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Pandora Piecemeal Shopping List?


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Hey all,

So I have pretty much every Non-Gremlin Outcast and run variations of Viks/Schill and Hamelin quite often. I decided that I really wanted to explore Pandora more (one of the first models that made me look at Malifaux, truth be had) and have decided to pull the trigger on a crew to bolster my collection for the game.

So, as it stands right now I've pretty much sorted out what my initial buy in is going to be, and just wanted some Pandora Experienced players to double check it for me. Let me start by saying that I'm electing to NOT start with the Boxed Set for a few reasons; mainly I'm a bigger fan of Alt-Pandora, and I'm all ready so deep with beatstick models with my Viks and other outcasts that I'm avoiding Baby Kade and Teddy.

Here we go:

Shopping list as I currently have it;

Pandora- Alt Sculpt.

Sorrows- 1 Blister of 3


Insidious Madness- 2 of these, though I really dislike the sculpt. So, any Proxy ideas are VERY WELCOME.


Primordial Magic

Stitched Together- 1 Blister of 2

Jack Daw- Actually one of the few non-gremlin Outcast pieces I have yet to obtain, and I think now is a good time to add him.

So that's the primary shopping list, it's not super versatile, but I think it will be pretty nasty. I'm also strongly considering adding the Lelu/Leithu Twins to the initial buy too.

Question I have also, is it worth it for Alps? I know they do well with the Dreamer, but with Pandora?

Much thanks for any help :)

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Pandora- Alt Sculpt. okay ^^

Sorrows- 1 Blister of 3 okay ^^

Coppelius i don't see this one very often in lists without the dreamer

Insidious Madness- 2 of these, though I really dislike the sculpt. So, any Proxy ideas are VERY WELCOME. okay too, you'll really need them for Objective grabbing and annoing the enemy, i advise using the GW metal horrors of Tzeentch,much cheaper and easy to get on ebay etc. or look how ratty haas converted the original sculpt...

DoppleGanger for efficency a must have

Primordial Magic okay ^^

Stitched Together- 1 Blister of 2 very okay ^^

Jack Daw- Actually one of the few non-gremlin Outcast pieces I have yet to obtain, and I think now is a good time to add him. good but cost intensive and not necessary per se

for getting real heavy: The twins are really killer wtih pandy.... Teddy and Kade are not necessary as such...

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Coppelius i don't see this one very often in lists without the dreamer

He's actually really good with Pandora. He can cause Wp Morale Duels 3 inches around him to living models each time he steals an eyeball plus he does an 3 extra wounds to models 4 inches around him if they do fall back.

Plus he auto-triggers paralyze whenever he hits with his weapons but still leaves poison behind (poison is dealt on hit, not damage)

Edited by Sarsnick
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I'd get one Blister of Alps. While you'll never actual hire them directly, you're getting Coppelius and he can summon them with Eyeballs. More activations are never a bad thing.

I also like Coppelius for many of the reasons above. Plus, hitting a Mental Anguish trigger on someone while they are in range of Copellius' Night Stalker aura is nasty.

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I'd take Poltergeist over Primordial Magic, Persistent Distraction is a great tool, use it first turn and force your opponent to activate all their models first. Brings the enemy in range for an Incite/Pacify chain.

Alps are not worth hiring, but get a blister if you plan on running Coppelius. As for Coppelius, he may cause Morale Duels, but only on living models, so keep in mind how few models are actually not living, and for that matter, how many living models are immune.

The twins are great and definitely worth getting. Lilitu makes a nice bodyguard for Pandora, and through shenanigans with the doppelganger, you can actually (0) Link Lilitu to Pandora, making a highly mobile Wp duo with the ability to heal itself.

Hamelin, the Ratcatcher makes a good m

Merc, Obey is always nice, and is conveniently another Wp duel.

Candy and Avatar of Insanity are worth considering, Candy adds more Wp duels, and then of course you benefit from having hired her when you Manifest.

Hope that helps!

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As for Coppelius, he may cause Morale Duels, but only on living models, so keep in mind how few models are actually not living, and for that matter, how many living models are immune.

This is why he can be good with Pandora. With The Box Opens stripping away immunities to Wp Duels, nothing living within 12" of her can avoid Coppelius' Morale Duels.

It will depend on the Meta, really; where I play, I am more likely to go against living models than not.

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This is why he can be good with Pandora. With The Box Opens stripping away immunities to Wp Duels, nothing living within 12" of her can avoid Coppelius' Morale Duels.

It will depend on the Meta, really; where I play, I am more likely to go against living models than not.

Yea...in my haste, I lost track of the fact we were talking about Pandora, so :facepalm:

And if your local meta sees a lot of living models, then by all means, go for it!

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Insidious Madness- 2 of these, though I really dislike the sculpt. So, any Proxy ideas are VERY WELCOME. okay too, you'll really need them for Objective grabbing and annoing the enemy, i advise using the GW metal horrors of Tzeentch,much cheaper and easy to get on ebay etc. or look how ratty haas converted the original sculpt...

Maybe these? Similar idea, different sculpt? http://www.miniaturemarket.com/59020.html

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This is why he can be good with Pandora. With The Box Opens stripping away immunities to Wp Duels, nothing living within 12" of her can avoid Coppelius' Morale Duels.

It will depend on the Meta, really; where I play, I am more likely to go against living models than not.


He can still do a paralyse trigger on even non-undead/living things and leave the poison behind.

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