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Where's the Customer Service?!


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How the heck do you get a hold of anyone at Wyrd?! Seriously, their customer service is just crap - So far it's the worst I've experienced in the gaming world.

I've attempted to contact Wyrd via email 2 (or 3) times now regarding different topics and I have YET to have received a reply to ANY of them. The last one was particularly frustrating as I placed an order for some minis from the store but forgot to add Zoraida's stat card to my order. Rather than pay the 16.50 shipping to Canada again (16.50 to ship to Canada?! Seriously? Most boxes that size I get from the US are closer to 4-5$) I emailed Nathan @ Wyrd (email address provided in my order information) within 20minutes and asked him to add the card to my order prior to shipping... My order apparently shipped 2 days later and I have no idea if the card was added or not (I'm assuming no).

This is terrible service, like I said its the worst I've experienced from any gaming company (and I play a fair few games). To me, it's a good as any reason to NOT play a game when I've got so many choices of other systems that are equally as good. Say what you will about GW or PP but they at least put an effort in.

Anyone have any suggestions, I'd really NOT like to pay 16.50 shipping again for a 0.50 card nor do I feel the need to support Wyrd anymore by buying the Zoraida model AGAIN.

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That's weird I just emailed Wyrd with a problem and heard back from Nathan right away. Did you use your own email or did you go through the contact us button on the site? Might be setup to assign more importance to those coming from the site. Anyways you could download the pdf of the stat cards and print out your own copy if you want if you even wanted could probably take it to a print/copy store and have it coming out about the same as the original stat card.


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Well to be honest I don't think it would be the end of the world if they hadn't shipped the card, seeing has Zoraida is one of the free downloadable V2 card's.

Not commenting on the customer service has I've never actually contacted or used them. Although I've noticed the vast majority of threads on this forum that relate to customer service are all positive and even the rarer negative posts end on a positive note.

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Not discounting your experience, but I've always found Wyrd customer support to be exemplary, and I've dealt with them several times since I started playing back in 2010.

During Gencon 2011, I forgot to add a card to an order. I emailed just as you did, I even offered to pay the 50 cents via Paypal. I didn't hear back (it was Gencon, after all), but the card arrived as requested, free of charge. Nathan had added it to the shipping receipt by hand, in pencil.

It doesn't matter how ace a company's customer service is, someone will always slip through the cracks. I guess today, that someone is you. Sorry to hear it. Hope you get your issues sorted.

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My experience with their customer service was rather simple, they took what they needed from me (My address, and posted what was required to me, and i had it arrive at my door in the UK free of charge 6 days later) But like you i didn't hear a response, so assuming you gave them a reference to your order, they may have not felt a need to contact you again, although i can see your frustration. And again, i had a little note added in pencil to the receipt, which was nice, and so i am hoping this is what is happening for you.

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Well, the first question I sent (not pertaining to this order) was via the website and was never answered. The next issue was through personal email and I didn't not receive a reply (although I'm still awaiting the package). I offered to pay for the card, I just didn't want to spend another 16.50 for shipping.

If the card shows up with my order I will be happy to eat crow and sing Nathan's praise but I guess the lack of response has me skeptical.

I realize I could print the card but I do like to laminate my stuff and would really like to have the official card. Also, I could see issues at events with self printed material.

ke I said, I'd love to be proven wrong. Will update everyone once the order arrives.

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Hmm. I feel like you may be the one exception to the rule; their customer service seems to be pretty good.

Hell, last summer I was taking classes so that I could graduate in four years and we had to interview someone who worked in the industry/position that we felt we might enjoy, and I got a response within the day. Not only did I get the interview, but a few extra e-mails were exchanged. It was pretty cool.

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How the heck do you get a hold of anyone at Wyrd?! Seriously, their customer service is just crap - So far it's the worst I've experienced in the gaming world.

I've attempted to contact Wyrd via email 2 (or 3) times now regarding different topics and I have YET to have received a reply to ANY of them. The last one was particularly frustrating as I placed an order for some minis from the store but forgot to add Zoraida's stat card to my order. Rather than pay the 16.50 shipping to Canada again (16.50 to ship to Canada?! Seriously? Most boxes that size I get from the US are closer to 4-5$) I emailed Nathan @ Wyrd (email address provided in my order information) within 20minutes and asked him to add the card to my order prior to shipping... My order apparently shipped 2 days later and I have no idea if the card was added or not (I'm assuming no).

This is terrible service, like I said its the worst I've experienced from any gaming company (and I play a fair few games). To me, it's a good as any reason to NOT play a game when I've got so many choices of other systems that are equally as good. Say what you will about GW or PP but they at least put an effort in.

Anyone have any suggestions, I'd really NOT like to pay 16.50 shipping again for a 0.50 card nor do I feel the need to support Wyrd anymore by buying the Zoraida model AGAIN.

Maybe it's just me, but this seems less like Wyrd providing poor service, and more like them not providing as exceptional service as you'd like based on your special circumstances. You messed up, but you expect Wyrd to fix it otherwise their service is crap? I don't know what your other email issues are, but the example you gave is pretty weak. Also, if you opened with the same tone in your emails as your post, I wouldn't blame Wyrd if they were just ignoring you.

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I would tend to agree with Todd really. If them not fixing your mistake is the worst customer service you've ever had then I can only assume you've not shopped online very much. Maelstrom and Wayland Games are both catastrophically bad at resolving customer issues and sending the correct suff, and that's when it's their fault as well.

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I have not had reason to need CS from Wyrd yet so can only speak as opinion...

Everything Ive heard about them is topnotch. They are definitely the most responsive Ive ever seen on a forum. To accuse Wyrd of having the worst service in the gaming industry... well lets just say thats a tad harsh and slightly insulting to the whole community here; as they have earned a lot of trust and faith from many.

Im sorry that your not happy in this situation but if plan to follow through on your threat to not buy from them again over something so simple... your lost not theirs. I may be wrong but feels like you expected others to jump on the bandwagon.... dont go to the trouble of making room on your soapbox... doubtful youll need it.

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I have yet to contact customer service so I cannot chime in whether or not they suck or great.

However, to the OP, look at the bright side... at least you didn't get the same treatment the Ocean Marketing dude gave a customer a few months ago. The dude practically bullied and dropped names like hot potatoes.

If you're not familiar with the Ocean Marketing implosion see: http://venturebeat.com/2011/12/27/ocean-marketing-how-to-self-destruct-your-company-with-just-a-few-measly-emails/

I think this takes the cake for worst customer service in gaming.. heck, ever...

Just wait for your order to come in and see if you're proven wrong. If things are still not 100%, just return the items and move on.

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Maybe it's just me, but this seems less like Wyrd providing poor service, and more like them not providing as exceptional service as you'd like based on your special circumstances. You messed up, but you expect Wyrd to fix it otherwise their service is crap? I don't know what your other email issues are, but the example you gave is pretty weak. Also, if you opened with the same tone in your emails as your post, I wouldn't blame Wyrd if they were just ignoring you.

Uh ok? Not really sure where this is coming from or if you read the posts but I DID mess up (my fault, accidents happen), I contacted Wyrd with a straightforward and polite email (within 20min of the order) asking that they include the card in my order (which I asked to be invoiced for) and never received a reply. Not really an issue if it was the first time or even the second time, but this is the third time I've not received a response to an email. Regardless, from working in the customer service field and to the business side of things, I've always been taught that the customer is always right. Companies are built on reputations and as far as I'm concerned Wyrd hasn't met the minimum standard with me.

I received my package today and no Zoraida card. Don't know what to say other than I'm very disappointing. I also noticed that the shipping amount was under 5$ while I paid 16.50... Surprise surprise no refund. Who wants to bet that I won't receive a response about paying over 11 bucks extra for shipping?

Like I said above, I was really hoping I was wrong and fully willing to apologize had the card been included but it was not and that's that.

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Where is it coming from? Read the first paragraph of your post. Now read the rest of your post. Now go back and read that first paragraph again. Does your situation really justify the tone/diction you chose to use?

Consider the posts others have made. Positive prior experiences with Wyrd. Prompt responses from Wyrd (since this thread was started even). Isn't it just as likely this is simply a technical problem (possibly even on your end) rather than a customer service problem?

I'm really sorry your card didn't come and you haven't heard back from Wyrd. Though that does suck, I still wouldn't agree with the tone you initially used even if you had waited to post your issue now that your order is here.

I think everyone who has worked in customer service knows that "the customer is always right" actually means "the customer always gets what they want." Especially the ones who complain the loudest, and you don't get much louder than your original post.

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Did you try an alternate route? Maybe your message ended up in Nathan's spam folder or was rejected outright. It happens- welcome to business email. In my experience it's almost always an over-aggressive spam filter or a mail server problem somewhere along the line (on a couple of occasions with very small dealers it's been family emergencies).

99% of the time, a different avenue yields a prompt response. Maybe try this form instead, mention that you've been attempting to contact Nathan's email with no reply and want to make sure someone received it:


Not saying you shouldn't be a little annoyed- the advertised customer service email didn't respond. That's a fair complaint.

I think I've had maybe two online retailers, ever, give me crap rather than answering politely, even when they couldn't get me what I wanted.

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Im sorry to hear about your problems but i have had quite the opposite experience. I have on a few occasions had to contact them because of a miss pack or because something came broken. Nathan was so on it that at 3am (utah time) While playing xbox heard my email go off. He sent me a message from his iphone to tell me he would take care of it. 3am..... (and they did take care of it)As far as i can tell, he is always on the clock, and for this, i thank them. Sometimes things go wrong, perhaps you should count it as just that. I know being frustrated makes it hard but when 1 or 2 people have a bad experience so many more have good ones. there's a chance that your future experiences will be good.

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I have had nothing but positive CS interaction with Wyrd and i've had some really sketchy requests, such as changing my order on the clearing out the warehouse sale. My responses have all been timely and looking back all appear to actually have been from Nathan (really seriously think about how crazy that is if it is in fact an email crafted up by Nathan in response to CS) Wyrd is a tiny company responding to what I would guess is explosive growth and your experience is by far the minority of CS interaction. That in and of itself is commendable. I would continue to attempt to resolve the issue you are having with polite email interaction. You are likely to find it is resolved in time.

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I was going to ask if the OP tried calling them on the phone only to see Wyrd doesn't have a 1-800 number. Oh well.

dude, I think you just got Black Jokered with this transaction.

Try them again.

One time, I emailed Privateer Press 5 times to get a missing part. So from the missing part discovery, contact and resolution, it took them 2-3 months. I remained polite and was glad that the issue was eventually resolved.

As for paying more for shipping.. it could be that there are taxes to ship in Canada. Even though the package was only $5 to ship perhaps there are tariffs, taxes and customs fees that Wyrd had to pay to ship out of the USA.

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