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toning down the dreamer


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Keltheos, I have a quick question for you. I realize that that this is most likely not a high priority on Wyrd's list, but in looking at other models that may require fixng are you also examining ones that are not living up to the expectations they were designed with? IE models that were designed to do more in the game, and in practice have not done so? I don't mean ones the community feels are under-powered, like the Malifaux Child, because we are all going to disagree on that. I mean ones that were designed, with the company expecting them to perform to a certain level, which has been found not to be the case? I realize that underperforming models don't distort the game, and so are less of a priority, but I imagine upping one or two lower performing models might boost sales of said models, which would also be good for the company.

I'd just be curious as to whether or not this is anything Wyrd has thought about examining, I know that not every model that goes through play-testing performs the same way in the hands of the wider community than it does in play test, and there had to be models that performed better in test than has proved to be the case.

Please keep in mind this is not a request to have it done, or even to point to specific ones I think should be worked on, as I wasn't privy to intent behind design, just an honest inquiry.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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Please, my Neverborn can't deal with Rg 16 Cb 9:+fate attacks

Don't make me hurt you Sliver Chocobo! :)

Seriosly I would hope some other models got a looking at before the Austringers *cough* Lelu *cough* but I am happy with the current changes as is.

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well it seems my suggestions were a little late in the game :) will be interesting to try the official erratas, i truly hope that the dreamer doesnt feel 'gimped' by all these changes, or he will be staying in his box forever it seems

If you find yourself having issues with his new version, drop me a PM! I've got everything already sorted out and you'll (hopefully) see that our lovable monster maker hasn't changed as much as you might think ;)

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If you find yourself having issues with his new version, drop me a PM! I've got everything already sorted out and you'll (hopefully) see that our lovable monster maker hasn't changed as much as you might think ;)

I assume an update PullMyFinger entry will be coming soon?

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I assume an update PullMyFinger entry will be coming soon?

Maybbbbeeee.... *shifty look*

Hard facts are down and it's just about formating the whole thing and making it a real entry instead of a data vomit. Now I just need to find time to work more on it....

But yes, an update is on it's way ;)

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If you find yourself having issues with his new version, drop me a PM! I've got everything already sorted out and you'll (hopefully) see that our lovable monster maker hasn't changed as much as you might think ;)

Thank fate! I'm having a hard time getting my head around the changes and need all the help I can get....I'd only just got my head around the pre-errata version!! PM on it's way soon :)

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