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Crews by Gujozec (picture heavy)


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I've been working on my counts-as Kirai crew for several months now, and it's nearing completion. So I decided to show off what I've got so far.

The whole crew was initially inspired by the art of Santiago Caruso, especially his illustrations for the book "La Condesa Sangrienta" : http://galleries.santiagocaruso.com.ar/the-bloody-countess.html , but as I advanced through the work the theme sort of evolved. Beyond recognition.

Basically, my Kirai is The Bloody Countess, Elizabeth Báthory, who worships an ancient pagan god of underwold.The god provides her with magical powers, a small army of netherworld spirits, a chance to be reunited with her dead husband, and eternal youth. The Countess is in firm belief that she is in control of the situation, although in truth she is the heathen god's puppet. And his true intentions are unknown.

I'll have to write some nice little fluff text after the fluff and the models get their final shape. I still don't have final names for some of the spirits, so I could use some help with that. Ideas and opinions abouth anything else are appreciated as well.

Now, let's meet the crew.

counts as Ikiryo

No name yet, let's call it Grim Reaper. The Reaper is a manifestation of the Countess' sadistic and murderous nature. Big claws. Covered in blood. Yeah.



count as Seishin

Small spirits shaped as human skulls trailing with white vapours. They keep the Countess from harm. And freak people out.



counts as Lost Love

Elisabeth's late husband, also a heathen worshipper. Died of a mysterious illness many years ago. Perhaps a part of the pagan god's scheme? Anyways, the god allows his spirit to follow the Countess on her quests.



counts as Dead Rider

One of the Pagan god's more powerful servants.



counts as Onryo

No name yet. Spirits of young women killed during gritty pagan rituals. Corrupted and forced to serve their own torturess.



counts as Gaki

Ravenous spirits from the underworld.



counts as Shikome

The NetherSphynxes live on the many belltowers of Underwold palaces, cathedrals and fortresses.


Work in progress counts-as-Datsue-ba:


---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

Some counters and markers I've done so far:

Evidence of the Countess' pagan worship (yep, slavic idols were of a really interestig shape...)


Claim marker:


Corpse counters:


And the start of the second crew I'm working on, my brother's Freikorpsmen:


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Really like the ideas behind the Kirai crew. The models and paint job are great too. I particularly like your Dead Rider - it has a creepy, terror-provoking look to it. I definitely wouldn't want to meet it alone in the woods...

The conversion on the Freikorps looks really good. The muted colours on their armour look great. Your brother is very lucky!

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Thanks for your comments everyone.

I'm attending a tournament in less than two weeks time, and this is the list of models I have to paint and/or convert until then:



-2 Freikorpsmen

-Von Schill

-another FK Trapper

-supply wagon

-various markers.

After the tournament: more models for both crews, a carry case and custom stat cards...

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