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Female Resser Master


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I think Cain (Lillith) could be done as a hypermasculine fellow with a greatsword and perhaps a prominent codpiece, giving a little balance to the sometimes sexualized female figures. Dorian (Pandora) would be fun as Oscar Wilde, kind of tying the Victorian theme in while making reference to the psychological Pandora's box addressed in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Probably a bit of a reach, but why not?

The male leader of the nephilim subfaction would obviously be Semyaza. And I would preorder that mini. Wyrd, make this happen. Rule 63 demands it.

As for female Ressers... I play Neverborn and Outcasts, so I haven't got a huge stake in it. Three of my five leaders are female, and I recently got the Perdita and Ophelia boxsets as gifts, so if anything I need some testosterone to balance things out. But I'd rather have a good version of Molly than another new character at this point. I like Molly, she deserves to be a good model.

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Completely off topic of a Female master but talking about horror movie characters has made me want to have Samara from The Ring. Just place a well on the board, nominate an enemy model, that model must pass the mark of Samara onto another model and so on each turn. Anyone who breaks the ring of message deliveries has Samara crawl out of the well and claw their face off.

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I never thought to myself that I wanted more of one gender specifically, it just doesn't concern me as long as it's executed properly, which Wyrd never disappoints with.

Not caring about Molly's gender, I'd love for her to have more toys and be more playable, like most people seem to do. I love me some Molly.

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Sonnia, I have no idea about. I think witch pretending to be witchhunter whenever I see her, but I don't think that's what she's meant to be...

...She's a gender-swapped Darth Vader. Evil, authoritarian magic user that hunts down and does horrible things to unauthorized magic users at the behest of a more evil person (who may also be a magic user, I don't know about Guild leadership, but it really would be great if this game had a Palpatine analogue). Only instead of killing them, she rips out a chunk of their souls so she can use them as hunting hounds, instead of a force choke she has CLEANSING FIRE, and instead of redemption she gets turned into the meat puppet of an omnicidal fire god.

Completely off topic of a Female master but talking about horror movie characters has made me want to have Samara from The Ring. Just place a well on the board, nominate an enemy model, that model must pass the mark of Samara onto another model and so on each turn. Anyone who breaks the ring of message deliveries has Samara crawl out of the well and claw their face off.

You mean the classic creepy Japanese female ghost that (un)lives for vengeance on the people that wronged her? I agree, if only Malifaux had a Master like that. Oh wait. :-P

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The Blessed of December is literally a female lycanthrope. I'd say Wyrd has that one covered.

Also, have none of you seen "the howling"? (and sequels...) Heed my warning: You don't want female werewolf stereotype getting its dirty b-movie self in your peanut butter...

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I would stick with giving Molly more toys

I was thinking of starting a Molly crew but as the options are so slim I left it, glad to hear that she may be getting some more stuff in the new book so I may have to look again later in the year.

Eric was a bit vague in interview about what the other factions actually get in the ten thunder books and didn't mention it including any special forces, just that the other faction players would not be disappointed with the book.

The molly stuff (and I guess we can assume other henchmen special forces) are going to be coming in the form of story encounter packages, but hopefully she might get some other toys in the book aswell :)

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I Myself have on my table a longterm fan character project (art, fluff, conversion for wich I have yet to find proper miniatures.. and rules eventually.) wich is a bit of a cruella de ville meets elizabeth bathory for ressers.

(with 2 companion undead poodles :) a living furcoat made of zombie hoarcats etc.) she doesnt want power, just eternal youth (power she has, as a wealthy member of the malifaux upper class.)

and then in book 3 was the fluff with the lady dealing in haunted mansions.. and was thinking how it would be fun if that would turn out as a master that can only have 1 of each profile but can somehow companion them etc. ... (basically turning each profile into a named *ghost* akin to the thirteen ghosts.) that would give a very different approach to playing ressers too I think :) (as I often see, well why should I take XX when I can take XX instead, and complaints about uselessness of some profiles.. if you can only take 1 of each, does change the approach.)

that said, I do think Kirai is a true resser.. just would love to see more female ressers.

Someone mentioned the Orphanage woman idea... wich I think is also awesome (tough..I initially tought Pandora is the orphanage woman, but she cant take crooligans etc. I made mine into an orphanage leader (with the woes being the shadows on kid miniatures etc. etc. ... every profile converted so it has a kid in its presence.)

that said.. orphanage woman maybe more as a neverborn or an outcast even, probably henchwoman.


Agreeing with the gender switch ideas for masters :) would be fun side miniatures :)

and yes keeping certain aestics (so.. yes gender bended lilith would be a leather clad, showing skin kind of lad... why is that so horrible ?.. funniest would be zoraida and marcus... they pretty much are each others bended genre allready :))

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Fluff-wise I can see Wyrd turning Molly into a full fledged master. Now if they do that I don't know but it would be really cool. I can alos see some masters switching factions and other changes coming just from reading fluff and spotting loose ends in the story. I am excited to see what else will come up.

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