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Jacks go to the Blues


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This Thursday one of the great sporting rivalries is being inflamed a little more when Swansea take on Cardiff at Firestormgames.

Swanseawill be without their inspirational water boy Justin Plimmer, but will stilltaking named character Gavin “mines a pint” Holley.

Cardiff are hampered by their use of Dumb Luck but thisshould be cancelled out by one of the Swansea boys only ever playing one demogame.

I will try to get some pictures and updates on the night topost up.


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It was a good evening, we will have to arrange a return leg at some point, theres always bristol come march 31st if we get any matchups, ill give Keron some praxtice against my lilith in the near future, just in caae.

Do you mind if i use the results from last night towards our league, im keeping tabs on all games of faux just to see how each of us is doing overall.

I do have to say I have to thank the red joker for my game, getting a red joker on a riposte damage flip to an otherwise undamaged Cassandra is a bit nasty, and getting it come up to take out the Duet guess the luck was just with me there.

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Great evening, thank you to everyone who played and thanks to the Cardiff boys for such a kind welcome. Only a couple of picks to share.....

Gav "Mines a Pint" Holley enjoying his beer...


Cardiff boys looking pleased with the win..


And Dom looking all pleased that he had got Somer killed again...


Thanks guys and see you all at Bristol, well at least for day one..

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I do have to say I have to thank the red joker for my game, getting a red joker on a riposte damage flip to an otherwise undamaged Cassandra is a bit nasty, and getting it come up to take out the Duet guess the luck was just with me there.
Don't do yourself a diservice, you outplayed me regardless. I certainly didn't see the exploding Witchling Stalkers coming until it was too late and after that, Colette was on her lonesome with no stones remaining and had Lady J standing patiently nearby with her unfeasibly large sword!Shared Slaughter perhaps not the best for the Showgirls (and it has since been suggested that perhaps I should have spent a stone to reflip).Personally though, what I thinkwould have worked better would be to run and hide after taking out Nino. As long as I kept Colette, Cassandra and the Duet out of trouble I think I would have won. Probably would make for a boring game though.Great night regardless and would definitely do it again. Just waiting to see if I can do Bristol now. Should know by next week.Cheers again all!Martin
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no shared slaughter is definately not the best for Collette, but its nice to see how she plays in the scenarios whch arent great for her, again as i plan to pick her up this year after lilith is done, id be interested to see how you'd have played Kirai, what are you planning to play at Bristol should you be able to make it? Collette, Lilith or Hamelin?

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