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Something Completely Different


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This thread has no particular topic, it's just, I've gotten bored with watching the debate threads (no offense intended to anyone at all there, just saying that I've moved on). Anyway, perusing some of the older threads, I grabbed some topics to start off in another direction, hopefully. Hoping some others will chime in just so I have a reason to keep checking in 20 times a day :)

Who is planning to collect a Ten Thunders force?

What do you hope the rumored story/campaign packs are going to add?

What is going on with Rathnard's Seamus crew?

Will I be able to get the limited (so far) edition puppets I missed last year without spending millions of dollars on ebay?

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I will be collecting a 10t crew for sure. Not that I'm bored with the current masters/crews/factions I play, I just need a change. Will be cool to see how they incorporate all of the new stuff with the older stuff.

The Story packs are gunna be cool. Having some new encounters (and new models) to play with will take some of the "redundancy" out of the game, at least for me anyway.

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I'm a little concerned that the burden of knowledge be linked to a financial burden. In other words, the only way to know what certain models do is to either buy them or to have them beat you up.

Now if you have the book, you at least know what that any given model is generally capable of (minus errata/fixes/whatever). Who knows what will happen with story packs.

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Okay, now that I'm not posting from my phone...

I have a couple of guesses on the story packs. First is just some special encounter strategies and schemes for the figures included. That would be kind of disappointing.

Second is what I'm hoping for: The Campaign story mode.

I believe it's been mentioned that the story packs are Henchman based, so what I'm picturing is this: A set of additional guidelines for your crew creation, like "Must include X model" or "May not have Y in your crew". The strategy and/or schemes might be set, or they might even be new custom ones. And finally, there could be conditions imposed on future games depending on whether you win or lose, or even how many VP you score.

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I have a couple of guesses on the story packs. First is just some special encounter strategies and schemes for the figures included. That would be kind of disappointing.

Depending on the models I dont think it would actually be that disappointing though...

Second is what I'm hoping for: The Campaign story mode.

I believe it's been mentioned that the story packs are Henchman based, so what I'm picturing is this: A set of additional guidelines for your crew creation, like "Must include X model" or "May not have Y in your crew". The strategy and/or schemes might be set, or they might even be new custom ones. And finally, there could be conditions imposed on future games depending on whether you win or lose, or even how many VP you score.

This is definately something that would be awesome and a bit out of left field honestly. I hope you are correct as it would tie Malifaux much more closely to a few other games I really enjoyed (before their manufacture decided that they weren't worth continuing).

Edited by Omenbringer
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I'm pretty excited for the ten thunders and how they will tie into the factions. I find it odd that they are called a new "faction" yet they fit into the others. I'm also excited for the new book. I lOve to read and I can really get into the fluff. Since wyrd is maxing out the Asian theme I hope they go from theme to theme for new models within factions. First Asian theme then maybe different themes throughout the world. Different races and people.

African tribesmen crossing a different breach or Australian boomerang throwers or something crazy (ressurected fighting kangaroos? Yes please!)

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I can hardly wait for the Story packs, I absolutely loved the older ones (and the fan created ones).

This got me to look back in my files - Krampus and Carver models would be awesome. I'd also love to have special rules for the Easter gremlins with some encounters.

And I sent you a PM. Thanks!

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There have been quite a few calls for some other cultures to show up in future books over the years. Aside from the ones you mentioned I would love to see some middle eastern and Native American flavored crews.

I'd like that too, but I'd want them to show up as something other than "The Native American Crew" or "The Middle Eastern Crew". The Ortegas are a pretty good example of what I mean. They're a bunch of gunslinging monster hunters who are also Mexican.

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I'd like that too, but I'd want them to show up as something other than "The Native American Crew" or "The Middle Eastern Crew". The Ortegas are a pretty good example of what I mean. They're a bunch of gunslinging monster hunters who are also Mexican.

Definately agree and am confident the Wyrd crew will do a fabulous job incorporating them into the fluff (and apply that unique twist they are so good at).

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Also, it's a given that this is going to be loaded with Ten Thunders stuff, but I'm also willing to bet that they're going to continue the trend of giving existing Masters new toys.

My C. Hoffman Guess - Some kind of Construct! No, maybe a Lady Justice-bot! Inspired by Lady Justice's weird inability to believe that Ramos didn't turn her into a construct.

Perdita Ortega Guess - I'm guessing right now she's giving her people the escalation speech from The Untouchable, and we're going to see an enslaved Nekima guild figure.

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Who is planning to collect a Ten Thunders force?

I was sceptical at first, until I starting seeing the art and wallpapers. I was sold for sure when I saw this: post-10543-13911923925021_thumb.jpg

I'm hoping my wallet can sustain the abuse this next book inflicts upon it.

What do you hope the rumored story/campaign packs are going to add?
Mostly I just want more faction/master specific schemes. The current pool is feeling a bit thin for my tastes.
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BTW, if anyone has seen the old TV show Soap, imagine the list of questions in the first post being read in the manner of the ending previews of next week.

Also, if Rathnard reads this - wanted to note I wasn't trying to call you out, just that you had mentioned your new crew in another thread, and I always like hearing about your crews, because you're awesome.

As for Ten Thunders, I'm a completist so I will no doubt have them eventually. But the image of the three women fighting (I'm too lazy to go find it now) really got me excited about what will be happening with that.

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I'm not inherently interested in a new faction, but if I can buy a new master for my existing factions (Neverborn and Arcanist) and get a 10T master at the same time... then I am excited as hell.

I do have high hopes for the story packs. I love that kind of thing. I am already trying to think of organized play ideas incorporating them.

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