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So I got blacklisted

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Been playing games for a long time and this is a new one for me so looking for some advice. Local henchman group decided to blacklist me from play. They are about to run a 4 month league so everyone will want to play that. Basic situation as I understand it is I am to competitive to be in there group. People seam to enjoy playing me and never had any one refuse to play me when I asked. If not for the league I could care less but this is going to kill any ability to play. Should I pack it in sell off my stuff?

Thanks for any advice.

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Seems a bit odd to me if nobody else is objecting to playing you.

Why not ask them if you can play but be excluded from scoring yourself. So people would get league points for games played against you but you would score zero every game regardless of the actual result. That way you're not dominating the league and get games in

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I can't really comment on the nature of your play-style, but that seems a tad too harsh in any circumstance, to be honest. I as a henchman would never refuse to let a player play in any of my events because they are "too competitive", the idea is to get as many people to play the game as possible. It's the nature of the beast, your going to encounter people who take the game to a higher level of competition. You shouldn't sell your stuff unless you know there is a 100% chance you'll never play the game again. Hopefully it works out so you won't have to, the game is too good and it would be a shame to see a player "quit" based on being blacklisted from events.

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Yeah, that just doesn't seem right. It's making it sound like the henchman himself is the one who doesn't want you in the league and not the players. Nonetheless, I don't have the full picture so I will echo the suggestion to contact Justin. At the very least, you're due an exact reason what you've done wrong so you can at least address it and attempt to correct it if it's true and honest.

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That's rough-- I'd at least expect an explanation, as that would allow you to change, or at least get an idea of what's going on...

Maybe you can do can try to talk through it and come to a compromise? Maybe try to pick out a weaker selection/some sort of handicap? It's not ideal, but might be a way to play where it's more enjoyable...

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I have known he was not happy with my level of play relative to the group. In the past he asked that I not play NB. I went along with it and have not played them in any of the events sense then. Also in local play I have been giving myself a 5ss handycap for about a month now. I still win most games but they have been closer.

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

Just for the record hes not a bad guy. I have thought of him as a friend up until this point.

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Sorry to hear that...

I dunno, do you build really nasty lists, or do you just play well enough that people can't go up against you? If the former, you could use generally perceived to be weaker models, or otherwise build weaker/less synergistic lists. If the latter, I don't have any thoughts-- it's pretty hard to play down.

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I would contact Wyrd. Personally, I think that no one should be turned down from playing, no matter what their style is. You can always ask them to adjust or handicap themselves for a new player and a teaching moment. Other than that, it seems contrast to what Wyrd would want. I've always thought of this game and community to accept all people to play no matter what competitive level you have.

I hope things get worked out.

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Wow... honestly, that makes me pretty mad. I can't imagine how you feel right now...

I hate to say "tattle on the henchman" but really, i can see defending a player who maybe didn't want to play against you, but to simply tell you that you cannot play? That seems like a slap in the face to what Henchman are supposed to do... :/

Bring a pandora filth list and ruin the game for me... cool. at least we both got to play... right? i mean... is that not the point of the game? to play it...

I'm sorry to hear this happened man. If you're ever in Indianapolis, hit us up... we're more than happy to get a game in.

(yeah, i follow rebecca around on these forums...)

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Absolutely agree with getting in touch with Justin. There's definitely both sides to this story, but this just is upsetting. Asking someone to tone down lists is one thing, telling them that they're in no way welcome to the event is another.

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That seems like a slap in the face to what Henchman are supposed to do... :/

In fairness we don't know what the justification is as the other party/parties haven't given their side of things.

That said, I don't think anyone should ever be blacklisted for simply playing a game 'to win' and on the face of it, it seems rather extreme to outright ban someone from a competition just becaus ethey're likely to win it, especially if that excludes that person from his or her local gaming scene.

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I know its not a case of me beating him. He is very chill in his play. Like I said he is not a bad guy. There are 2 sides to every story and he may well think i am the antichrist. It could be other players find me a Jerk and they have asked him to blacklist.

Edited by tadaka
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In fairness we don't know what the justification is as the other party/parties haven't given their side of things.

"There's always three sides to every store: one guy's side, the other guy's side, and the truth somewhere in the middle." ;)

Hope talking to Justin works out for everyone involved.

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In fairness we don't know what the justification is as the other party/parties haven't given their side of things.

I know, but I would think that if tadaka had done something serious enough to warrant being "black listed" then why would he come here, where this henchman could read his post, and tell us all what happened? Maybe i'm being naive here in assuming this guy isn't scamming us for our sympathy... who knows?

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Eh I am looking for advice on what to do at this point. If he wants to come post and say his side he is more then welcome to do so. I also asked my henchman for the playgroup I left when i had to move for advice. His main advice was talk to wyrd. I would like to work it out with the henchman but he has made it clear he does not want to talk to me at this point. I see 3 options. Try and build my own playgroup(i dont have time) Try and force my way in through getting wyrd or local store owner involved or move to a new game.

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What a strange thing. I have never heard of something like it.

Does the playgroup meet at a gaming store or is it a group of friends at a residence? If its a group of friends, they could very well have simply told the henchman "We want to play without Tadaka" or something to that effect. Still... Very strange.

Playing against really good players and getting beat is an excellent way to improve at the game.

If you are looking for suggestions, mine would be to talk to and hopefully play with one of the regular players and make an effort to have it be a positive experience for both of you. I do NOT mean throw the game or play bad enough to make it close, but more to explain everything as its happening and make suggestions after the fact about where improvements could be made.

In my experience, when someone loses a game like Malifaux but walks away having learned something useful and having a pleasant experience, the "losing" part is not what is remembered.

I would say that to me that it "feels weird (wyrd?)" to sort of tattle on the Henchman, but then again, I have no idea whether that person is not the sole instigator or not. I could imagine that if that person is blacklisting "on behalf of" the other players without them really being aware of it just because HE/SHE thinks it will make them have more fun, then that is a pretty bad attitude, IMO. But, if the person is truly responding to feedback from the other players, that's maybe an opportunity to talk with both sides to understand what could be done different to make everyone have a better time rather than just ostracizing you.

Edited by PierceSternum
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As a complete outsider I cannot say anything about the relative level of play or your local scene, but perhaps you are taking it too personally? Blacklisted is a strong word.

Sometimes there simply is a need for introduction level league for new players, to get them up to speed, to allow them some fun games while they are still building up their crews etc. Letting in experienced players can ruin the idea pretty quickly.

Of course if the playing group is so small the one experienced player is left out, it sucks. Normally the community would be large enough to organize such events on the side of regular gameplay.

Perhaps take the lead and organize regular veteran games or something like that, to attract the players on the same level as you, as an alternative?

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