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What type of player are you? Timmy, Johnny, or Spike?


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Don't talk about the Malifaux Child that way, It is one of the best objective markers money can buy!

I'm a Johnny, love experimenting with stuff just to see if I can make it work, actually get more out of finding something wacky and different than I do winning games. Its like figuring out puzzle boxes, now where is my Pandora...lol

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I fit in all 3 of those.

I like big combos that just goes WTF BOOOOOOM!!!!!

If my opponent gives me the chance to win without losing a single model or kill his entire crew I will do so.

I have 10 crews and rarely play the same list twice, at least not in a row.

Why would I just shoot the model when I can use five abilities to kill it instead.

I refuse to hold back on my gameplay. If you're new I will use a weird list but if you put your Master in a bad spot I will kill it.

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Looks like I'm a Johnny!

I don't really like using the overly broken items for the sake of winning. Hell, I bought nightmare LCB at book 2 release and JUST started using him because his rules balance turned a lot of power gamers off of him. I'd rather win with figures and synergies I like then some list that's crafted to just power through your opponent.

Why invest so much time and effort into a list that isn't really fun and is just meant to win at the cost of an opponent/friend's expense.

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As a new gamer, I'm not sure where I fit in. I've been playing for a few months and haven't won a single game. I suppose this is a Spike aspect, as I've changed crews twice in order to find something I find more competitive. However I like the dynamics of a Lilith crew, the growing and the character of her story. I'm a gamer who's much more into the fluff, the story behind Malifaux and the people rather than the models. It's why I don't like Ramos (he's such a manipulative &*%^&%).

I prefer painting my models to anything other than reading the stories in the rulebooks. I borrowed them to read and now want to buy them all to read them again! I enjoy painting models that I am proud to have on the table (for as short a time that they remain on the table). I like people saying "that looks good!". I will probably end up buying every crew just to paint them.

That being said, every time I lose I feel like "UGH! Why do I even bother!? I'm so rubbish" that I feel like buying a "better" crew each week, not embracing the fact that I need to learn that master and its models to be a good player. I'd like to win a game every now and then, or at least more than 50%.

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I am clearly a hybrid of Johnny and Spike. I like winning, but I also enjoy losing if it meets criteria. If I lose because my opponent is a better player then me or outfoxed me, that puts a smile on my face though I might go over the game or tactics in my head for a while taking apart the match and seeing what I can learn or identity from it. For me many times it is not winning but a mixture of the challenge and knowing I played my best that brings enjoyment. Now that does not always mean a close game, if I can catch my opponent in a clever trap or trick, or outfox them and it leads to a beat down that can be nice. Though I might feel bad for my opponent sometimes judging by how bad *namely if they were doing fine and one bad flip ruined everything*. For me it is often playing your best against someone else trying their hardest and seeing who comes out on top. It is not always about having the best groups but who is the better tactician in the game.

I dislike when others complain though sometimes about my groups or gangs, more so when I can see some clear counters in their own set up that they could have utilized but choice not to or just made some bad decisions *like walking a 10ss model into Zoriada's line of sight first turn before she has activated*. Or when they pretty much go in and play to lose *label you as to strong or competative and don't even try*. My mentality is even in a losing game to struggle every step looking for even that 1% chance to snatch victory from defeat.

But I dislike hamstringing myself going into games. Picking models that don't work together or don't fit the direction just to 'handicap' me does not strike me as fun. Kind of the same way stabbing yourself in the foot before going for a walk does not make the excersise better for you. If you lose in such a game it could be passed as your handicap was to much, rather than you were outplayed. It is just not a fun way for me to play. If I do it by accident by picking the wrong models for what my opponent had that is the fault of my own tactics or accessment, and that is fine.

That is not to say that I don't like trying new combos or models to test their potiental out. I like creating theories but sometimes you just need to test the theories you came up with. For example I took Lelu twice now in a lower SS game with out Lilitu while playing Zoriada. First time I hexed away the talent that hurts them if the other is missing, second time I hexed it away like second or third turn. Would I do it again? Sure if I felt it was a worthwhile. I have even taken a desperate merc before and and hexed his thing off so that he was just a 2ss model I could put in the front and they could not just ignore for the first few turns and try to let it kill itself. I have even in a few games picked stuff like Kill Protegee but kept it hidden to throw up my opponents so they might think it was kidnap or something if I felt the tactics warranted it.

I will add in one more thing, I will also educate my opponents whether it is in game or outside. I might warn them that I can still see a model they are trying to hide, or remind them of an ability they activated earlier and forgot *like giving their own model fast*. I also play by the rules, if they have paired weapons but forgot, I remind them right away. Same if they do the math wrong. If I am going to win I am going to win fairly, nothing takes the wind out of the sails called fun like winning because of a rule mistake. If other players come to me for advice after a game or between them, I will give them honest and helpful suggestions.... after generally asking how far they are willing to go. If they don't want to drop a model or a theme I will try to help with in the confines of their wish. I will often tell my opponent after a game what they might have done differently if they express they wish they knew how they could have stopped something. Making my opponents better at tactics and theories makes the game more challenging with out handicaps.

This is me described and written far more eloquently then I ever could. For me I like to play to the best of my abilities and improve myself, I would rather lose by being out played then due to bad luck, and relish learning from my experiences.

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