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My First Somer Tournament


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I think they're expecting less. Most people dont use the 'pult gunline.

Definately less, it is difficult enough feeding one when actually shooting the thing.

2. Sooey! is actually quite good but needs a lot of thinking (or practice to get it second nature)

3. Don't start with one Gremlin, it's way too slow for Somer lol

4. Piglets just running amok on your opponents half of the board are hilarious

Also, question to check I didn't cheat, when your Piglets are stampeding, can you still us eReckless for an extra pig charge?

Sooey! is such a great spell, it is successful at what it does whether the casting flip is made or not (the only spell I can think of that does this).

One Gremlin is not ideal but is doable (and frees up a few more SS for piglets or support). I generally like 3 of them to build the gunline up and transition from Pig Boomerang tactic around turn 4. Turn 4 and on is where they do the heavy lifting for me (while the surviving pigs continue to press the attack or build the Pig Ladders).

Piglets running amock is great but they are definately more effective when they are somewhat controlled/ guided.

Yes you can still use Reckless when the pigs are Stampeding (though you dont have to). The only real limitation when Stampeding is that they cant use their Eat Anything ability with it (which sucks!!!).

When running the Pig Boomerang, I find I spent so much effort trying to get more Piglets or heal up Gremlins to manifest I would generally rather take the extra Piglets in my list to begin with and pop Avatar ASAP.

Building up a gunline seems (to me anyway, I'm not the greatest Pig player) to take away from valuable Pig flying around time. The gunline is more likely to shoot itself than your targets. But I tend to use the Pig list as a very avoidance heavy/hit and run type of list. I leave the gunline spawning tricks for an Ophelia centric list as she handles it much better.

The Pig Boomerang or Pig Heavy lists are definately good on their own but suffers from a distinct lack of significant models. The Bayou Gremlins are the cheapest significant models in the game (so can be included easily without limiting the effectiveness of the list) and the transition really allows you to focus on whittling down your opponent with the pigs in the early stages of the game (and distracting them from their strats/ schemes) then run the Bayou's around the board (with pig ladders if you have them) completing objectives with little opposition. Some'r's summoning is fairly slow (even with healing help) unless you have the cards so the transition allows you more time to really get it going.

Right now I don't know enough about pigs to comment on them other than they seem very powerful. And to me aSomer seems to suit a gunline more than pigs, but like I say I'm not that sophisticated with him yet so reserve judgement! :)

ASome'r is good with a gunline but amazing with the Pig Boomerang. All the models that really make the Boomerang effective also help Some'r after he manifests. Their inclusion from the start is just efficient (since you are going to want Skeeters and a Hog Whisperer to boost ASome'r anyway).

The Skeeters can still drag him around and he hits reasonably hard.

Tried the Pult with a Boomerang list today. Spent ages juicing up a Piglet with Truffles and Stick Him In The Ass. Loaded him up and ... he died. Would have been easier to Skeeter the poor thing up. Not a fan of it with Pigs. Stick me in the Omenbringer camp on that one.

I'm looking forward to seeing people use the Pigs at the ETC. I'm still struggling to work out when it would be more useful a list over the gunline ...

Dont forget that the Hog Whisperer can also help ASome'r.

The Pigapult is to difficult to consistantly feed with pig ammo for more than a turn or two and of course their are plenty of ways to mitigate it's effectiveness (High Df, Armor, Object, Freikorps and the damn Cult of December Armors, or you can just spread things out). Additionally if you are Sacing those pigs for ammo the thing is really more like a 10 SS model (4 for the Launcher and at least 6 for the two piglets/ stuffed Pigs).

I like the Gunline but Some'r just isn't as good at running it as Ophelia (yes he can do it but she is so much better at it). The Pig Boomerang (especially if you plan for the transition to Alpha Stank, Gunline, Pig Ladder objective grabbing or the Bacon Bombing Run) is just so much more versatile in how it can be run.

Just my thoughts of course (but I am of course heavily biased toward pig lists).

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Sorry to hear about the placing.

I am wondering though if he ran the dual Pigapults and how they worked out for him?

I am still learning Somer, but two pigapults seems like a very overly expensive crew given that there is only so many models you can fling a turn, and keeping just one pigapult fed with piglets for attacks takes a fair bit of resources.

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I am still learning Somer, but two pigapults seems like a very overly expensive crew given that there is only so many models you can fling a turn, and keeping just one pigapult fed with piglets for attacks takes a fair bit of resources.

With a post like that, I would say you have a pretty good grasp of Some'r.

14 SS for just the 2 Pigapults and 2 Piglets for Ammunition, 20 SS if you want to go the Stuffed Piglet route. Either way you are only getting one turn of shooting out of that.

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Good shout re the "discard two cards" had completely missed that :)

Yes he needs to discard 2 cards, but he also gets to draw 2 cards, (survival of the fittest), and unless I'm terribly mistaken, you could choose the order for SotF/CaGI, so you use the crow, kill the Bayou, draw 2 cards, discard 2 cards. That seems like a net gain to me? (as you cycle your worst cards away)

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Quick update, sorry it's taken so long.

Day one I pretty much ran Somer all day (having stuck his avatar together during the first game) and rather than going just for the win I wanted to try out his Avatar and using the pigapult as more central to my crew.

First game my opponent played Hoffman and, as I didn't take Rami, I wasn't expecting much to say the least! Fairly uneventful game overall with the only really standout bits being Raphael killing his Peacekeeper (I love Raph) and Somer pushing Hoffman off his objective. From a learning point of view, it's the first time I've seen the downside to the pigapult as it cost me the game - I was planning on using the pult to fire three turns of models up the board, but I managed to fail EVERY defence flip I made. Hum ho...

Second game was shared Slaughter (I think??) in which I made good use of a slop hauler, skeeters and stuffed piglets from the pigapult. That amount of blast damage is insane lol

Played Dave (Clousseau) in the third game (Treasure Hunt against Hoffman). Wanted to try the pult again so built my crew around that rather than specifically for the scheme, and it went "okay". Obviously Hoffman sent a Peacekeeper up the board for the Treasure so I had to write that off, and then Ryle one shot the Pigapult with some lucky severe flips. Only redeeming aspect was Raph (again) one shotting Ryle with a Red Joker (bwhahaha).

Last game I can't recall at all at the minute....

Overall I found I was getting to grips with Somer and I could see how his avatar works, and if I replayed the tourny with a "out to win" list I think it could have laid down a lot of hurt. I'll go to an event over summer competitively and try to win :)

On a side, I did run Somer competitively over the weekend at the ETC and only lost shared slaughter against Dreamer/LCB by a card flip! And that was against Oshova who is one of the best LCB players in the country - so definitely starting to get it all working :)

Re the two pults, they're situational but I find in schemes where the opponent is coming towards you (especially slower crews) they're great for dropping a LOT of damage onto them as they advance turn one and two. Then you can sac them with skeeters to give Somer two cards and reduce your effective cost of each pult to 2ss.

I'm very much taking the foot off the gas with Malifaux now, but if I get chance to run them again at any point I'll be sure to post it up for you guys

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On a side, I did run Somer competitively over the weekend at the ETC and only lost shared slaughter against Dreamer/LCB by a card flip! And that was against Oshova who is one of the best LCB players in the country - so definitely starting to get it all working :)

Well, not many people playing LCB in UK tournies at the moment, so being in the top few isn't hard =p

But that was a hard fought game, and was pretty even despite it ending up 6-2 (or something).

I'm very much taking the foot off the gas with Malifaux now, but if I get chance to run them again at any point I'll be sure to post it up for you guys

This is a shame, but I hope you keep theorying, as it creates some interesting thoughts and ideas.

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One flip and it would have been 6-2 to you or 6-2 to me iirc - hum ho. But not bad for "the worst master in the game" in slaughter against LCB and twins :)

To be fair, not everyone has believed the propaganda about Some'r. A lot of us have argued that he is competitive since near the begining.

Congratulations though, it sounds like you had an enjoyable game.

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Re the two pults, they're situational but I find in schemes where the opponent is coming towards you (especially slower crews) they're great for dropping a LOT of damage onto them as they advance turn one and two. Then you can sac them with skeeters to give Somer two cards and reduce your effective cost of each pult to 2ss.

Even with one pigapult this is an interesting idea. I had not considered sac'ing them with skeeters later in the game. I may have to save this one for future use as it is generally later in the game that I find the 'pults to be very hard to fuel - unless I have a plan to fling models late-game.

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