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Hey guys!

I'm about to start an Outcast Mercenary Crew and I'm thinking I'd like some extra hats to spread around on my models, or at least a few to cover up Alternate Victoria's bald spot.

Anyone know where I can get a set of suitably sized hats, Victorian or Wild West style?

Only thing I can find is the Malifaux Hats and Guns, which isn't appearing to be my cup of tea, and something from Reaper Miniatures, which doesn't really suit.

So, any suggestions would be great!

Thanks guys!

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Nice idea, Viks would look so much better with their hair covered!

I have not seen many sets with just hats but you could buy some conversion heads and just clip the face off which opens up a few more options:




There are probably a lot more lurking about but these sprung to mind.

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Warlord Games sells period hats, but the webstore is being updated so there aren't any good pictures. They are fairly cheap though, so you could always hope :) Look through some of the period models and you'll see the types of hats they sculpt anyway. The Pike and Shotte section seem to have the most.

They've also got some nice terrain....just sayin...

Edited by Paddywhack
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Brother got this from reaper at one point, it has a couple hats that might help you, sadly it has other headgear as well but it at least has a couple that work.


The scale on these is also a little off for Malifaux models, great set just not really for Malifaux.

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