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Another magnetizing steampunk arachnids thread

fritz the cat

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So i was looking up various methods of magnetizing them, and conventional wisdom says that the best way to do it, is to glue them to something, which can be magnetized to the base. This being because they're so small it doesnt seem practical to mount the magnet on them, themselves.

However I like my bases too look cleaner, so i was pondering a different solution, and was looking at the art for the alt models, and noticed they were mounted to the base with pins and got to thinking.

How well y'all think it would work to pin them with some kind of magnetic metal, and then drill a hole in the base and mount a magnet underneath?

I figure the models are light enough that the small contact point of metal pin + rare earth magnet may be enough to keep em stuck, atleast for gameplays sake.


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Metal pins are rarely large enough. Essentially, the strength of the bond you get is (magnet quality * contact area).

Since spiders are so small, you can make do with 16" diameter magnets (if they're good ones), but that's about the limit.

For the alternates, the feet are big enough if you're careful.

Alternatively, you want to mount a magnet on a bit of wire (using your best glue: neither magnets nor wire like sticking to things, I recommend one of the automotive epoxies that have metal dust in them) and another one on either the spider or the base. If you do this, bend or twist the tip of the wire to give a better anchor point for the magnet/glue.

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do you want to quickly and frequently take the figures off the base?

Find a disc shaped magnet of suitible size. There are a couple alternatives at Wally-world and Mikey's.

Attach the magnet to the bottom of the base.

Attach pins of piano wire to the figure. Drill holes of the same diameter as the wire into the base. You can use a short

piece of wire as a drill if needed.

The length of the wire provides enough contact. Be sure to use steel wire. Most craft wire is non ferrous and non magnetic.

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------


I use this technique to mount machine guns on my Flames of War tanks.

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I've found that with the new alternate sculpts there is not a real problem magnetizing them as they sit a bit lower. (The original sculpts just sit too high). I super glued 1/8" by 1/32" thickness magnets to both the bases and bottom of the model, and they are working great while not completely invisible, are definitely not very noticeable.



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do you want to quickly and frequently take the figures off the base?

Find a disc shaped magnet of suitible size. There are a couple alternatives at Wally-world and Mikey's.

Attach the magnet to the bottom of the base.

Attach pins of piano wire to the figure. Drill holes of the same diameter as the wire into the base. You can use a short

piece of wire as a drill if needed.

The length of the wire provides enough contact. Be sure to use steel wire. Most craft wire is non ferrous and non magnetic.

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------


I use this technique to mount machine guns on my Flames of War tanks.

yeah, thats what I was thinking exactly! so it does work O.o?

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well, here atleast, you can get a pack of 20 rare earth magnets for 10$ which is enough for 3 bases to be magnetized. the piano wire i have no idea of the cost. automotive epoxy is around 5$. if youre doing 3 bases worth. youre saving a bit of change. For me its alot about the feel of it all. I like the idea of having the detachable bits, and if im only doing a couple i have magnets and such I'll have the tools for other small projects aswell which is nice.

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I cant help but wonder if by time you buy the magnets, piano wire, epoxy and time involved... how much is being saved over just buying more spiders?

My magnets cost me about .15 cents each (I got 100 in a lot), pinning wire is not much which I already had, and some spare greenstuff which was left over form a mod i made. Magnetizing is not expensive as long as you don't buy exactly what you need. Pick up more than you need, and you'll eventually use it up. My greenstuff pack lasted me about 4-5 years since I virtually never use it. But glad I had it when I wanted to use it.

Also It saves space in you carrying case which too me is important.

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Also It saves space in you carrying case which too me is important.

Beyond valid point there. I seem to be allergic to ever showing up at the local store with just one crew so travel space is always a premium.

I must say Id love to rob your bits box though :P .15 cents a magnet would be dreamy compared to what they cost here.

Edited by harbinger
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After magnetizing 8 spiders (complete with green stuff sculpted bases) using the washer method. I had a bit of an stellar idea. I had some clockwork gears (not enough ferrous ones) that were just a bit smaller than the right diameter. I had considered running wire pinning them to the gears but I didn't want the wires showing. So while looking through the garage I found a reel of heavy gauge fishing line and everything fell into place.

So what I did was drill a pin hole in the bottom of my spider glued the fishing line in and then threaded it through the gear using some greenstuff and other anchoring... voila jumping spider. The spiders being small and light weight will move but not over sag the fishing line. The fishing line is clear and except for a pretty close inspection invisible when the models are on the table. If I hadn't already sculpted the other 8 washers and attached the models I would have gone this rout. The magnets then go on the bases and the ferrous gears/bases attach to that. The new spiders work extremely well with this method as they have a very wide stance.

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I picked a 100 up for $10 from a large internet retailer named after a major river and got free shipping...

Ive always hated idea ordering gaming material through internet supplies. Not that am anti tech or any such silliness; just that wanted to stand beside the local brick and mortal stores. It becoming harder and harder to stick to that ideal any more as lack of selection and pricing is hitting home :/

10$ here gets you 15 magnets. Thats a pretty significant difference.

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