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Starting to Paint up Seamus


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Thats not a bad start, hell in truth all it could use for table top is a highlight of the base color. I have seen pretty good results with nothing but that formula, base, ink (for shadowing and tinting of the original color) then re-applying the base color (in truth this is pretty much the formula used throughout the new GW How to Paint book which if you haven't taken a look at I might recommend as a good starting point).

Dont worry though with practice your skills will improve quickly.

PS That model isn't that bad either, I have seen far, far worse.

Edited by Omenbringer
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First thing I learned that made painting much more fun and easier for me, was to paint a model until YOU are happy with it. Don't paint so your gaming group will like, don't paint so everyone on the forum will like it, paint so you like it. I found it so much easier to paint once I got that idea in my head. I , personally like it. It truely is a rotten belle. Keep at it!

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Your skills will improve the more you paint, practice is the key.

Education and trial and error go right along with practice. There are tons of model painting tutorials on-line. Read a bunch. Pick the techniques that appeal to you and try them out. With time you will develop your own style.

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