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zoraida - shooty list!


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Not sure how effective this would be, but I saw that zoraida can hire any living model with Wp4 or less...so...how about this as the core of a crew?


voodoo doll





gives you scope to add to the list with something nasty and neverborn...

anyone tried it?

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If you want a shooty list I would actually go the Gremlins route, or take a list which includes von schill, some insidious madnesses and a terro causing beast.

What´s the deal here?

I can see the benefit of a terror causing beast in conjunction with insidious madnesses, but why should this work well wit vonSchill in a shotty list?

Is there any synergy I didn´t notice?


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Zoraida shooty list without Rami... SACRILEGE.

Another Merc option is Hamelin the rat catcher, with a shooty army it might force you opponent to hug the table edge.

One thing you might want to try and look at is the Suits you use. Gunsmiths want :tomes, Rami want :rams. I think Zoraida wants :masks. So does Hamelin. When going for lots of cross faction models try to maximize suit diversity. So any high suit can be used for trigger.

note: incase anyone sais Convicted gunslinger, keep in mind hw can't mix with Gunsmiths. I think he has ruthless which the gunsmiths don't like.

Edited by CannonFodder
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What´s the deal here?

I can see the benefit of a terror causing beast in conjunction with insidious madnesses, but why should this work well wit vonSchill in a shotty list?

Is there any synergy I didn´t notice?


Is more the fact that von schill is simply incredible with Zoraida (x2 obeys and nimble!) but this means you cant hire any other special forces or mercenaries... therefore you woul have to take von schill and either a trapper or the librarian, leaving you with really only IM as an option for neverborn shooting. Therefore you would maximize this by using a terror causing beast.

Sounds like alot of hassle, but von schill can literally take on crews by himself half the time. The insidious madnesses can keep up with him, and if you were to also take a black blood shamen you could (for a turn or 2) give him fast and obey him twice- thats like 6AP, 5 of which can be used to attack with!

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Is more the fact that von schill is simply incredible with Zoraida (x2 obeys and nimble!) but this means you cant hire any other special forces or mercenaries... therefore you woul have to take von schill and either a trapper or the librarian, leaving you with really only IM as an option for neverborn shooting. Therefore you would maximize this by using a terror causing beast.

Whats with Tuco? He´s a shooter and if I remember correctly, he can get terrifying, too (I´m not sure on this one, though). Oh, and he has a pretty good spell that shrugs off "friendly" off a model which is a huge thing IMO.

EDIT: Just had a look at Tuco on PullMyFinger. Yes, he has terrifying and yes, his spell that negates "friendly" is a (1) spell and yes, his weapon offers blast, making him a really viable addition to such a crew, especialy with a Doppelganger nearby.

So what do you think about this crew:

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag
6 Pool

Von Schill

  • Doppelganger

  • Insidious Madness

  • Stitched Together

  • Tuco

Some shooting and a bit of WP based powergaming as well as a very good utility box named Doppelganger.

Edited by Zwergenkrieger
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I just tried to put a quick list together, I just realized Rami is a spec forces and can't mix with Gunsmiths. I added Iggy because he fits the cost, medium range, but also Ranged expert.

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag
5 Pool

  • Convict Gunslinger

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Gunsmith

  • Gunsmith

  • Iggy

  • Tuco

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Its not an optimal list by any means, but then again that is never how I play-I like unorthodox! I think its a fun looking list. Im not sure how well Tuco will do for you (i'd like to know!) and I don't know how you would fair in strategies like line in the sand...

I like it-give it a try and post up how it goes!

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Looks tasty.

I don't know what the ins and outs of her crew hiring restrictions are, but for pure shooty:


Von Schill



Papa Loco

Brutal effigy

Not sure if the effigy compromises the special forces rule, or if her doll rule overrules that?

Her special doll rule does not override the one special forces group rule.

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Looks tasty.

I don't know what the ins and outs of her crew hiring restrictions are, but for pure shooty:


Von Schill



Papa Loco

Brutal effigy

Not sure if the effigy compromises the special forces rule, or if her doll rule overrules that?

Zoraida Hire As many dolls as she likes OR hire 2 minions with the same Spec forces outside of Dolls. In either case she can't Mix special forces when hiring crews. She can Summon Dolls after the fact, but not when hiring.

So no Effigy and and Von Schills in the same crew.

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