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New to Seamus and need advice

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This is a Sonnia player who decided that he would finally move over to his favorite master, Seamus, and now need a little help. I normally play against either Colette, Victorias, or Leveticus. But after losing against the Vics I decided that I would ask for a little help. We generally play 35ss games and I know that I want the avatar in, other than that I don't really care what else is in there, though I prefer fluffy lists. Any ideas would be helpful.

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I have fought the Viks a few times in my local gaming group, and they are tough. I have not had to fight them with Seamus but it is the minions that really do the work anyways. I normally don't make a list until I know my statergy, but here is what I normally take with Seamus. Rotten Belles and Dead Doxies are good with their synergy. Night terrors and Canine Remains are what you need to grab objectives. Punk Zombies are great for dealing out the combat. Crooked men are also great with Rotten Belles. That is about what I can offer. I am sure the others will offer their advice also.

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Terror is the name of Seamus' avatar game. None of the mentioned masters are immune to it, and aSeamus will make everything run. Also the Hanged is handy with Seamus keeping models from healing and with Molly there to copy WfB you can Soul Stone it past most model's ability to resist it. (Of course this is for those higher SS games due to the 8ss for the Hanged.)

Also Molly will be good to have around after Seamus hulks out so you can still summon Belles.

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Just some general advice that works well against most opponents, including these:

Look over and use ALL of Seamus' abilities. There is not one thing listed on his card that is not useful, trust me. Never underestimate how good of a spell Undead Psychosis is. It can keep Seamus and the rest of his crew out of danger/shut down an enemy crew for a turn. I've won a lot of games by using that spell at the right time/targets. Don't over extend with Seamus, HtW2 is awesome considering most of the time enemies are hitting for weak damage...but remember they are HITTING and doing damage. Enough strikes will bring him down, so you need to isolate your targets, this is what you have Belles for. Excessive Bleeding is something to never forget as it's an auto trigger that makes enemy models insignificant, which can deny them strats and schemes in the right circumstance.

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Never underestimate how good of a spell Undead Psychosis is. It can keep Seamus and the rest of his crew out of danger/shut down an enemy crew for a turn. I've won a lot of games by using that spell at the right time/targets. Don't over extend with Seamus, HtW2 is awesome considering most of the time enemies are hitting for weak damage...but remember they are HITTING and doing damage. Enough strikes will bring him down, so you need to isolate your targets, this is what you have Belles for. Excessive Bleeding is something to never forget as it's an auto trigger that makes enemy models insignificant, which can deny them strats and schemes in the right circumstance.

This is all great information Cornelius1424, I love Undead Psychosis and his No Escape action (especially when combined with the movement shenanigans of the Belles).

So what is it that makes Dead Doxies so good? When looking at the card I just didn't see anything all that amazing.

Sandwich wrote a pretty good thread in regards to the Dead Doxy's here, I am a great fan of them (especially when paired with either Sybelle or a Rotten Belle). They are really durable and difficult to dislodge.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Mk they actually sound really good now, but another model that I have a question about is if anyone has had any experience with Sue? Love the model and have loved using him with Sonnia, but I'm wondering if he's actually useful with Seamus.

Wait..... The most ruthless and wicked person in Malifaux doesn't have either of those traits. LOL. I guess I figured Seamus couldn't hire Sue just becuase Seamus is.... well Seamus.

He brings a nice gun to the fight. But really with Seamus he appears to be mainly an offensive model without much other support in a Seamus list. It is all WP># duals and no WP>WP.

Unless there's something I missed.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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Undead Psychosis and his Womenizer action are pretty nice too. Hit a few targets, then send Sybelle in to be the "bouncer". It can give you a turn or two to clear enemy models and grab objectives.

If you're gunna take Sue I'd rather spend 6ss on a Convict, much better bang for your buck (IMO). Seamus does not need another model that is an area control/fighter hybrid, I believe he already fills this roll nicely.

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I think Sue is a lot better in Resser crews than others because of the nurse. If you are playing an avatar Seamus list without Von Schill then I really like to throw in Sue and a Nurse. Nurse gives you a turn 2 Manifest with Seamus and then spends the rest of the game giving Sue massive doses of speed or stimulant (or both) to really up his worth.

The biggest problem with Sue is that if you are taking him, you aren't taking Von Schill

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I have already played twice the Sue + Nurse combo, and let me tell you that they are really worth the 13ss they cost. Specially the Nurse has really been great on my games lately.

Reactivating Seamus the turn he's Manifesting the Avatar is golden, and then you can keep buffing Sue for the rest of the game.

Ohh, and one more tip: an overdoped Desperate Mercenary (+2 Wk/Cg, +4 Cb, + to Damage Flips and Reactivate from the Nurse, and + to Hit, +3 to total Duels, and other ++ to Damage Flips from his own For My Family!) is really a force to be feared... And it costs 2ss!!!

Edited by Sezar
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Undead Psychosis and his Womenizer action are pretty nice too. Hit a few targets, then send Sybelle in to be the "bouncer". It can give you a turn or two to clear enemy models and grab objectives.

Dont forget that you can also use Womanizer to Alpha Stike a model with a fluffy Seamus crew (Rotten Belles, Dead Doxies, Sybelle, The Copycat Killer or Molly only). The only downside with it is that Seamus has to go first to initiate it.

If you're gunna take Sue I'd rather spend 6ss on a Convict, much better bang for your buck (IMO). Seamus does not need another model that is an area control/fighter hybrid, I believe he already fills this roll nicely.

I would agree on the Convict Gunslinger as well as he offers another good ranged threat. I would also take a look at Hans as well (I know he is the subject of a lot of complaints however...) he offers a really good ranged threat that ignores interveening models and the Rotten Belles can use Lure to position him (overcoming one of his chief complaints).

I think Sue is a lot better in Resser crews than others because of the nurse. If you are playing an avatar Seamus list without Von Schill then I really like to throw in Sue and a Nurse. Nurse gives you a turn 2 Manifest with Seamus and then spends the rest of the game giving Sue massive doses of speed or stimulant (or both) to really up his worth.

Dang that's insane! I never really looked at the Nurse before, but now I'm really liking them. I'm going to need to buy a blister of them lol. Any other great combos I'm missing?

The big problem with the Nurse (in most Resser lists) is that her abilities (while great) sacrifice the friendly models which hurts the recycling of models (since those models wont drop corpse counters). Against crews with lots of living models it isn't so much of a problem however against a acrew that is primarily unliving it can deprive you of fuel for the Ressers greatest strength (attrition).

Not so much a problem with Sue since he can shrug off the effect however 13 SS for just the one combo (that limits your corpse counters if used on any of your friendly models) is a bit high for me (especially since hte Nurse isn't exactly difficult to drop).

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I'm sorry, but what actually makes Hans worth it? If he was 6ss, 7ss as a merc, then I would be willing to take him. But for 9ss he just doesn't bring enough to the table. But I have to agree that the Convict is great, huge fan of him. But a Sue that could reactivate just seems great. But I have to agree with you, 2 Convicts for one point less is much better than Sue and a Nurse.

Also a question about the Nurse. If you stem Seamus right before he avatars will he be sacked at the closing phase? Not too sure about that.

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Some really useful discussions here, as Im trying to get to grips with Seamus and his avatar too. Definitely gonna get some Desp. Mercs for my nurse! However, Sue says he can't be taken in a crew that hires a model with Wicked or Ruthless. ASeamus has wicked, and is hired as part of the crew. I know he doesn't start on the board, but he is still hired. Surely this means Sue can't be taken with ASeamus? Just wanna be sure before I think about getting him.

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Nope for some reason you still are able to take him, seeing as he isn't "hired" I guess. I just learned this myself too, which made me really happy. Also remember that Nurses really don't do all that much for the Convicts because they don't have shrug off like Sue does, which means that if you stem them they'll be sacked at the closing phase. But now that I know that Seamus won't be sacked when I give him reactivate from the Nurse, she has become an auto include. Not only getting the leftover ap from Seamus, but also a full turn extra with aSeamus is amazing :)

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He is not hired, the ability to possibly manifest is what you pay for, so you are allowed to take him, as normal Seamus does not have ether of those ability's. There is a ruling somewhere but don't remember what it was called, but they can be taken together yes:)

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