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Basing dilemma of a sort.


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Hey guys, new to these forums, thought I might pick your brains for something not involving the walking dead (well in a way I guess.)

So I decided I wanted to shift to using the base inserts for my crews to give a nice uniform theme to them.

So since my main focus has been Ramos and his friends I decided I might kit them out with the Victorian bases.

They fit so nicely with all the gleaming metal.

I'm planning to get some of the graveyard bases for Nicrodem and friends, as well as Orphanage for the Dreamer and his pals.

This leads me to an issue.

While I want to keep the Arcanists looking like they fit together, I was gifted Marcus and friends for my birthday this month.

He just doesn't seem to work with the Victorian style.

While I could go Bayou that also doesn't seem right.

Should I work on custom forest style?

Are there any companies that provide a forest style base insert?

Suggestions? ideas?

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@Demonn, thanks for the quick response.

Have you any direct experience with the micro-arts bases?

Looking at them they appear to be like the inserts that fit the 30, 40 and 50mm bases that Wyrd use.

Would I be right in thinking this?

Are they cast with the rest of the base included or separate?

Resin or metal?

Got any unpainted pictures you're aware of?

They do look like what I'm after, but well I like to be sure before I make an international order (I'm in Australia.)

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Another site worth a lookin is Terraingeek: http://www.terraingeek.com/Woodland/cat784436_902673.aspx

I've not used anything from there myself, and I'm not sure what the postage situation around the world would be >.< But there's a great review of the stuff in episode 16 of the Aethervox (or maybe Eathervox... spelling and me don't have a good relationship) and they're really well priced imo

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The Micro Art bases are resin, single piece bases -not inserts.

I have many many Micro Art wasteland bases and I love them. Both the price and quality of the bases are good. I purchase my Micro Art bases from www.thewarstore.com. The only downside, and it's a small one, is that the bases are taller than your typical base + insert, so if you intend to mix models that are based on traditional bases with models based on Micro Art bases you will see a noticeable difference in height. Although, if you don't mix, and your entire Crew is based on Micro Art bases, you won't have this problem.

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I've got my Rasputina crew on MicroArt Studios shale bases, and all of my neverborn on their Old Factory bases. Love 'em! Some models can be difficult to position on some of the bases so that they stand up straight, so occasionally I have to file down a flat spot or two for the model to stand up. But I don't see it as much hassle for how good they look in the end.

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Dragonforge design have some nice bases. Just picked up some of the Ancient city ruins for my Freikorps.

I have my Gremlins mounted on these, from Fenris Games:


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Thanks for all the responses guys.

You've certainly provided me with a nice selection of companies to solve my problem.

After seeing the unpainted example of the MAS bases I'm thinking I might order a selection of them.

The big problem with all those sites is the lack of unpainted decent res pictures, which is fine if you already know precisely what you want, but not so good for a first time purchase.

I plan to get some pictures of my constructs up sometimes soon, been working on a large arachnid.

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