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About Malovane

  • Birthday 03/12/1981

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  1. Without seeing the stats off all the M3E models, its a bit hard to evaluate the overall impact of the RJ change. Depending on the average health values and the damage ranges of models in M3E, the RJ change might be fine. In a vacuum, severe+1 is underwhelming, but if the typical severe damage has gone up and/or average health has been reduced, the net result would be something of a wash. Changing to +1 over +weak serves to normalize the red joker's impact across models. It also removes that extreme swing the RJ had on models with high weak damage, which potentially opens up the design space a bit.
  2. The second you start talking about not being at a disadvantage, you are fundamentally talking about the cost to be competitive. Getting into the very concept of skews goes even further, requiring some r&d to even determine what are the common skews and how to tech against them. You have absolutely gone well beyond the point of entry. Even the act of learning what models fit what roles is something that comes with experience or research, which again falls beyond the idea of "getting started" with Malifaux. The entry point to malifaux can absolutely be crew box vs crew box. It won't be the most balanced experience in all cases, but its enough to get a taste for the rules and systems of the game.
  3. The point of the Dead Man's Hand, as far as we've been informed is to provide rules for models that are no longer currently active in the fiction. It isn't to remove them from the universe entirely. To me it feels like a blatant setup for a later release/return. Sure, I can see this for official "lore" tournament purpose. However, these models will all still have rules as themselves, so it would then create a point of confusion in tournaments that are allowing "dead man's hand" models. In casual games, we can proxy to our heart's content. I would love to have an official use in M3E for all the avatars I own, but sadly that doesn't appear to be the case. I can still maintain hope and keep a positive outlook. In the meantime, they still look great and can serve as casual proxies.
  4. This is rather blind speculation. There could be books/models that are entirely focused on the return of Lilith or Nicodem. Collodi could return with an entire new faction in tow for all we know. Since the Ten Thunders are no longer comprised entirely of multi-faction masters, the stage is rather set for a new faction to be introduced in the same manner. Unexpected expirations are always disheartening, but there are really few things purchased these days that don't end up expiring eventually. Besides, the only models we know are truly expiring are the avatars. The rest will at least still have rules.
  5. Ouch. I hope that's not the case. I would rather have the character art cropped down or diminished in size to maintain a standard card size. Storage, transport, and sleeving is so much easier with a standard size card. Although, it might not matter as much if there is a digital card app for M3E.
  6. Even more so given that upgrades are apparently still a thing.
  7. Since we have yet to see any rules docs, I find this to be a large assumption. Most large cons typically have multiple tournament formats running within the more popular games. There are already multiple formats in M2E that get use. Warmahordes has multiple types of formats/leagues that get run on small/large scale. I generally do not understand this fear.
  8. Given the apparent focus on thematic crews, I'm not overly concerned. The core identity of the masters appears to be intact from the snippets of info we've received. Generally holding off any concerns until I see actual rules. Probably helps that I own models from every faction.
  9. Given that we have not seen official M3E tournament rules yet, the restriction might very well be to world campaign and major events only. If everything is tournament balanced, I wouldn't be surprised if the recommendation for local events was an "unrestricted" format. If I was a TO, I would run unrestricted locally regardless. Even at larger events, I wouldn't be surprised to see both formats running.
  10. I get the impression faction affiliations will become more fluid and change over time. Particularly now that its the Bayou faction and not Gremlins, make me think more non-gremlins will show up. Like maybe Marcus ditches the Arcanists entirely and goes Neverborn/Bayou. Feels like the narrative has opened up a bit in this regard.
  11. By no means do I expect it to be commonplace to continue playing old versions of miniature games within the public view. I certainly wouldn't go to a brick/mortar store looking to play an old edition. However, within small groups/circles of friends, I find playing old editions of board games, rpgs, and miniatures to be rather common. Particularly if you own multiple factions of models, it can be just as easy to break out an old version of Warhammer/40k as it is to break out a board game, more so if the other players are familiar with the rules of course. Even with the initial release of AoS, WFB continued to have a loyal following, until GW wised up and added structure to the AoS army creation. WFB is popular enough that its basically just become fan supported as the 9th age, and it apparently has tournaments running at Adepticon and such. Ultimately, the onus is always on the buyer to make use of the purchase. The onus is on me to paint/play with my purchase regardless of how popular it is or if its already been made obsolete by a newer version. I have a few avatars that never hit the table, but that's hardly on Wyrd for changing their implementation in M2E. I had the opportunity in M1E and didn't take it. I still have that option to make use of them and I don't take it. Now that I hear they won't even have rules initially in M3E, its even more on me. The option to make use of the purchase is ever present, albeit in some cases it can potentially be more challenging. Models could even be used in different games or settings than their original intent. Ultimately, I'm just pointing out the options and trying to temper the expected frustrations of an edition change.
  12. Gencon 2019 would be my earliest guess.
  13. The mechanic/concept was cool, but very janky, while also extremely unbalanced. I always wished they would have just been alternate versions of the character more akin to the versioning of warlocks/warcasters in Warmahordes. If we can have masters "retire" why not have them undergo dramatic changes.
  14. Rather expected, good to know, but still sad to hear.
  15. The only uncertainty is #2, as we don't currently know the future of the character or even much about M3E. #1 and #4 are absolutely certainties of use. I'm not sure how you would even begin to prepare for tournament competition without engaging in casual/practice play, at the very least to learn the rules and such. Regardless, lets assume you only ever play in tournaments. #3 is still a conditional certainty. You can improve that certainty by talking with the TO. You can further make #3 an absolute certainty by organizing the tournament yourself. Regardless, I see a lot of unfounded fear regarding your ability to make use of the purchase. I understand the concern regarding tournament use, but your purchase is only a waste if you let it become one. We don't even have a clear idea on the release window for M3E yet, so there is nothing stopping you from getting out and playing M2E now. You absolutely have the ability to get value from your spent money and effort.
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