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What can I use dalek models for?


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Why, you don't know!


Sorry, someone had to. :Smug_Puppet2:

Yeah, okay. I guess I had that coming! :)

Nilus: I've been considering picking up a not-TARDIS for a while. A small terrain piece that can legitimately be placed on any/every table you ever play on!

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A friend once had the idea of a dr who themed chompy crew... doctor as the dreamer the tardis as chompy... your favorite assistants as daydreams... and every minion as dr who villains... sound idea but fair amount of work to be done...

arachnids are a great idea however! ramos could be converted up to be davros?

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I think a levi crew would be the best, I never like the SPabominations, but you would defiantly need something to replace the desolation engine. and Levi would need to be Davros. Ashes and Dust can be something else bad guy-esk

It would be cool if you can make a Ramo crew like Cybermen, but I think its a stretch, especially with Arachnid as an ability.

I would think a Perdita crew for the doctor in order to maximize the COMPANION ability. He always running (Fast), has a sonic screw driver to make things do something (obey), and impossible to hit (high def).

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