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The Rifle men!

Wicked Lance

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Whoa! The rifleman is just awesome ! (on paper of course)

a quick list of 35 ss:

Lady J

Lucius 10 ss

Guild Austringer 5 ss

Guild Rifleman 4 ss

Guild Rifleman 4 ss

Guild Guard 4 ss

Drill Sergeant 3 ss

Guild Austringer 5 ss

The Guild Guard would be the cordon leader, the riflemen and austringers will take care of the ranged attacks then Lucius and Lady J would deal the melee damage...

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Nice list though I wouldn't recommend using either the Riflemen or the Austringers as the terminus for Cordon. They aren't very durable and can still be shut down if engaged in melee.

Kinda confused on Lady Justice's inclusion as she really doesn't do much for the rest of the ranged heavy crew aside from Blind Justice (and just being a beat stick melee model). Without her in the list you could run two more Guild Guard to protect the Riflemen and Austringers (and/or add in the other Guild Riflemen so you have some redundancy with them, as is once one dies you lose combined arms).

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I just played with the Guild Guard Captain last weekend.

So if I take out Lady J, here's my new list:

Lucius 0 ss cache

Guild Austringer 5 ss

Guild Austringer 5 ss

Guild Rifleman 4 ss

Guild Rifleman 4 ss

Guild Guard 4 ss

Guild Guard Captain 7 ss

Drill Sergeant 3 ss

Lawyer 7 ss

Or I can take out the Drill Sergeant and Lawyer and put in 1 Guild Guard (4 ss) and 2 Guild Hounds (6 ss) and still have 1 ss in my cache.

Again, it looks good on paper.

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I'd drop the Lawyer and either put in the other Riflemen (largely to preserve the use of Combined Arms should one be killed) or another Guild Guard (to expand the coverage of Cordon). I also wouldn't recommend dropping the Drill Sergeant as he really buffs the ranged guardsmen.

I like the inclusion of the Guild Guard Captain, definately fluffy. Not so sure the Guild Hounds would do much for the crew.

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well, The crew looks fairly slow, movement wise. I think a couple or three guild hounds would be a perfect standby for schemes and strategies that require movement.

Otherwise, no, they don't really add a whole lot to that crew. they are gaurdsmen, though, so Lucius still has some good synergy with them.

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