but hide most games anyway to keep Kirai's safety net in place, I can afford to have him probably double cast turn one trying to get it to go off if I don't have a crow in hand and probably one more cast turn two relatively safely. Obviously, first turn is best because of the chance to heal him and all, but I'll still take it turn two.

I just love the idea of a spirit with Obj2 that you think twice about hitting...

I actually tend to use the Lost Love to mostly try and heal Kirai to try and keep her topped or without needing to soothe herself (at a respectable distance).

Though yeah, giving it a try if nothing better to do is a plan.

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I've come up with what I think is quite a good list for Kirai and Izamu:


- Lost love


- Grave Spirit

5 Seishin


Now, the lynchpin of this crew is Molly's ability to copy spells and the grave spirit being able to cast them via magical extension. Firstly, you can use Molly to copy the LL's Pass Beyond if you don't get the high crow but do get a mid crow or two. After that there is a multitude of spells you can copy which will make our boy Izamu even more brutal. Being able to soulstone the cast means that you can cast some really good utility spells from some of the minions in Kirai's crew that would normally be pretty easy to resist. It pretty much allows Izamu to operate independently and wreak havoc while the rest of your crew can focus purely on objectives. Here's a run down of useful spells:

Kirai's Chill of Death: Give someone all the negatives when dealing with Izamu, can be used to set up a kill or defensively after Izamu is sent forwards. Better than Molly's Terrible Secret since it works on casting flips as well.

LL's Soothe Spirit: a personal healer for Izamu who tags along after him with nothing better to do, freeing up Kirai from having to heal him and you can keep LL back.

Molly's Imbue Vigour: Obviously doesn't need to be copied, but giving the big guy a swirl followed by +3 walk can get him pretty much everywhere.

Gaki's Aborb: Just in case the big guy can't finish someone off, chances are it'll be on 3 wounds or less.

Onryo's Blind to spirits: Needs the tome but again, once Izamu is swirled forwards targeting the biggest enemy damage nearby and pretty much shutting it down unless it wants to get into melee with Izamu is brutal.

Shikome's Guarantee fate: Come closer to Izamu or take wounds. Either way, winning.

So as you can ssee there's some great utility spells amongst the Spirits that become much more nasty with the ability to cast them with soulstones which, let's be honest, Kirai doesn't really have much of a use for. Molly can cruise around either buffing movement, raising belles so you can lure enemies into your spirits or debuffing with Terrible Secret.

And finally, make sure you remember to use a Seishin to Spiritually Empower Izamu before he gets swirled into combat. +2 cb will make him mind boggling.

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Lost Love soothe spirit is terrible. 8 Rams or better. Start getting that high and I might want to just hold the card for a combat or defense flip instead. At least with a high crows for Pass Beyond gives me a VERY huge tangible benefit.

I should probably point out that playing Kirai, I tend to run through 7-9 wounds (summoning Ikiryo and Shikome, maybe with Don't Blink) in one turn. I am healing 3-5 generally via Soothe and Absorb. I am hoping to heal another 1-3 with an Ikiryo Vengeance Attained the same turn. If I start with the 8 of rams in hand, then I will try to go for a Soothe from Francis, but otherwise, I don't even bother. I'd rather have him Defensive Stance and walk to safety than take two shots at casting Soothe. And after the first turn, I won't even bother if I do have the card. I need my high cards to kill or stay alive. And by the Kirai is generally so far forward he is being put in unnecessary danger to keep trying to heal her. At that point, I view him as 4 wounds and come back from death vs 1-3 wounds because someone is gonna' kill him if he gets that close.

The Shikome is what I really want the high crow for anyway. If I take Izamu, I'm happy burning it to turn him into a spirit anyway, which means I'll probably be playing Kirai a bit more safely than usual. I do kind of like the idea of Molly and Grave Spirit (though that is a LOT of ss) to be able to make him an Obj2, Armor 2, spirit. Seriously, dude is NOT gonna' die. Not when he is healing on severe and backed up by Kirai's healing. Pick an objective or area of the board and tell your opponent to go somewhere else. Izamu is having none of his shenanigans over there.

And the best part is that with artwork like his, he is going to be absolutely awesome in model form. I seriously cannot wait for this dude.

Edited by Alviaran
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Yep, Izamu's gonna be a bastard to play against. Not looking forward to Ausplosions getting his greasy resser hands on tis guy. ;)

I was about to say I'll have to counter him with a Coppelius to the face, but Izamu will probably laugh off his paralyse trigger. Damn. :P

Yup. That is just a really weird, really cool aspect to the guy.

Opponent coming in with a nasty trigger and you can't beat the resist? Fine. Cheat a low card you had no other use for except as discard fodder and kill the trigger. If they are looking for an Onslaught or Paralyze or some such, deny it. Worth throwing the useless card anyway. All you're gonna' do with it otherwise is bluff. :P

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He doesn't really fit with my McM crew, but i'm going to have to give him a try anyway, assuming there isn't a secondary model that you need to take as well, as then the ss cost becomes too high. I'm thinking McM, Chihuahua, Von Schill, Grave Spirit, Izamu plus dogs and whatever else i fancy. Maybe Punk Zombies for the theme.

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