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Everything posted by Logic512

  1. You can take Ramos (with a Toolkit) which lifts the restrictions on Special Forces(M&SU Asset). Then you can take Kaeris and attach an Arcane Effigy to her in lieu of a totem. I did this last night and it was pretty fun.
  2. Since this is a pulse with a Df resist do my models with frozen heart have to fail a Df resist to be healed? Do I flip and then choose to meet the total? Does the Silent One have to resist it's own spell? I can't find exact rules in the book but I've been told that I have to flip the defense flip but I can choose to fail the resist regardless of what was flipped.
  3. Ramos, Alyce, Coryphee, Toolkit, and some individual spiders is something I've been considering for a while. You can reactivate the Coryphee and usually get it to objectives and then out of danger with 6AP, 6(0) actions, bunches of hit-and-run triggers. Then give it some healing next turn from any of three sources and do it all again. It's very "all eggs, one basket" but I think it could be fun.
  4. The most important thing she ever did for me was defensive stance on an Evidence marker in my deployment zone. +resist flips is nice vs, say, Pandora. Otherwise I find her pretty underwhelming. So, are you sold on her yet? I'm a terrible salesman.
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