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McM 35 ss list advice for tourney


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Hello !

I am going to play at a 35ss tourney soon (

7/7/2012 )


Worlds at War, Unit 17a, The Mall, Craigshill, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 5ED (PLUG PLUG ! )

and would like some advice.

I played before but I took all 3 ( proper ) resser masters.

Due to space constraints this time I am taking McM ( I think ).

I am going to take his totem and a k9 so I can summon a rouge necro quickly ( I hope turn 1 )...I was also going to take Von Awesome, Sybelle and 2 bells.. that takes me to 27 soul stones, with McMs big cache the most "left over" could be 2...so that leaves me between 8 an 6 stones to play with...what should I go for ?

The missions are ( all sheared ) plant evidence ,cointain power and line in the sand.

Also any Ideas on good Schemes ?

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First thing that spring to mine with those shared strategies is that you are going to need speed. Plant Evidence and Line in the Sand require you to be able to get where you need to and have the AP left to do their jobs. For this I would suggest a pair of night terrors. With two of them they can together move 18" a turn, are signifigant, and not the easiest things to put down. Between McM and Von Shills you have some other movement options to help you complete either of these. On top of it you have lure of necessary from the Bells to pull models trying to protect counters/pieces of terrain off of them so you can do your job.

For contain power, against a few masters you can threaten them with lures that might draw their good cards or even a soul stone out to insure they don't walk into McM and Von Shill's ranges a the same time. Contain Power is a little rougher as how to kill each master is a little different and the stuff you might want for the other two may not be the same as this. But McM ability to summon a flesh construct or Rogue Necromancy might be able to tip a slugfest in your favor even if all it does it make them waste AP stopping your summoned creation.

As for Schemes you have a few options but it really depends on what your rules are. The guy that runs our tournaments favor that you can't take a scheme more then once in the turnament, meaning each round your options shrink and you have to make hard calls on when to use some schemes. One that might not be bad to keep an eye out for is Kill Protegee. You have the ability to take down even a monster with what you have an they will be hesitant to try and deny you the VP by killing themselves as it is such a resource and leaves them uphill against Von Shill and McM. Just be careful leaving them with one wound as they might get ideas.

Another scheme to always consider is Grudge. With the right cards in hand and a soul stone Von Schill can cut down mid cost models surprisingly well, more so if you softened them up just a tad. His knife's damage is not high but if you have a decent Tome in hand, willing to spend a soul stone to insure you beat them by enough, and have a severe card you can cut down pretty hard. Just be mindful of groups that can off their own guys and still get benifits such as tokens.

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Given that those are the strategies you're looking to complete, you're going to need movement. If I had to run 1 single list, including an early rogue necro, to do all of those it would likely be:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 8 Pool

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

Von Schill [10ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Night Terror [3ss]

Night Terror [3ss]

Night Terror [3ss]

Punk Zombie [5ss]

Rotten Belles [4ss]

using the two canine remains to summon the rogue (I like the keep the chihuahua around to use magic extension, McMourning has some awesome spells)

However with that many movement based strategies I thinkn you'd be better suited ignoring the early hack 'n slash and just get Doug stuck in there early by replacing the 2 canines with either another belle, a crooked man, or a 4th night terror plus a grave spirit attached to von schill to link to the punk zombie. Between McMourning and Von Schill you have plenty damage, night terrors will be your friend to not only achieve objectives but to distract the opponent and make them chase you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For a competitive McMorning list the Core I normally bring is


Zombie Chihuahua

Von Schill

Grave Spirit

Dead Rider

Past that it very much depends on what you are trying to accomplish, but I would certainly bring at least that core.

Also I wouldn't be in a massive hurry to summon a rogue necromancy. In my experience the Rogue necro, while scary, often doesn't live very long once summoned. Certainly getting up to the required BP # is beneficial, just tossing out the Necro is often counter productive. Summon him if you need to but even just sitting on the BP needed can threaten an opponent as they often don't want to commit to taking out the doctor unless they are certain they can do it in one go, as if they fail getting mauled by the doctor and a Necro is almost certain.

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Because he is amazing and brings a good amount of things to the table ressers lack. In addition he is a henchman, and so can attach a totem, allowing you to bring both the zombie chihuahua and the grave spirit, and if you bring the avatar you won't lose the grave spirit when you manifest, as it is attached to Von Schill.

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Please keep in mind this is solely my own personal opinion, based on 10 months of using Molly pretty consistently against very good players in my own local meta, and only examines her in a purely Min/Max tournament/competitive format that it in no way reflects on Wyrd. This is purely a sterile cost/benefit analysis of her performance in a competitive game, against some very good tournament caliber players.

As much as I love Molly's fluff, and model, which I do, as I am her #1 fan, in a competitive environment, I feel, she is very rarely worth her points, especially in lists without Seamus. I don't find her especially effective even in lists with Seamus, as she is extremely expensive and Seamus starts with such a low Cache, but at least she has a 6" walk while near him.

The issue is that Molly doesn't really bring anything especially usefully consistent to a resser crew. While she has a couple truly awesome abilities, like Imbue Vigor and Terrible Secret most of her abilities all require specific high cards in specific suits, which means actually using any of her great abilities becomes very hit or miss as you need firstly the card in hand to for certain pull it off, and secondly you need to be willing to burn that card for Molly to use and not use for something else. It doesn't do you any good to get a high mask to use for imbue vigor if you feel you are going to need that high card to attack, defend, or get severe dmg with.

Even her best ability in my opinion, Terrible Secret, is a little lackluster. Don't get me wrong it is a truly powerful spell, and one of the best Debuffs in the game, if not the best, but it has a few issues. First, do to the recent clarification in the recently released FAQ document the debuff it provides only works against strikes and Df flips. So you can't use Molly to stop or hamper a model casting spells on you, or using abilities that are not Strikes. And secondly while the anti-Df flip is also totally amazing Molly's cost really drains the utility out of it, because I have found that in general all it lets you do, if you get it to work on an opponent, is hit that model a little more consistently. In general it doesn't really help you get more dmg as often as it seems it would, and with her cost being as much as it is she takes up alot of space for a threatening model that can actually utilize the negative buff she hands out. Additionally she can't use it to soften up an Enemy to hit with another of her spells as all of her abilities target WP, which brings up another point.

I've found in addition to Molly's abilities requiring a ton of specific suits is that she is offense locked, and by that I mean all of her offensive abilities attack WP, or affect only living targets. While she can pull off some nasty things, all it takes is a single Immune to Influence model to wreck her day. If any of the riders, or Perdita, or even just a Flesh construct come to play with her she has nothing to do to them. That can be very frustrating on a model you have spent so many stones on.

And finally, by far, the biggest Issue I've found with Molly is that she doesn't have enough actions for what you spend on her. More than anything that is the single issue that brings Molly down, she is just too expensive for what you get. Sure she has instinctual, but most of her 0 abilities I don't feel are that good very often, and you will almost always be burning one of them to reapply Pitiful. So you spend 9 SS on a model that doesn't bring much offense, and that can be shut completely down by I2I, and that only has effectively 2 regular actions and one 0 action. In a competitive environment I've found she just can't pull her weight enough to justify bringing to a tournament you are trying to win.

Von Schill by contrast not only Has instinctual (although to be fair the only one of his abilities you are going to need to use regularly is Augmented Jump) but more importantly he is Nimble, so he gets an extra move action every turn. Since the game is so founded upon moving and positioning, models with Nimble are amazing. Especially since because of Von Schill's Augmented Jump you cannot pin him down, which makes him even better at snatch and grabs, or trying something up in melee, jumping out, shooting it, and then jumping back in to prevent interact actions. Add to that great offensive abilities and really in a purely competitive comparison between Von Schill and Molly, I feel Molly will lose out every time.

That said Molly isn't an unplayable model. She is a heap of fun to use in a non-competitive environment, and I admit I have a compulsion I have not been able to break since she came out, in that I cannot play Seamus without bringing her. She can be a good amount of fun, and even though I never have felt I've gotten my SS worth out of her she still comes out to the table every time Seamus makes an appearance. The model is also a great sculpt and I had a great deal of fun painting it. She also has a frustration factor for your opponent that often goes way off the charts in relation to how much she actively accomplishes, as they sort of blink when Terrible Secret comes their way and they go "It does what now?!", or watching Seamus run 21" across the board after Molly Vigors him up, cackling the whole way.

So I feel she is still a worth picking up an using, because she can certainly be a heap of fun, and who doesn't want to have the "Malifaux Gothic" Couple running around bringing Ruin to the enemies of the Ressers, tossing Philip at people, and raising up Madam Sybelle. I'd just advise leaving her at home when you are going to go to a competitive Event.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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