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25SS Som'er List (semi-fixed)


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So I know most people aren't going to like the setup of the mini-league that my local club has went with, but I'm looking for some thoughts.

The club is running an 8 week league. In the first 6 weeks you must use models only from the starter box, up to the soul stone limit, which is 2 weeks at 25SS, 2 weeks at 27SS, then 2 weeks at 30SS. In the last two weeks, you are only forced to take the Master from the starter box and the limit is 30SS.

They/I know this isn't quite how Malifaux is meant to run by it is thought this might encourage more people to start it up as they only need the starter box plus a few other models (except if you're taking Som'er!).

So anyway, I am thinking of taking Som'er, though I also have the Ophelia starter box. This means the box is:

Som'er 0SS

Warpig 8SS

4 Bayous 8SS

Anyone any suggestions on what I should think about taking with the last 9SS? I should mention that I don't have any piglets yet or whisperer, but may have them in time for game 2. Any non-pig suggestions would be welcome. Also, no pigapult.

I was thinking of taking 1 mosquito (2SS) and 2 more Bayou's (4SS) for the 25SS game. Thoughts?

Edited by scottb
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If you're running just Som'er, Skeeters are needed for his play style. I like Rami too cause can take out most threats you need to deal with. I think at 25ss any more Bayou Gremlins to start out with is really going to limit what you can do. I'm a big fan of Francios also, he is a really good melee model, and something this crew really lacks.

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Yeah, we have to use the starter box. Had thought about just using Ophelia but I do like Som'er, feels like there are more options since it's not just shooty (if I buy some piglets). So far it looks like I'm up against Colette, Ramos, Ortegas, Rasputina, Lucius, Pandora, and Lilith. I thought Som'er might have a better time with it against some of those Masters than Ophelia, especially as he can affect my/their hand of cards.


Seems to leave too few SS if I take Ophelia with Som'er at 25SS, but would definitely take her at 30SS - she is so lethal.

So can't wait to replace that Warpig with other stuff!

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Starter box isn't bad at that encounter level. I would add a Skeeter and a Gremlin Taxidermist and call it done.

This will give you plenty of fodder for the "Summon Factory", and a skeeter to drop a hand or build up for an "Alpha Stank". The Gremlin Taxidermist will actually shine with this list since he will have plenty of corpse counters lying about to convert to Stuffed Piglets for a End Closing Phase "Bacon Bombing Run".

Dont worry about the small SS cache, Som'er really doesn't need a robust one.

This crew will give you plenty of options no matter what strategy you flip.

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Yeah, we have to use the starter box. Had thought about just using Ophelia but I do like Som'er, feels like there are more options since it's not just shooty (if I buy some piglets). So far it looks like I'm up against Colette, Ramos, Ortegas, Rasputina, Lucius, Pandora, and Lilith. I thought Som'er might have a better time with it against some of those Masters than Ophelia, especially as he can affect my/their hand of cards.


Seems to leave too few SS if I take Ophelia with Som'er at 25SS, but would definitely take her at 30SS - she is so lethal.

So can't wait to replace that Warpig with other stuff!

You will have a tough time using the standard Som'er box to effectively get off his best spells - that is what you need the skeeters for. You will not at all want to be using Gremlins Luck, since it will require you putting Som'er in harms way and will drop a lot of wounds on your master (this is what skeeters are for). Honestly, Som'er is really quite limited without skeeters.

Ophelia's crew is quite an effective box though. And you will be just fine bringing her at the starter box level. Remember that Ophelia is a henchman and not a master. This means that she gets her soul-stone reserve IN ADDITION to the soul-stone points value of the game. So if you are playing a 25 stone list then Ophelia has 31 to buy her crew - or she can keep up to a max of her reserve value (which is 6). I believe that her crew comes out to 22 soulstones with the box - which leaves you with about 9 stones more to play with (you will want to keep 5-6 for her). An easy solution is to add either a slop-hauler and keep 5 stones or add 2 bayou gremlin and keep 5 stones (although if you can bring her totems instead of the bayou that is often best).

Ophelia's crew will do very well against the masters you listed - although Pandora could be very painful to face (just as rough with Som'er).

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