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Arcane Effigy & Collette


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I'm looking at a crew build for next week and considering using the effigy for the first time with collette.

Although arcane reservoir looks very useful i don't like the ideas of not being able to take doves (can you summon them if the effigy is killed?)

Also I can see the effigy slowing collette down, alot, if I want to keep it in range to use conduct aether.

However I will probably facing some spirits so it's magical attacks will help.

Anyone used this pairing, how did they get on with it?

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I've not tried this combo, but I have run the arcane effigy with other masters. I would say that doves are too important to Colette to lose them for arcane reservoir. Colette can draw enough cards and get enough actions in other ways. I wouldn't be taking the arcane effigy with her.

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I would agree, the doves are too important.

SO far the only person I see the arcanist effigy working with is Kaeris... who can't take it.

Ramos needs the Mobile toolkit

Raspy want EoP

Marcus wants Jackalop

Kaeris... NA

Colette Doves.

Mean while

Coloddi - will take it

Lilith - takes it or other totem with Reservoir

Zoraida.. ok she needs voodoo doll

Dreamer - needs his totem

Pandora - Why not.

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If Colette took Kaeris, couldn't she take Doves while Kaeris took the Arcane Effigy?

You wouldnt be allowed to take it because they belong to 2 different special forces groups.

That said, I have a friend who runs the effigy with colette and does quite well with the combo. Why is she so reliant on the doves?

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Dove's flying around at 10 inch movement casting Magicians Duel 2/3/5 and possibly gaining a soulstone if you kill the model makes them one of the best totems in the game. The fact you can have 3 running around doing this is even better.

This also provides you more activations with a chance to out activate your opponent. Because Collette is jumping all over the board switching places up to 18 inches between her showgirls, it makes it hard for her to keep bouncing back to be near the effigy to receive the extra casting AP. The effigy is slow at 4 inches.

Against certain crews or playing with certain strategies/schemes it may be beneficial. Definately not an auto include.

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I did think about Kaeris taking the effigy, but when she is a henchman she is not the crew leader so she can't. When she is the crew leader she can't take totems.... except the effigy isn't a totem. Technically I think this is legal as the ability to hire totems is not a requirement to take the effigy, its just when you take the effigy you can't hire a totem.

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Well then the only other use it might have is in an Avatar list which means fast tracking the Avatar manifestation to minimize the loss of the totem. Because the effigy, not being a totem, won't get removed in the manifest step.

Otherwise I say @#$! it, @#$! it with a rusty spoon.

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Otherwise I say @#$! it, @#$! it with a rusty spoon.

Yeah thats what I thought. I might try it in a couple of non competetive games just to see if its going to be as terrible as I fear.

As for fast tracking the avatar, Am I right in thinking that the decoys are revealed either a. when they are hit or b. at the end of closing phase after they manifest?

If so it might not be a good idea to manifest too early as your opponent will know exactly where the decoys are at an early stage of the game

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how I understand it is

Collette avatars, places 3 models (2 decoys and collette) for the remainder of this turn all models are treated as aCollette and can use her stat card unless they take damage, then they are revealed as decoy and rermain in play (using the decoy stat card).

At the end of the closing phase the decoys are revealed and remain in play (although your opponent now knows which Collette is the real one and which are the decoys)

So being as your opponent now knows which models are the decoys (which are insignificant) and he can probably ignore them I would figure its better to do it later in the game

Although I dont have the book with me so could have gotten that completely wrong

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Logic, that wont work. Ramos simply removes the restriction on only taking 2 special forces members. It doesnt remove the restriction on only a single type of special forces.

This means that you can either take the effigy (special forces Doll) *or* kaeris (special forces M&SU assets), but not both.

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Sadly Tograth has it, Zoraida has the same issue despite her special note with the Special Force Dolls. She can't take an Effigy and Freikcorp or the kin gremlins. that said the recent rulings and errata I believe did make it clear you can start with special force and later in the game summon a different special force *though only like two or something models can do that I think*

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Also Ramos becomes the crew leader which the Effigy has to attach to replacing the Tool Kit.

All told I am only going to have Ramos, Kaeris and Colette in my arcanist faction and aColette has more AP then she can use, so she doesn't need the Effigy and the way I am going to play Ramos as the replica generator (Stargate) I don't see a need to get his avatar.

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