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Math's Guild

Math Mathonwy

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The first minis I bought from Wyrd were the ones that were to become the Lady J boxset, but I bought them before Malifaux. I painted Lady J, but the Death Marshall's and Judge got sidelined by other projects. Now I decided to get some Guild going and bought the Sonnia starter and Guardian to boost my Death Marshalls for a fun little force. Not super competitive, but should be playable and somewhat fun. Plus, the force works nicely for either Master, so there's easy variety to be had.

But yeah, this is the painting forum, so I should probably get to the pictures. Here's my first Death Marshall. I decided to go with lots of (off-)white for the DMs while the Witchlings will be grey and brown.


Comments are super-welcome.

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Thank you Foxshade for the encouraging comments! Really happy to read that!

Here's my Lady Justice. This I indeed painted three years ago (sheesh, time flies) going for a limited palette with a central eyecatcher. The scabbard and the holsters are a bit greener in real life than in the picture, but yeah, here goes:


Comments are super-welcome.

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Thank you so much for the kind words!

Next up is the first of my Witchling Stalkers. I made this for a speed painting competition, where we had 2x45 minutes to finish a mini. I went for a brown and grey scheme on him to highlight that he's not all that valued a thing. Sonnia and Witchling Handler will be featuring none of the brown, but more grey and red.

While painting this, since I had a strict deadline, I couldn't find my white quick enough, so ended up with doing the highlight mix for the brown with yellow - and I rather like the effect. The blade looks a tad weird in the scabbard, I hope to get the rest of the Witchlings finished one of these days to show the blade better. Also, didn't quite have time to fix the highlights on the gun.


What do you think?

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I like the way you have painted this crew mostly in light colours, well executed.

The choice of red on Lady J's blindfold is very nice as a contrast colour and I like that you have added that to the stalker too. Maybe I would be tempted to add some red to the death marshall too. Glowing red eyes might be cool for example...

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  • 2 years later...

I like the grey highlight on the hair, keeps with the general Frank Zappa look of the model. The texture on his hat is amazing and the coat highlights are very nice, but his scabbard looks sort of unfinished by comparison. You've got really nice definition on the metal parts as well and they're not too shiny, which I like.


Does his gun have an extended stock? I have never noticed that before... 

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I like the grey highlight on the hair, keeps with the general Frank Zappa look of the model. The texture on his hat is amazing and the coat highlights are very nice, but his scabbard looks sort of unfinished by comparison. You've got really nice definition on the metal parts as well and they're not too shiny, which I like.


Does his gun have an extended stock? I have never noticed that before...

Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated!

The scabbard got washed out a bit by the pics but you are correct that the shading and highlighting there is much less pronounced than elsewhere on the mini. I think I'll try deepening the shadows and then highlighting it more. Thanks for the inspiration!

As for his gun, yeah, it is a really weird design, all in all. Other than the gun I really like this model (though it is quite flat and 2D).

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