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New player, where to start and a few questions.


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Hi, me and my roommate are thinking about trying Malifaux.

I am new to table top gaming, just recently got into Warmachine but waiting to play my first game.

We both like the look of Malifaux and have committed to buying a box set each.

Looking on the website I can't really get a feel for how the different factions play.

Just by looks alone Death Marshall's, Sonnia's, Viktorias set set stood out to me.

On the wiki it did not show if Sonnias was easy to start with or not. But the other 2 were suggested for newbies.

Seems like I like those to factions, What style game do they play?

Looks like we will each pick up a fate deck and a rule book.

Anything else you would suggest?


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Lady Justice (with the Death Marshals) and the Viktorias both play fairly similarly, in that they're focused on getting into melee and beating everyone to death. Sonnia is more focused on spell blasting and punishing enemy spellcasters.

Just as a point, I would not recommend the Viktorias box, simply because it doesn't work very well as a crew. You would be better off getting blister packs of the Viktorias, Taelor and some Ronin, in my opinion.

At the end of the day, just pick whatever crew you like the look of most, and don't worry about whether it's "newbie friendly". More complicated crews might take a little longer to learn, but that's no reason to avoid them, and there is plenty of advice for new players on any crew in the game. Also remember that the crews that come in the box sets are not the only way those models can be used - you can easily and effectively use the Witchlings from Sonnia's set in a crew led by Lady Justice, for example.

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If you are getting Lady J an Executioner can't be a bad addition and he looks cool to boot.

I have Lady J and Sonnia. Neither of them are terrifying to approach (Sonnia just has a ton of words in her card) when you first start playing. Any of the Guild ladies will treat you pretty well to start and have the positive of being from the Guild, which once you get the game down, you can make some really fun crews.

It might also be a good idea to try and hook up with a local Henchman if you have one for your area.

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Lady J and her Judge are hardcore melee guys that can also shoot.....DM's are excellent shootists who can also perform well in melee when needed so a Lady J crew can float between the two styles, closing with bullets flying and then chopping the enemy to bits.

What they lack is speed, so having some ranged firepower to cover their advance can't hurt....with that in mind, I recommend 2 blisters to start; Nino Ortega and a Guild Austringer. They are, hands down, the two best long range assets the Guild has.

If you prefer the all melee style then the Executioner is excellent but again suffers from being too slow. A true melee monster is the Peacekeeper. It's more pts and more $ but it is quick, armored and hits hard - it also has a fair ranged attack that can drag enemies into melee with it. For cheap melee you can't beat the Witchling Stalkers (many people argue over what is better DMs or WSs - I can't decide - DMs shoot better and are more resilient / WSs melee better and are quicker) they also bring a nice anti-magic potential which helps against certain masters.

Coming in at 19ss, the Lady J box is one of the lowest pointed boxes there is. $$Most are coming in in the low 20's so you should certainly get some other blister to start with just to bring you into good range for 25ss - 30ss games.

Honestly, if you can afford it and since you said you like both Lady J and Sonnia, I would just get both of their starter boxes and call it a day. Their boxes can work well with each other.

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RIW hobbies in livonia on tuesdays has a really good malifaux scene. Ben's the local henchman but pretty much anyone one in the group is newbie friendly just pipe up and say your brand new. Things typically get started about 6 which means go to dinner, and then we actually start gaming around 7.

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Would you suggest 3D terrain, or something else to set a spot up at the house to play?


Obvious answer is terraclips. Supports Wyrd and if build it on one level would look kinda ok for Warmachine.

On flip side, building wild west type terrain incredibly easy and cheap to boot. I built..


in no time at all and I have zip artistic ability, so a half drunk chimp could do it.

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